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Diet pills

I've managed to lose about 35-40lbs since 2011 with diet and exercise. It's not a lot but honestly I go at it really hard and lose weight then I kinda stop and see if I can maintain that loss for awhile before I start losing again. What I have found is that for the most part I manage to maintain my weight within 5lbs.

Anyways I am going to start taking hydroxycut to help with my weight loss. I've been considering going to an adipex clinic but my mom had this hydroxycut that she doesn't like so she was like try this before you go spending a bunch of money for adipex. My friend lost 61lbs in 4 months with adipex. I really just want to get these last 40lbs off quickly. I don't care if I end up skinny-fat. I plan to keep up my diet/exercise in fact I am starting the rockin body workouts in the morning. But to the point of this post.

Has anyone used diet pills in conjunction with diet and exercise and seen better results than diet and exercise alone. I am hoping that it will boost weight loss combined with the fact I changed birth controls (I had mirena but it came out so now I'm on the pill).


  • Julz1967C
    Julz1967C Posts: 11
    Are these pills over the counter or prescribed? If they are prescribed I would not take them from your mum, also wouldn't take them if she bought them as you don't know how old they are. all meds 'go off' after a certain amount of time and can there fore do more harm than good. I suggest talking to a dietician if you have one or your GP before doing anything different than what you have been doing already, especially if what you have been doing is working
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    I remember going down these roads before :D brings a smile to my face.
    You really do need to care about being skinny-fat. Someone who is 170 pounds that did not crash diet and worked out will look leaner, healthier, stronger and better than someone who crashed to 140 who still has a hanging belly and feels like chit.

    Question is.. why would you not care about that? you want to look and feel better right?

    anyhow back to your question. has anyone used them in conjunction with exercise? yes I have and I did not see better results then diet/exercise alone. Make sure you are not doing the typical women at the gym routine and doing endless hours of pointless cardio, lift weights, eat at deficit and see the fat melt.
  • stacyemmynik
    stacyemmynik Posts: 22 Member
    they're hydroxycut pills. she bought them in February and they don't expire til 2015.
    Are these pills over the counter or prescribed? If they are prescribed I would not take them from your mum, also wouldn't take them if she bought them as you don't know how old they are. all meds 'go off' after a certain amount of time and can there fore do more harm than good. I suggest talking to a dietician if you have one or your GP before doing anything different than what you have been doing already, especially if what you have been doing is working
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I've managed to lose about 35-40lbs since 2011 with diet and exercise.

    This is an important point.

    Ditch the diet pills and continue with diet and exercise.
  • stacyemmynik
    stacyemmynik Posts: 22 Member
    I have been doing that whole slow answer steady route for 2 years. I've lost 40lbs which I think I couldve lost more but I think my birth control made it harder plus id take "breaks" where Id fall into maintenance phase to make sure Id keep the weight off and I have every time. I just I dont work out at the gym. I take walks, do exercise dvds, YouTube workouts, and find ways to incorporate more exercise into my daily routines ex. I have two big ice buckets i have to fill at work so when carrying them I do arm exercises or I do lunges when i go between rooms instead of just walking. That is changes i can keep up. going to the gym Id never keep it up after i lost the weight.
    but my big issue right now honestly is my friend dropped 61lbs in 4 months on adipex answer Im jealous cuz like i said its taken me 2 years to lose 40ishlbs. and Im going to have lose skin regardless thanks to pregnancy
    I remember going down these roads before :D brings a smile to my face.
    You really do need to care about being skinny-fat. Someone who is 170 pounds that did not crash diet and worked out will look leaner, healthier, stronger and better than someone who crashed to 140 who still has a hanging belly and feels like chit.

    Question is.. why would you not care about that? you want to look and feel better right?

    anyhow back to your question. has anyone used them in conjunction with exercise? yes I have and I did not see better results then diet/exercise alone. Make sure you are not doing the typical women at the gym routine and doing endless hours of pointless cardio, lift weights, eat at deficit and see the fat melt.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I've managed to lose about 35-40lbs since 2011 with diet and exercise.

    This is an important point.

    Ditch the diet pills and continue with diet and exercise.

    Exactly. OP - what you're doing is already working. Why "fix" something that isn't broken? Especially with diet pills which have little impact on long term weight loss.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    but my big issue right now honestly is my friend dropped 61lbs in 4 months on adipex answer Im jealous cuz like i said its taken me 2 years to lose 40ishlbs. and Im going to have lose skin regardless thanks to pregnancy

    This statement is not a valid reason to take diet pills.

    You need to stop worrying about your friend, put aside the jealousy, and simply work on yourself.
  • kiesha22001
    kiesha22001 Posts: 70 Member
    Hydroxycut usually just removes water weight - hence the name. You basically pee like crazy and then when that's done, there's nothing more to "lose". Really, you're not losing anything. I've never taken them, but my husband did when he was younger.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I tried them about 5 years ago and got kidney stones from dehydration. Have fun!
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
  • MargaretSans
    MargaretSans Posts: 54 Member
    i took hydroxycu 2 years ago and has major gut rot every single day. I only lasted a week and lost some weight but only because they made me feel too sick to eat. That being said i do have a very weak stomach
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    40# the right way > quick fix crap.

