How can I stop eating sweets??



  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    As others have said,maybe just don't have them in the house and therefore accessible? (That's the only way I was able to quit smoking!)
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Knowing why if you're overeating is key.

    However, if you're looking for healthier or lower calorie alternatives, my go to's are: Halo Top ice cream (240-330 calories per pint, made with protein powder) and Oikos Greek Yogurt in banana cream or key lime. Both taste like pie filling to me!
  • peter2100
    peter2100 Posts: 101 Member
    edited November 2016
    I've literally been crying while eating before because I can't stop, so I know what it's like. My honest advice from my own experience is to swap junk food for good food. Instead of eating sweets, eat fruit. Get sweet from a good place. Then just eat less and less fruit at night until you don't need it anymore. If you're going to eat superfluous calories, it may as well be whole food! Stuff your face with whole food, and you'll get full, and after a few days you won't have cravings for sweets, and fruit isn't addictive so you can just drop it if you want. Really you need to stop focusing on what not to eat, and start focusing on what to eat for a while. Just eat maintenance calories of a whole food diet for a while so your brain gets used to what food is meant to be like. That's basically the advice of Jon Gabriel, who has flavoured a lot of my thinking on weight loss. But after all is said and done, there is no secret. For instance, I have an insane addiction to chocolate. Most of my excess weight comes from chocolate. To me, it's like a drug. But I haven't even thought about chocolate in weeks, and haven't had any in maybe... 2 months. Why? I simply abstain. I don't buy it. I don't eat it. There's really no way around it. It's hard in the beginning. There's no trick, you just have to make yourself do it. Eventually the desire goes away. You have to realize that if you eat it, you'll just want more later. Some people seem to be able to eat a little bit of these types of foods, but I honestly think their brains work differently. I saw my tiny ex-gf eat small portions of chocolate and put it away. To my mind, that was some kind of weird voodoo magic. lol

    I'm still on my journey myself, but I do feel like I have control over any junk food desires.