Holiday feast vs workout



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    renae161 wrote: »
    How do you deal with the holiday's when it comes to working out and eating things that are bad for you?

    Chill out and not worry about it. I train to my plan, and that's it.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    renae161 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    Why do you eat things that are "bad for you"?

    I'm vegetarian and I'm italian. I eat a lot of pasta's. A lot of carbs are in them, but I still love lasagna and manicotti
    Sorry but that makes no sense at all. Carbs are the staple of diets all over the world.

    Just think in what specific way pasta is bad for you - because I can't. I'm assuming you don't have an allergic reaction or intolerance to pasta?

    By the way everything is composed chemicals - you, me, food, everything.

    Think you need to adjust your thinking before you adjust your diet. Stop labelling food as good or bad would be a start.
  • renae161
    renae161 Posts: 334 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    renae161 wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    Why do you eat things that are "bad for you"?

    I'm vegetarian and I'm italian. I eat a lot of pasta's. A lot of carbs are in them, but I still love lasagna and manicotti
    Sorry but that makes no sense at all. Carbs are the staple of diets all over the world.

    Just think in what specific way pasta is bad for you - because I can't. I'm assuming you don't have an allergic reaction or intolerance to pasta?

    By the way everything is composed chemicals - you, me, food, everything.

    Think you need to adjust your thinking before you adjust your diet. Stop labelling food as good or bad would be a start.

    That's what my old doctor told me and again I'm not with that doctor anymore. I didn't change my diet. I don't think I need to. I still eat pasta's aside from what she said. I just adjusted my proportion's on certain things. And, yes I'm aware everything is made of chemicals, but that's what he said to me. He's actually said that to me my last two visits and to do a follow up next month with him about it.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Imagine an elite long distance cyclist eating a high carb diet of 5000 cals/day. Pretty healthy.
    Imagine a sedentary person eating a high carb diet of 5000 cals/day. Hmmm - can see obesity and subsequent health issues arising.

    You are on the right track "adjusting your proportions". Eating the correct amount of foods you like is key to adherence.

    PS - it's really quite sad your Doctor should dumb down advice to the level of avoiding chemicalzzzz.
  • renae161
    renae161 Posts: 334 Member
    He didn't go into what he meant by it. Just for me to stay away from shampoos and conditioners that contained chemicals and other household items that can effect my health and weight. He even tried to take me off current medicines I need to be on cause he said they contained "chemicals". The clinic gave me this current doctor while their other one is away. The doctor that's away for the year is a really nice doctor, but he only comes to town once a year for a few months.
  • romantictuna
    romantictuna Posts: 5 Member
    It's hard, but making sure I work out more and in the morning before heading out to my family's place helps me make smarter decisions. It's just,, when it comes to desserts, I just can't seem to keep that discipline going x_x At least I don't feel too much like *kitten* since I did all that moving in the AM.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    For Thanksgiving I have it here and so I know I am burning a ton of calories getting ready because I am so nutso with everything (clean like a maniac - especially since I am not really good about that the rest of the time - lots of cooking and running around) so I am ok with not logging or worrying for that. For Christmas we go to my Aunts and um, she is an ok cook I guess, but nothing super exciting so it is easy to cut back a bit if I need to. I won't be doing the big Christmas Eve this year (used to go to my Ex's parents but, well, he is an ex now) and so I am really not sure what will happen food-wise that day - I used to not worry too much for that either so I guess I can still do that and order myself a pizza. It isn't worth stressing about a few days here and there for me - I know I am doing ok the rest of the time. Luckily with a small family there aren't the tons of food and desserts I hear about from friends of mine (usually just a pie or something for dessert).
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I generally don't worry about calories, just the minimal macros. I rarely take a rest day, but on holidays that the gym is closed no biggie.

    There isn't a "bad food" other than kale.
  • renae161
    renae161 Posts: 334 Member
    Hey, there is nothing wrong with that. Pizza is good. It's just hard finding a place that's open on the holiday's.
  • renae161
    renae161 Posts: 334 Member
    What? Kale no way! I love kale.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    renae161 wrote: »
    What? Kale no way! I love kale.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    renae161 wrote: »
    Hey, there is nothing wrong with that. Pizza is good. It's just hard finding a place that's open on the holiday's.

    Dang I never thought of that - the mall is usually open until 5 on Christmas Eve - may just have to run over and pick something up (there is a CPK there - that counts as a pizza). But yeah, the little local places that deliver will probably be closed.

    And I agree pizza is ok - I actually have it fairly often - I just usually try to keep it within my calorie goal. For a holiday I wouldn't worry about it and have the whole thing.
  • BuffMom84
    BuffMom84 Posts: 180 Member
    I just take super small portions of anything I want to eat. And stay away from cookies/chocolates, etc (I don't have much of a sweet tooth anyway). The alcohol is what gets me!
  • renae161
    renae161 Posts: 334 Member
    Haha that video made me laugh. But, really I do like it. I will have brown rice and kale with some black beans and Thai style tofu, or make kale chips, or add a handful in my morning smoothie occasionally. But, I also like spinach, lettuce, and other things like alfalfa, barley. I like trying a strand of veggies or fruits thats from different countries. I love going to the farmer's market and the flea market. There's just so many flavors.

    And, we don't have a mall mall here. We have an outlet mall. And, there isn't any restaurants in the outlet aside from an over priced ice cream shop.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Personally, I celebrate things by going for a long bicycle ride ... and then I eat whatever I want. :)
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I eat all the foods for a few days. Then I go back to normal and within a week am back at my normal weight range. The spike in weight up that occurs after day 4 or 5 of eating all the foods is largely due to bloating and sodium (because I eat ALL the cheeses that I am intollerant to and ALL the EVERYTHING)

    Generally speaking I haven't been able to gym over the xmas week because I go to my parent's place in the country where there is no gym, but I walk a LOT and try to do stuff to help them out - manual labour of some sort.

    Then when I get back home - back to eating "well" and exercising "well".

    It only goes pear shaped if, as mentioned above, you eat like a maniac for a whole month. Then you WILL undo good work. Not worth it. But one or two eating all the foods days... not a problem.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    LOL @ the kale. I moved into a new house this summer and got my garden going way too late. The only thing doing well is six kale plants. I'm going to be the lady sneaking kale everywhere it does not belong.