Do you have a Fitbit ?



  • avygyaru
    avygyaru Posts: 51 Member
    I have the blaze and love it. I had a Charge HR for ages and it was good but the Blaze is way better since it has a few FitStar workouts built in and more exercises to track right through the watch. It won't have the same bubbled up band problem as the older models because the new trackers all have interchangeable bands (so no bad adhesive failing at binding the tracker to a rubber band). Also the notifications on the Blaze are way better.

    The only con to me is that it doesn't have the guided breathing and cardio fitness profile features that the Charge 2 has. IMO, paying $50 more for the Blaze means it should have EVERYTHING the less expensive models have.
  • avygyaru
    avygyaru Posts: 51 Member
    TarahByte wrote: »
    I have the Charge HR and I really like it but I got it last year for Christmas and am currently on my 3rd one. The rubber started peeling on the first one and the sensor just completely stopped working on the 2nd one. The Charge 2 might be better about that.

    Definitely -- Fitbit learned their lesson from all the free/warranty replacements they had to fill. The Charge 2 and Blaze are both free of that problem!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2016
    I have the zip

    It's accurate in measuring step based activity and not confused by HR readings and over time I've relied on its numbers

    It's also unobtrusive

    I also have a polar chest strap HRM (ft4) for actual workouts

    I don't like 24 hour HR wearables
  • RealRelicVa
    RealRelicVa Posts: 34 Member
    I have the Surge. Its been ok, but I like what Im hearing about the Blaze. Gonna ask Santa for one.
  • siraphine
    siraphine Posts: 185 Member
    I have a Fitbit Blaze. I love it because it looks like a watch, and not a sports tracker. It's comfortable and most of the time I forget I even have it on. I don't believe the Blaze has any new features over the Surge, it's just got a big screen and looks pretty. It syncs nicely with all my fitness apps (Fitstar/MFP/Fitbit app) so I only have to update one app a time. It's good at showing me what times of day I'm the most active and keeping me on track.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Charge HR. I love the data given about my sleeping (naps are recorded too!), my heart-rate, steps, TDEE estimate, etc. I generally eat the predicted burns, and I've been maintaining my weight quite well. The challenges are indeed a great motivator. I'm a busy student, but I've found ways to sneak in steps to at least not be in last place. The milestone badges, lifetime step records, and trophies are also nice.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    I have the zip and have had it about 4 or 5 years. I clip it to my bra, otherwise its easy to lose. It works from but I am thinking up updating to the blaze. I wanted a apple watch but they are still so pricey.
  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    I have owned the FitBit Zip and a FitBit One. Both are good and fairly accurate in counting your steps. The cost of the batteries for the Zip is lower up front, but the cost of batteries does add up. The One give you additional walking and sleeping data as well as being rechargeable. Both clip to your waistband, I've seen some girls clip them to the center of their bra as well, instead of being worn around the wrist

    Both of my FitBit's started to lose accuracy around one year and were in the garbage by eighteen months. I've been using a Polar M400 for the past couple years and love it.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I started off with the zip and now i have the fitbit Alta. My main exercise is walking, so a HR monitor device would be a waste of time for me.
  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    I have a Zip, Flex and just ordered the Charge 2. I wanted something that had an HRM on it for when I do something other than walking, which isn't much, but it does occasionally happen. I also wanted one that had an actual watch on it. I still use the zip sometimes because I've had terrible times with the flex (a replacement/gift) band or it just dying without warning (no e-mail or notification when it was close to death)... Another reason I finally updated. My original was an Ultra but it dead on a roller coaster.. lol

    I also have a Garmin Vivofit 3 (got it for my birthday in July) but I've had to have it replaced (at my cost to return the product) because it wasn't working correctly and I've found that my custom stride NEVER worked with it, there were days I'd walk the same amount of steps per day and it could be a mile difference than the day before.. so I finally gave up on it =(

    So my current device will be the Charge 2 when it arrives. I like that it has replaceable bands, as one of the horror stories I kept hearing was about the band on the original HR.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I had a Flex and updated to a Charge 2 right after it came out. I really like it. I only ever perform steady state cardio (walking and running) and I find that the burns I get from the HRM feature are probably more realistic than they were with the Flex.

    I also, because I started out when I first started losing weight with a very high resting heart rate, am interested in monitoring any progress I make in that regard. I've managed to shave about 20 points off it.

    It's got lots of nifty features. I use the stopwatch to time planks. It auto recognizes some forms of exercise or you can use the watch to log them. I've used the guided breathing to help my son calm down when he was spiraling out of control over something.

    I also love the move reminders.
  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    after 4 warentee replacements for my surge i moved onto the tomtom spark. a far better device.

    before you buy a fitbit google for strap issues.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    shredcamps wrote: »
    before you buy a fitbit google for strap issues.
    I believe the newer models have solved this issue.

  • Amik07
    Amik07 Posts: 13 Member
    I had a Garmin Vivofit and I loved using it as it motivated me to take the extra step every day, we just went on a holiday a few weeks ago and the piece that holds it together fell off and my fitbit got loss, and the company would not do anything, it was a Christmas Gift my husband gave me, I am so sad.