What's on your mind?



  • BrittneyBroussard
    BrittneyBroussard Posts: 88 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    What to wear to tonight to go watch a local band B)

    How do you feel about wearable bacon?

    Idk if im worthy

    oh, you're worthy alright; you damn sure are.

    Haha well i may have figured out a galloween costume then lmao
  • VanishingNachos
    VanishingNachos Posts: 5,688 Member
  • BrittneyBroussard
    BrittneyBroussard Posts: 88 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    What to wear to tonight to go watch a local band B)

    How do you feel about wearable bacon?

    Idk if im worthy

    oh, you're worthy alright; you damn sure are.

    Haha well i may have figured out a galloween costume then lmao

    What is galloween

  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    kace_kay wrote: »
    On vacation...

    So for me, that means up at 5:30a, hotel gym by 6a, workout done by 7a, showered by 7:30, dragging the family out of the hotel by 7:45 and Harry Potter early admission by 8a on foot...

    They know they love me... Lol

    Going to Universal?!
    On vacation...

    So for me, that means up at 5:30a, hotel gym by 6a, workout done by 7a, showered by 7:30, dragging the family out of the hotel by 7:45 and Harry Potter early admission by 8a on foot...

    They know they love me... Lol

    Are you going to get sorted?

    You seem like a Hufflepuff.
    That's me!!

    Yep universal today and tomorrow... I took some online test that said 38%Gryf and 36%Slyth... I've always been a fan of Slyth personally but the Grf jacket is just sick

    I always want to be Gryffindor but to ensure that every test I take gives me that answer I cheat by giving the answers that I know will give it to me.

    So I feel like I'm really a Slytherin.

    Except ... the very fact that you VALUE being a Gryffindor probably makes you a Griffindor. The hat doesn't necessarily sort you based on your actual talents. It sorts you based on your values. That's why Hermione is a Gryffindor and not a Ravenclaw. And I mean - Crabbe and Goyle are possibly the least cunning, witty characters in the entire series. No way would the sorting hat make them Slytherin unless that's just what they really wanted.

    See? You're totally a Gryffindor. Wear that jacket with pride!


    The fact that you cheat the test... Sounds pretty slytherin to me!
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    edited August 2017
    The chocolate frogs are 777 calories each :scream:

    I do not want to know how many calories of butter beer I just consumed...

    I'm probably a raven claw lol...
    But I value loyalty, cunning and wisdom probably in that order, so maybe hufflepuff...

    Slytherin are the best ftw
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    The chocolate frogs are 777 calories each :scream:

    Not true. They are magic.

  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    The chocolate frogs are 777 calories each :scream:

    Not true. They are magic.

    Is that a selfie I see as your profile pic?

    Why do I feel like you hope I am an amazonian bamboo rat that can type and acts like a person but is really an amazonian bamboo rat?

    If you want to see my real face I have it posted here:

  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    The chocolate frogs are 777 calories each :scream:

    Not true. They are magic.

    Nothing you eat at Hogwarts contains calories.

    Awesome! I may never eat anywhere else again lol..
  • patrick_star_trek
    patrick_star_trek Posts: 1,386 Member
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    The chocolate frogs are 777 calories each :scream:

    Not true. They are magic.

    Nothing you eat at Hogwarts contains calories.

    That House Elves are watching out for our waistlines <3 Another reason y'all need to join S.P.E.W.!

    Only monsters don't join S.P.E.W.

    you know what i'm just gonna say it- i thought the elfs were the stupidest subplot in the entirety of the books. more so than Hagrid and his monstrous animal friends even. and Dobby was the worst of the bunch. i wish she'd fridged him earlier in the series tbh.

    Every time I see a hairless cat, it reminds me of Dobby.
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »
    kace_kay wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    The chocolate frogs are 777 calories each :scream:

    Not true. They are magic.

    Nothing you eat at Hogwarts contains calories.

    That House Elves are watching out for our waistlines <3 Another reason y'all need to join S.P.E.W.!

    Only monsters don't join S.P.E.W.

    you know what i'm just gonna say it- i thought the elfs were the stupidest subplot in the entirety of the books. more so than Hagrid and his monstrous animal friends even. and Dobby was the worst of the bunch. i wish she'd fridged him earlier in the series tbh.

    Every time I see a hairless cat, it reminds me of Dobby.

    :lol: sometimes my puppy reminds me of Dobby

    I can see it.. :D

    You dog's eyes are so pretty!
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »
    kace_kay wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    The chocolate frogs are 777 calories each :scream:

    Not true. They are magic.

    Nothing you eat at Hogwarts contains calories.

    That House Elves are watching out for our waistlines <3 Another reason y'all need to join S.P.E.W.!

    Only monsters don't join S.P.E.W.

    you know what i'm just gonna say it- i thought the elfs were the stupidest subplot in the entirety of the books. more so than Hagrid and his monstrous animal friends even. and Dobby was the worst of the bunch. i wish she'd fridged him earlier in the series tbh.

    You cant be serious :anguished:

    dead serious. i read them as an adult of course and i wanted to commit sue of cide in parts of those books. for everything awesome she did she stuck these mind numbingly awful sections in them too.

    like okay, the final showdown at the end of the book was just incredible, with Harry basically pleading with Riddle to put down the wand and walk away.

    but to get to that point we had to read about stupid Dobby dying and the plight of the house elves, and the stupid time turner. when what we really needed was more Sirius, more what'shisface the Doctor played, stuff like that.

    i didn't hate Dobby i guess i just wish she'd killed him on the page after she introduced him.


    Haters gonna hate.