Need some support and reassurance



  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Oh yes! I have gained a full shoe size already and had to buy a few pairs of "pregnancy shoes" that were comfortable.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Oh my goodness, yes! I gained 50#'s with my first two pregnancies. I left the hospital 24hrs after having them having already lost 35#'s (they were 9.3 and 9.12 so a long ways from 35#'s). Birkenstocks were my friend b/c my ankles were so swollen (and my fingers, face, and anyplace else that had an inch that could hold fluid). :p
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Oh my goodness, yes! I gained 50#'s with my first two pregnancies. I left the hospital 24hrs after having them having already lost 35#'s (they were 9.3 and 9.12 so a long ways from 35#'s). Birkenstocks were my friend b/c my ankles were so swollen (and my fingers, face, and anyplace else that had an inch that could hold fluid). :p

    Oh wow. So the sausage hands and feet are not just me haha. I got so upset about two months ago when I could no longer wear my engagement as well as my Ownership and commitment rings.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Oh my goodness, yes! I gained 50#'s with my first two pregnancies. I left the hospital 24hrs after having them having already lost 35#'s (they were 9.3 and 9.12 so a long ways from 35#'s). Birkenstocks were my friend b/c my ankles were so swollen (and my fingers, face, and anyplace else that had an inch that could hold fluid). :p

    Oh wow. So the sausage hands and feet are not just me haha. I got so upset about two months ago when I could no longer wear my engagement as well as my Ownership and commitment rings.

    Oh girl. This is SOOOO normal. And it should make you feel better about the weight because you'd be surprised how much water you lose that first 24hrs (hidden meaning: peeing non-stop. LOL). I pump the serious fluids the first few days trying to just flush everything out. The ring thing is pretty common. I finally got a plain band sized for when I'm pregnant and I would switch to it when my regular rings got too tight.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Oh my goodness, yes! I gained 50#'s with my first two pregnancies. I left the hospital 24hrs after having them having already lost 35#'s (they were 9.3 and 9.12 so a long ways from 35#'s). Birkenstocks were my friend b/c my ankles were so swollen (and my fingers, face, and anyplace else that had an inch that could hold fluid). :p

    Oh wow. So the sausage hands and feet are not just me haha. I got so upset about two months ago when I could no longer wear my engagement as well as my Ownership and commitment rings.

    Oh girl. This is SOOOO normal. And it should make you feel better about the weight because you'd be surprised how much water you lose that first 24hrs (hidden meaning: peeing non-stop. LOL). I pump the serious fluids the first few days trying to just flush everything out. The ring thing is pretty common. I finally got a plain band sized for when I'm pregnant and I would switch to it when my regular rings got too tight.

    I've just put them on a chain and have been wearing them as a necklace, along with my other necklace. May look silly, but it works.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Has anyone had luck with compression gloves for the finger swelling?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Maybe ask your dr for a specific diet plan (most probably this will mean a reference to a dietitian)?

    No. I already have dietary restrictions due to severe allergies that have led me to stop breathing. I have gotten really good at avoiding my allergens, so I won't tamper with that. Besides, I'm also a firm believer of you can eat anything as long as it fit into your calorie goal.

    In general, I would agree. But what happens when this is not working and you are also pregnant? Your weight already makes this a high risk pregnancy, and not stepping on the scale will not make the risk lower. I do not understand all the "no worries, you are pregnant". Obesity is a risk factor for several complications, so having a medically supervised plan to avoid further weight gain or even lose weight, depending on dr's instructions, sounds safer than not worrying.

    But what she said WILL work. Right now she is growing a baby though so there will be some weight gain due to that. Eating everything within your calories has worked great for many people, myself included. She doesn't need some diet plan. OP, I know how stressful it is. I was obese during my 2nd pregnancy and really stressed about too much weight gain. Right now your focus needs to be on baby and try not to stress too much about the weight.

    Exactly. It's led me to lose 100lbs in the past (I got lazy when we added another person to our household). Right now I'm supposed to be gaining (eating 300 calories above maintainence) according to my OB. I just don't like seeing the number go up.

    Ah, I think I misread your OP. Sounds like you are pretty much on track, with, as @HippySkoppy mentioned, perhaps a little inflammation from your recent illness.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    Maybe ask your dr for a specific diet plan (most probably this will mean a reference to a dietitian)?

    No. I already have dietary restrictions due to severe allergies that have led me to stop breathing. I have gotten really good at avoiding my allergens, so I won't tamper with that. Besides, I'm also a firm believer of you can eat anything as long as it fit into your calorie goal.

