Opinions on Shakeology?



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    dont drink your food.

    Not even spiced rum? :sad:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    i dont sell shakeology or any of the beachbody products but i LOVE shakeology them both. personally shakeology gave me a ton of enerhy without caffeine and it helped me stay full longer. plus having the chocolate one made me not binge on actual chocolate when i was craving it. do what you want but i sufggest at least getting a month of it.
    The green tea in it has NATURAL occurring caffeine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mktuck
    mktuck Posts: 5 Member
    I started taking Alive Soy Ultra Shake last week. I did some research online and the Alive is very similar to Shakeology with the ingredients. It's less than $25 for 26 servings on Amazon. I get the vanilla and mix it with almond milk & some type of frozen fruit. I've also tried it with banana and PB2 and it was amazing!! Here's a link to the item on amazon :)


    My issue against shakes is they don't dissolve enough for me. I had the grainy taste on most of them. How well does this one dissolve?
  • Karend2011
    Karend2011 Posts: 2 Member
    I just got the vegan chocolate one, I love it blended with frozen cherries, strawberries and almond milk, tastes awesome and keeps me full for hours! no cravings for bad foods, and the best part is, more energy. I am currently doing the Turbo Jam videos as well, and am enjoying them. I have about 40-45 lbs to lose so off I go :)

    I never really agreed with doing shakes/protein powders, but I really need to change my life, so I thought hey why not give it a month or 2, see how it makes me feel and see if I enjoy it, if I hate it, well cancel the shakes and go from there. I am a bad decision maker for breakfast (bagels and cream cheese, mochas, egg breakie sandwiches etc) and found my choices threw off my day and I was hungry within an hour after eating and always craved sweets later in the day. I love my oats and blueberries, but same thing, hungry after an hour.... so I thought I'd give this a try. :)

    I figure it will cost the same if not less, then buying breakfast, coffees/mochas, treats, sometimes lunches, as now I pack my lunch and snacks to stay on plan.

    I am not affiliated with Beachbody or Shakeology in any way, just wanted to tell you my experience so far :) I'll keep ya posted!
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Waste of money
  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    I LOVE it!! I love the taste and the way it makes me feel. I began drinking it about 6 months ago, and I have more energy and no more acid reflux at all (my favorite part after 7 years of having to deal with this)!

    I don't think you can knock it until you've tried it! :)
  • littlesprite11
    littlesprite11 Posts: 106 Member
    I personally love Shakeology. I am a Beachbody coach but I used it well before that. It's convenient, healthy and yummy. It really does help your digestive system and it gave me more energy. Plus it has 4 different flavors that you can mix with all sorts of things. I like chocolate. And for the person who said we only like it because were trying to get money is BS. I like it therefore I will stand by the product. If the person wants to try it..I let them come to me. Anyway I think you should try it.
  • hollynikolle
    hollynikolle Posts: 7 Member
    It dissolves very well, but you have to drink it right away. I made a shake in the morning and then tried to drink it for lunch. It was so thick and grainy. It brought out the taste of the veggies & I felt like I was eating grass. Lol.
  • hollynikolle
    hollynikolle Posts: 7 Member
    I started taking Alive Soy Ultra Shake last week. I did some research online and the Alive is very similar to Shakeology with the ingredients. It's less than $25 for 26 servings on Amazon. I get the vanilla and mix it with almond milk & some type of frozen fruit. I've also tried it with banana and PB2 and it was amazing!! Here's a link to the item on amazon :)


    My issue against shakes is they don't dissolve enough for me. I had the grainy taste on most of them. How well does this one dissolve?

    It dissolves very well, but you have to drink it right away. I made a shake in the morning and then tried to drink it for lunch. It was so thick and grainy. It brought out the taste of the veggies & I felt like I was eating grass. Lol.
  • Baseballfan158
    I'm a former Beachbody coach while I agree it can be healthy it is expensive as hell that why I quit I'd send out samples and people were not willing to pay $130 a month for it. Base of the story goes Beachbody only targets the rich not the middle class.

    Also every time I drank shakeology which I even tried the new vanilla they all tasted bitter in my mouth. It a waste of money all stick with my vanilla whey protein instead and will tell others to do the same.

    It just a marketing gimmick it no good then all those other BS shakes out there.