34 pounds lost in a month, am I dieting correctly?

Therionx Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Let me start off by saying I am a 33yo male, 6 foot even, current weight as of this morning is 202.4 (6am on an empty stomach)

I started my diet and daily walking on 9/15/16 at 236 pounds (this is in the morning on a empty stomach). I found it hard to keep track of what i was doing so on Oct 1st I Purchased a Garmin Vivioactive HR, Garmin Index Scale and a few days later started using MFP on a daily basis to track food intake.

According to MFP for maximum safe weight loss is put me at 1500 calories a day, which i was already limiting myself to as of the 15th of September. With the integration of Garmin connect i was astonished to find on a regular basis i was always being put 1000 calories or more under my calorie budget for the day every day while still eating 1500 calories or more.

I have read through and through about proper eating and some people say to eat back your exercise calories and some say dont. so i have been doing a combo of both and just eating when im hungry without going over 2000 calories max.

In the past month i have lost 34 pounds which is way over the 2 pounds a week MFP put me at.

All in all i feel great, im not tired, im not starving and i notice a significant difference in my over all fitness from when i first started, but i am concerned i am either going about this wrong or i am missing something in the process.

I should also add aside from the walking and jogging i also do several body weight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, sit-ups, squats etc every day.

My diary should be public so anyone can look at it. i will say im horrible with my water tracking, but i drink a half gallon or more a day every day.


If someone could give me some insight on if everything looks ok it would be much appreciated. or if any more information is needed



  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    MFP uses the NEAT method, which means you have your weight loss goal built in before exercise. You should eat back at least some exercise calories. 1500 is also where MFP bottoms out for males, at 6' you should probably eat a bit more as a minimum to meet nutritional needs.

    With all that said. It's month one. Your losses on the face of it do look a bit alarming given you're not 400lbs to begin with but there will be some water weight throwing the number off. I would think you can eat significantly more and still lose. This will also give you somewhere to go as the losses slow and your calorie needs naturally reduce.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    It's like the grocery store ad that reads "3 pounds for only $1.99!" Three pounds of what? You did not lose 34 pounds of fat. Almost certainly half or more is water weight. Don't panic. Move on. And congratulations! :)

    17lbs or more water? Ooonononono :smiley: Remids me of Tom from Tom&Jerry.

    Anyway, Therionx, you are supposed to eat your exercise calories. The deficit is already factored in.
  • Therionx
    Therionx Posts: 12 Member
    should i be looking at higher calorie foods to fill in the deficit?

    I am finding hard to eat more than 2k calories a day especially on days i exercise. Unless i eat something small that is super high in calories (like stick of butter or block of cheese)

    Right now it says i have 1932 calories left to eat (after my 1500) and i still have a 2.5 mile run/walk im about to do. I had a protein shake about 45 mins ago and feel full.

    Im just not sure how to go about doing this, in short, unless the activity tracking is beyond off and im not burning near it says or i just stop exercising idk how to eat 4k plus calories a day without feeling like im going to explode.

    To be honest my current diet isn't any different from what i was eating before. I just cut out all soda, candy and energy drinks, Then added a significant more amount of daily water intake and 60 minutes of cardio (walking/jogging) and body weight exercise 5 times a week.

    I just want to make sure im going about all this correctly so i can keep off the weight and maintain a healthy life, without another couple months from now finding out i messed up my body even more.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hm this doesn't sound right. Are you saying that you've burned through exercise 1932? Is it not 1932 overall instead? Like 1500 + 432 from exercise? Because otherwise there must be some mistake. Unless you are running marathons it is unlikely you are burning that much calories from exercise. An expected burn from a workout could be somewhere between 200 and 600 on average. Not much more though. 1900 is extremely unlikely. How did you get this number?

    ETA: I burn around 200cal for 30 mins stationary biking. I'm in normal BMI but anyway to make some comparison.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited October 2016
    Out of curiosity did you lose most of that weight in the first week? You may have previously had a very high sodium diet that had you retaining a lot of water that you then lost when you changed your eating habits. 33 pounds of water is extreme but most of that weight pretty much has to be water weight.

    So do you think your dietary changes meant you started in taking far less sodium?
  • Therionx
    Therionx Posts: 12 Member
    edited October 2016
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    Hm this doesn't sound right. Are you saying that you've burned through exercise 1932? Is it not 1932 overall instead? Like 1500 + 432 from exercise? Because otherwise there must be some mistake. Unless you are running marathons it is unlikely you are burning that much calories from exercise. An expected burn from a workout could be somewhere between 200 and 600 on average. Not much more though. 1900 is extremely unlikely. How did you get this number?

