Negative self talk + past of irresponsible 'dieting' + ludicrous expectations = horribly down



  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    I also find that focusing on health and feeling great is a far better goal than focusing on weight loss and getting to a certain number in the scale.

    I don't even really have a goal weight in mind, I just want to be at a healthy BMI, lose fat, and have good muscle tone. I want to have good strength and stamina and feel fit & healthy. I want to be as healthy as I can to avoid health conditions in the future. I want to feel confident in how I look.

    In the past I thought I wanted to look like a model and just be as thin as humanly possible, but that led to anorexia, being sick all the time, feeling awful, mood swings.... that's not any way to live. My body isn't meant to look like that.

    Try to be the best version of yourself but also accept yourself as you are now. It's hard to make progress from a place of hate & desperation.

    Proper healthy weight loss takes time. Just accept that. It's annoying but there's really no alternative.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I have felt the same way as you for a long time. I can relate to a lot of your post. I'm going to use the same advice you were given to teach myself how to approach weight loss differently.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Re: the "slow" thing...I hear you. Right now I am losing what feels like excruciatingly slowly - i.e., some weeks, nothing at all; some weeks, half a pound, and some a quarter pound.

    Every so often I'll be surprised by a comparatively big loss, like 1.5 lbs.

    I think of it this way: better to lose tiny bits or even maintain than to gain. So what if I remain this weight for the next two or three weeks without a budge? I think of where I was last year, hopeless and in despair at 212 pounds. I literally would have fallen on my knees in gratitude at that time to weigh what I weigh today (low 160s) even though I'm still very overweight now.

    So what about slow? :) You're going in the right direction and on weeks where maybe you don't lose, you're still not actively going in the wrong direction. Live your life right now, at the weight you are right now. Don't look back on these days as days of no life because all you could do was hate yourself for your weight and past mistakes. Today will never come again.
  • szkodzt
    szkodzt Posts: 124 Member
    All great advice here!

    My tips:
    1. If you are not exercising, find something you like and commit to it. It is great not only for the way you feel in your body (ie clothes fit better) but also for your mind.
    2. If you are really frustrated, maybe take a small "diet break." This seems to help me when I get frustrated, however, you need to make sure it is only a break, and not a give up!
    3. Concentrate on the Non-Scale Victories - these help you to see how far you have come even if the scale isn't showing it. There is a GREAT thread on the Success Board where everyone posts these - very inspiring to read and I keep up with it every day!
  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    Well I've spent a lifetime morbidly obese so having the process take a long time was really no different than any ordinary day. I've never been at a healthy weight until now so all I've ever known is feeling miserable and uncomfortable with my body. I finally decided to take control of my disordered eating habits and lost 141 pounds over the past 2.5 years. That's a long time to be in weight loss mode!

    How did I deal with the slow process? I just knew that giving up wasn't an option and if I wanted the weight off I didn't have a choice. I wanted to lose in a healthy way, didn't want to starve and be miserable not eating the foods I love. I knew that whatever changes I made had to be sustainable or it would all be for nothing. That definitely puts things into perspective!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited November 2016
    Livgetfit wrote: »
    Hi there! So I don't know quite where to begin but I am really struggling.

    I just feel so awful about my body. I am currently about 165lbs. My highest weight was in 2009 where I came in at 213lbs. I am 5'3 so I was pretty much as wide as I was tall. I am very proud of myself for getting here but lately it has been creeping back on and I am so down as a result.

    This time last year I put myself on a dangerous, self crafted 'diet' where I hardly ate over 500 calories per day and I finally reached a weight I was happy with; 145lb.

    I lost it in such an extreme and ridiculous way that of course it came back on. I was in denial for a while but recently acknowledged how big I have gotten again. I hate to look in the mirror, none of my clothes fit me, I constantly think about nothing but how unattractive I am, I hear my mother telling me to 'never gain that weight again' this time last year over and over in my head and I obsess about my boyfriend being repulsed by me (he's not, he loves me, he is nothing but supportive and this is all me).

    I react by wanting to do the same as last year but I know how wrong that is. I know that it will mean this lose-regain-lose-regain cycle will continue. I know how badly I am treating my body. I know how much it affects my mental well-being.

    But when I think abut how I lost the weight before in a healthy way, all I seem to focus on is the fact that it took SO long and I never even reached my goal.

    My question to those of you who are doing this responsibly is how do you cope with how slow this process it?

    If you are someone who family & friends describe as being 'hard on yourself' (I get this constantly), how have/are you overcoming this?

    How do you avoid the traps of falling back into negative destructive behaviour?

    The reality of this being a long road and one which will be bumpy is clear to me. I know that CICO is the only thing which makes sense. I'd just love help with the motivational/willpower/mental-battle 'Hows' because right now I feel so unhappy and trapped in this cycle....I just want out

    Please re-read the boldfaced statements in your post. You have the answers to the questions you asked. These are the things you have to tell yourself in place of the negatives. Print out these statements and other motivational quotes that inspire you. Stick them where you will see them every day. My computer monitor is covered with positive quotes! I have a journal full of them! I read them while I'm watching TV or whatever.

    Secondly, read some success stories on this forum, especially those of people who've lost 50 or 100 or 150 or even more pounds. THAT takes a long time, much longer than 20 lbs takes. It has taken me 2 1/2 years of steady losses to get to maintenance. When I thought of how long it was taking meme, I would think about people who had even more to lose and took even longer. It was a long time, but I wanted the changes, I did NOT want to go back to where I started. THAT is what keeps me motivated and following the plan I established.

    Before I ever walked in the door of my trainer's studio, I had decided in my mind that I would need to change the way i ate for the rest of life, and I only wanted to make changes I felt would be sustainable. I know I can't go back to my old ways of eating, no matter how much I would like to. I like being pain free and active and happy and energetic much more than the momentary satisfaction of certain eating habits. This is life. You gotta make some choices and you have to live with the ones you make, until you are courageous enough to make new choices.