PCOS and Losing



  • lmcmullin1
    lmcmullin1 Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed with pcos at the age of 15 and since puberty have struggled with my weight. I am currently at 347. Just one week ago I was at 349, so just by being more aware of what I'm eating has helped me lose 3 lbs in a week. I should really be gluten free due to sensitivity bur do crave it from time to time. This week I've lowered my carb intake and am hoping that will help me keep losing weight. I am doing simple body weight and 3 lb free weight exercises to home as well as taking my dog out 2 times a day for 15 minutes. I struggle with food addiction and emotional eating as well as anxiety and depression so I am hoping by being open and honest I can stick with this better than I have in the past.
  • srevans1102
    srevans1102 Posts: 13 Member
    @Imcmullin1 I have tried before to lose weight. I eat constantly. When I'm tired, bored, I don't want to do something....The list goes on. I know how you feel. The only thing that's keeping me on this routine is the fact that it's my last chance to try to have my own babies.
  • OrlaKane339
    OrlaKane339 Posts: 50 Member
    @lmcmullin1 and @srevans1102 - you ladies are off to a great start, honesty is key to taking control of our eating habits!

    Take back the power and the results will speak for themselves!! It needn't be just on the scales, it could also be fitting those jeans that have been too tight for a few years or walking an extra 5 minutes without feeling as puffed.

    We can do this!!!!!! The effort you put in now will give you the results you want and the life you deserve.

    Increased exercise is scientifically proven to improve your mood, assists you with feeling fuller for longer and your families will love the new and healthier version of you!!!

    So be selfish for a while, focus on you! It feels wrong to say that but it's the best way to get your weight and health under control.

    We are all here for you!!!! So go hard and let's see those results!!!
  • srevans1102
    srevans1102 Posts: 13 Member
    Until I lose the weight, this is my life. From when I wake up to when I go to sleep, I am focused on what I eat and how much. I'm terrible with portion control, so that's still a work in progress, but I'd probably have given up already if I didn't have MFP and all of y'all!
  • FitWitBrit
    FitWitBrit Posts: 21 Member
    I am also trying to lose the weight while getting my PCOS under control. Anyone out there in the same boat feel free to add me and we can motivate each other! :-)