    ETA: I burn around 200cal for 30 mins stationary biking. I'm in normal BMI but anyway to make some comparison.

    According to garmin connect i burned 1765 calories in activities, thats between a 5.5 mile walk/jog, a 2 mile walk/jog and everything else i did though out the day. Garmin separates your BMR so that is strictly just from activities. so its more like 1500 plus 1765 and i already ate 1500 so i have the 1765 left.

    I do about 10 miles a day walking/jogging 5 times a week and on my 2 off days i just do a brisk 4mph walk for a bout 5 miles
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Therionx wrote: »
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    Hm this doesn't sound right. Are you saying that you've burned through exercise 1932? Is it not 1932 overall instead? Like 1500 + 432 from exercise? Because otherwise there must be some mistake. Unless you are running marathons it is unlikely you are burning that much calories from exercise. An expected burn from a workout could be somewhere between 200 and 600 on average. Not much more though. 1900 is extremely unlikely. How did you get this number?

    ETA: I burn around 200cal for 30 mins stationary biking. I'm in normal BMI but anyway to make some comparison.

    According to garmin connect i burned 1765 calories in activities, thats between a 5.5 mile walk/jog, a 2 mile walk/jog and everything else i did though out the day. Garmin separates your BMR so that is strictly just from activities. so its more like 1500 plus 1765 and i already ate 1500 so i have the 1765 left.

    I do about 10 miles a day walking/jogging 5 times a week and on my 2 off days i just do a brisk 4mph walk for a bout 5 miles

    Are you sure that all the settings are correct? I, too, am skeptical of your burn being that high.

    If it is accurate, some ways to add calories are things like cooking oils, nuts, peanut butter, etc. Look for high calorie/lower quantity foods. A handful of nuts can easily be 170cals plus.

    Losing too quickly can result in a loss of muscle mass at levels that are unnecessary. Given your rate, I would start looking into figuring something out. You may not be feeling effects now, but they will come.

  • Therionx
    Therionx Posts: 12 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    Out of curiosity did you lose most of that weight in the first week? You may have previously had a very high sodium diet that had you retaining a lot of water that you then lost when you changed your eating habits. 33 pounds of water is extreme but most of that weight pretty much has to be water weight.

    So do you think your dietary changes meant you started in taking far less sodium?

    My diet is pretty much the same minus a ton of sugar. in over all food i only ate about 1500-2000 calories a day, my problem was i never drank straight water. all my fluid intake was from soda, juice, energy drinks, gatorade etc. thats probably added another 1500 calories or more on top of food intake. Id still say i take in more sodium than i should but not really anymore or any less, but yet again i wasnt really keeping track of anything prior so i could have been higher than i think.

    I dint weight myself the first 2 weeks, i weighed myself at my friends house and once again at my girlfriends house just to see if it was accurate and they were identical at 238. it wasnt til Ooct 1st when i got the garmin stuff i weighed in again and i already dropped 10 pounds now over the course of the 1st of the month til today i lost another 24 pounds.

  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    These high burns seem too high for me. Why not try logging your runs/walks and other cardio in MFP manually in the exercise section and see how these compare? It might give you at least some reference.
    At any rate you should try to eat more. Like the above advice, eat more nuts, oils. I don't eat only healthy so I would just increase my chocolate :smile: but I'm not advising anyone, just thinking aloud :smiley:
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Weight loss in the first month of doing it aggressively without fail while being male is faster than the second month. So, don't be surprised if your second month shows much less weight loss. Congratulations on doing it aggressively without fail.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    It wouldn't surprise me that you could lose just giving up soda and candy. I have a son close to your age who lost 35 lbs. once just kicking the soda habit (then put it back on when he went back to the stuff). At 450 calories for a 20 oz. soda, you could easily have been eating 1000 calories more than what you needed just in junk. It's not unusual for males to lose very quickly, especially larger younger males. I have another son who works out a lot and goes through bulking and cutting phases, where he drops 30+ lbs. in 6 weeks or so. And yes, he can easily eat 2500 calories or more and still lose.
  • Therionx
    Therionx Posts: 12 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    These high burns seem too high for me. Why not try logging your runs/walks and other cardio in MFP manually in the exercise section and see how these compare? It might give you at least some reference.