    In general, I would agree. But what happens when this is not working and you are also pregnant? Your weight already makes this a high risk pregnancy, and not stepping on the scale will not make the risk lower. I do not understand all the "no worries, you are pregnant". Obesity is a risk factor for several complications, so having a medically supervised plan to avoid further weight gain or even lose weight, depending on dr's instructions, sounds safer than not worrying.

    But what she said WILL work. Right now she is growing a baby though so there will be some weight gain due to that. Eating everything within your calories has worked great for many people, myself included. She doesn't need some diet plan. OP, I know how stressful it is. I was obese during my 2nd pregnancy and really stressed about too much weight gain. Right now your focus needs to be on baby and try not to stress too much about the weight.

    Exactly. It's led me to lose 100lbs in the past (I got lazy when we added another person to our household). Right now I'm supposed to be gaining (eating 300 calories above maintainence) according to my OB. I just don't like seeing the number go up.

    Ah, I think I misread your OP. Sounds like you are pretty much on track, with, as @HippySkoppy mentioned, perhaps a little inflammation from your recent illness.


    Thank you
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Oh my goodness, yes! I gained 50#'s with my first two pregnancies. I left the hospital 24hrs after having them having already lost 35#'s (they were 9.3 and 9.12 so a long ways from 35#'s). Birkenstocks were my friend b/c my ankles were so swollen (and my fingers, face, and anyplace else that had an inch that could hold fluid). :p

    Oh wow. So the sausage hands and feet are not just me haha. I got so upset about two months ago when I could no longer wear my engagement as well as my Ownership and commitment rings.

    Oh girl. This is SOOOO normal. And it should make you feel better about the weight because you'd be surprised how much water you lose that first 24hrs (hidden meaning: peeing non-stop. LOL). I pump the serious fluids the first few days trying to just flush everything out. The ring thing is pretty common. I finally got a plain band sized for when I'm pregnant and I would switch to it when my regular rings got too tight.

    I've just put them on a chain and have been wearing them as a necklace, along with my other necklace. May look silly, but it works.

    Lots of people do this. It works well (and doesn't look silly IMHO). I'm just not a necklace person. ;)
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Same here. I was holding sooooo much water with my son that I could not wear more than flip flops at the end. It was horrible.

    I have never lost weight so quickly in my life.

    (((((Elphie))))) Hang in there.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Oh my goodness, yes! I gained 50#'s with my first two pregnancies. I left the hospital 24hrs after having them having already lost 35#'s (they were 9.3 and 9.12 so a long ways from 35#'s). Birkenstocks were my friend b/c my ankles were so swollen (and my fingers, face, and anyplace else that had an inch that could hold fluid). :p

    Oh wow. So the sausage hands and feet are not just me haha. I got so upset about two months ago when I could no longer wear my engagement as well as my Ownership and commitment rings.

    Oh girl. This is SOOOO normal. And it should make you feel better about the weight because you'd be surprised how much water you lose that first 24hrs (hidden meaning: peeing non-stop. LOL). I pump the serious fluids the first few days trying to just flush everything out. The ring thing is pretty common. I finally got a plain band sized for when I'm pregnant and I would switch to it when my regular rings got too tight.

    I've just put them on a chain and have been wearing them as a necklace, along with my other necklace. May look silly, but it works.

    Lots of people do this. It works well (and doesn't look silly IMHO). I'm just not a necklace person. ;)

    I have a necklace I wear everyday, so the rings with it look somewhat silly lol.

    I will also point out that water retention while pregnant is a very real thing and can contribute a lot of scale weight. I blew up like a balloon with both pregnancies. Lost 30 pounds within days of giving birth both times. Baby was not 30 pounds. Baby+placenta+amniotic fluid was not 30 pounds. At least 10 (probably 15) of those pounds was from swelling around my legs, my ankles, my fingers, you name the body part, it swelled.

    I'm not the only person that happened to. My itty bitty teeny tiny nurse who weighs less than 100 pounds? She gained 80 pounds with pregnancy (and lost it all again and is teeny tiny again). Because of water retention. Which is another very good reason not to harass pregnant women about their weight.

    Same here. I was holding sooooo much water with my son that I could not wear more than flip flops at the end. It was horrible.

    I have never lost weight so quickly in my life.

    (((((Elphie))))) Hang in there.

    Thank you!!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Just wanted to say thank you again to everyone.

    Also-went the the OB this morning and she said my weight was right in line with what she was hopeful for. She even congratulated me on not "over doing it" like many people do just because they are pregnant.

    On an unhappy note-another round of antibiotics for me (grrr). Lymph nodes in neck are swollen and have a fever so they want to be cautious and start me back on antibiotics.