  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    but my big issue right now honestly is my friend dropped 61lbs in 4 months on adipex answer Im jealous cuz like i said its taken me 2 years to lose 40ishlbs. and Im going to have lose skin regardless thanks to pregnancy

    This statement is not a valid reason to take diet pills.

    You need to stop worrying about your friend, put aside the jealousy, and simply work on yourself.

    Stick around with that friend for a year, see if they are able to maintain without the pills and if they have learned to eat at maintenance and if they have learned self control and will power...if they are, then sure, be jealous. If they gain the weight back, plus more off the pills...then you will have your answer.

    You said yourself, you took breaks and that's why you haven't lost as much as you wanted in the course of a year...then change that. You don't need diet pills to do it.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Like many dietary supplements, published studies demonstrating scientific evidence of its effectiveness and safety is lacking.

    Basically, the thing that will help out in it is Caffeine, and that will make you pee, but for that purpose, just take it before going to the gym and you'll work out a bit longer and harder.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    but my big issue right now honestly is my friend dropped 61lbs in 4 months on adipex answer Im jealous cuz like i said its taken me 2 years to lose 40ishlbs. and Im going to have lose skin regardless thanks to pregnancy

    This statement is not a valid reason to take diet pills.

    You need to stop worrying about your friend, put aside the jealousy, and simply work on yourself.

    ^this. especially once your friend stops taking the pills and gains it all back (in the next 4 months) because she's f'd up her thyroid. :ohwell:
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    I take hydroxycut but not because I find it to be a miracle pill. It doesn't magically make me lose more weight, but the caffeine boost I get from it gives me the energy to do more and thus be more active. If that isn't an issue for you, don't bother with them. They can be extremely strong for people and just leave you feeling uncomfortable.

    Moral of the story:
    If you're looking for a miracle pill that will make you lose weight, you're going to waste a lot of time looking. No such magic pill exists.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    But you've been doing it the healthy way. Who cares if it takes another 2 years, every day you're working on it you're making yourself healthier. Even when you're mostly maintaining, you're still watching what you eat, not binging, and staying active. You've maintained your loss, too.

    Why give up all that for a quick "fix" that, honestly, is very unlikely to last after you stopped taking it? And that could likely compromise your health in the process.

    I have been doing that whole slow answer steady route for 2 years. I've lost 40lbs which I think I couldve lost more but I think my birth control made it harder plus id take "breaks" where Id fall into maintenance phase to make sure Id keep the weight off and I have every time. I just I dont work out at the gym. I take walks, do exercise dvds, YouTube workouts, and find ways to incorporate more exercise into my daily routines ex. I have two big ice buckets i have to fill at work so when carrying them I do arm exercises or I do lunges when i go between rooms instead of just walking. That is changes i can keep up. going to the gym Id never keep it up after i lost the weight.
    but my big issue right now honestly is my friend dropped 61lbs in 4 months on adipex answer Im jealous cuz like i said its taken me 2 years to lose 40ishlbs. and Im going to have lose skin regardless thanks to pregnancy
    I remember going down these roads before :D brings a smile to my face.
    You really do need to care about being skinny-fat. Someone who is 170 pounds that did not crash diet and worked out will look leaner, healthier, stronger and better than someone who crashed to 140 who still has a hanging belly and feels like chit.

    Question is.. why would you not care about that? you want to look and feel better right?

    anyhow back to your question. has anyone used them in conjunction with exercise? yes I have and I did not see better results then diet/exercise alone. Make sure you are not doing the typical women at the gym routine and doing endless hours of pointless cardio, lift weights, eat at deficit and see the fat melt.

    edited to fix my text in comparison to quote :ohwell:
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Why the rush? Why not carry on as you are? It may seem slow but it'll be better than being awful skinny fat.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    In college, I lost about 80lbs in 1 year. I followed Weight Watchers and took Stacker 3 on and off. I would say that, yes, my weight loss was slightly faster than it would have been without the pills.

    However, after a year of taking the pills on and off, I reached a point where I literally did not sleep for 3 days. I'm not someone who is super sensitive to stimulants; I can drink a cup of coffee at 9pm and be fast asleep 1.5 hours later with no problem. But, these pills MESSED. ME. UP. I went to the 24 hour Walmart (lol country college town) at like 2am one of those 3 nights and took my blood pressure and it was absolutely astronomical. I dropped the pills that minute.

    That was 7-8 years ago, and I've had 2 kids in that time. I put back on every ounce of that 80 pounds, and now I'm having an incredibly difficult time losing it - I'm talking losing only 30lbs in just over a year despite maintaining 750-1000 calorie/day deficits for that entire time with just a handful of exceptions. I'm convinced that the pills destroyed my metabolism.

    So, moral of the story and TL;DR version - short term they *might* help, or more likely they were a waste of time and money. If they do work, long term it's not worth it.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    the only relevant question here is this: Do you want to be healthy or do you want to be skinny fast?

    This site if FILLED to the brim with people who have lost, gained, lost, gained, lost, gained, etc. They did this by using the wrong plan. The only sensible way to do this is to decide that you want a healthy body and then work towards getting one. Otherwise, everything "fast" is just that.

    Easy go, easy come.

    ETA - I am one of those people who have tried EVERYTHING. This is working. One year. 84 pounds. Over 1/2 way there. Think about it.