    My tracker tracks via gps so i get a rundown of pace distance elevation incline decline etc, i actually did this a few days ago and logged pace distance and time and they matched within 2 calories of each other. i even bought an external HR monitor last week cause i though the HR tracking on the watch may be off but that too was within 2-3 beats of each other and gave me the same results.

    not sure if everyone can view it but that should be my garmin dashboard for the day

  • Therionx
    Therionx Posts: 12 Member

    I attached a screenshot just in case it cant be seen
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    Wow OK that's a lot. I burn 300 calories for 9k steps according to my fitbit.
    I'm not sure what to say. Except start eating more and reevaluate again in 3 weeks. If you still lose more than 2lbs/week, up your intake again etc.
  • Therionx
    Therionx Posts: 12 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    Wow OK that's a lot. I burn 300 calories for 9k steps according to my fitbit.
    I'm not sure what to say. Except start eating more and reevaluate again in 3 weeks. If you still lose more than 2lbs/week, up your intake again etc.

    i found the steps in garmin only count non activity steps so that was pretty much 9k just from moving around and between the 2 activities its another 13k steps so its total step count for the day is currently 22,318
  • ole496
    ole496 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, your weightloss is a success, congratulations! I agree with the others, the amount you are losing in such a short period of time is alarming. It sounds like your body is handling it just fine right now but I'm glad you have realized something is not right. You could have problems down the road if you don't reel it back in.

    If you don't feed your body when you aggressively burn calories it will take the calories from somewhere else, like muscle. I think you should eat back 50-75% of your workout calories every day until you find what works and manage a safe weightloss of 2 lbs. per week.

    I only eat back 50% of my calories when I work out and that works great for me. You and I are about the same size. I'm eating 1500 calories per day and I ride my bike about 24-36 miles per week. I usually have to eat an additional 550 calories (half of what it says I burned) on my the days I ride to maintain a slower - 2 lb./wk weightloss.

    My only other thought would be that you are over reporting your calories and not eating enough food to begin with.

    One tip - on the days you work out, plan on eating more calories all day, starting with your breakfast. That way when you do work out you'll be on track to meet your caloric needs. You won't have to stuff yourself at night with tons of calories.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    It wouldn't surprise me that you could lose just giving up soda and candy. I have a son close to your age who lost 35 lbs. once just kicking the soda habit (then put it back on when he went back to the stuff). At 450 calories for a 20 oz. soda, you could easily have been eating 1000 calories more than what you needed just in junk. It's not unusual for males to lose very quickly, especially larger younger males. I have another son who works out a lot and goes through bulking and cutting phases, where he drops 30+ lbs. in 6 weeks or so. And yes, he can easily eat 2500 calories or more and still lose.

    can I ask where a 20oz soda is 450 calories? most of any I have ever drank was 240 calories for a 20 oz soda
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Therionx wrote: »
    Let me start off by saying I am a 33yo male, 6 foot even, current weight as of this morning is 202.4 (6am on an empty stomach)

    I started my diet and daily walking on 9/15/16 at 236 pounds (this is in the morning on a empty stomach). I found it hard to keep track of what i was doing so on Oct 1st I Purchased a Garmin Vivioactive HR, Garmin Index Scale and a few days later started using MFP on a daily basis to track food intake.

    According to MFP for maximum safe weight loss is put me at 1500 calories a day, which i was already limiting myself to as of the 15th of September. With the integration of Garmin connect i was astonished to find on a regular basis i was always being put 1000 calories or more under my calorie budget for the day every day while still eating 1500 calories or more.

    I have read through and through about proper eating and some people say to eat back your exercise calories and some say dont. so i have been doing a combo of both and just eating when im hungry without going over 2000 calories max.

    In the past month i have lost 34 pounds which is way over the 2 pounds a week MFP put me at.

    All in all i feel great, im not tired, im not starving and i notice a significant difference in my over all fitness from when i first started, but i am concerned i am either going about this wrong or i am missing something in the process.

    I should also add aside from the walking and jogging i also do several body weight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, sit-ups, squats etc every day.

    My diary should be public so anyone can look at it. i will say im horrible with my water tracking, but i drink a half gallon or more a day every day.


    If someone could give me some insight on if everything looks ok it would be much appreciated. or if any more information is needed

    Scanning your diary, it appears that you are running some nutritional deficiencies that might be harmful over the long term. These include appropriate levels of protein for a man your age/height, and micronutrients (minerals and vitamins). I don't think it's wise to stress your body this way indefinitely.