Not losing weight



  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited November 2016
    kokojani wrote: »
    If i go with 1300 calories how much exercise will i need
    That is backwards thinking.

    What made you decide you should be at 1300 calories in the first place?
    That number seems suspiciously round and arbitrary.
    What is your BMR and TDEE?
    What type of "exercise" are you talking about? How many calories will the exercise burn per session?
    How long are the exercise sessions? How often will you be exercising?
    What is your target calorie deficit for the day? What is it for the week?

    Follow instructions in the links I provided to determine how many calories you need for your BMR and then set no more than a 20% deficit towards your TDEE.

    If that is too much work or is too far over your head then use the MFP app and set it so your goal is to lose no more than 1.5 or 2.0 lbs per week.
    Understand that this does not guarantee you will lose this number of pounds each week.
    Some weeks the scale may not drop at all and other weeks it might even appear to go up.
    Do not make any changes unless the scale has not gone down in 3 or 4 weeks.
    40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat as your macros for now.

    Consistently log everything in MFP. When in doubt, you probably are not exercising hard enough.
    If you can follow a TV show or read a magazine while "exercising" then you are not working hard enough.
    If you do not need to catch you breath and/or wait for your heart rate to slow then you are probably not working out hard enough.
    If course this presumes your doctor has said your heart, etc is healthy enough for exercise.

    Read the book I recommended or spend some time on the internet learning about your Basal Metabolic Rate and your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. You must educate yourself on how proper nutrition and exercise works.
    Looking for someone to give you some sort of black-and-white answer for how much you should eat and/or exercise is like thinking there is some sort of "secret" to losing fat that you just don't know yet.
    There is no secret to fat loss, there are no magic pills; it is just understanding some basic biology, consistently eating a little bit less than you need and frequently exercising more intensely than your body is used to.
    Once you understand the biology, you will always know what you need to do to determine how much you should eat and exercise, no matter what your goals are.
    The MFP app tries to help with this by just telling you how much to eat based on your goals and how long you plan to exercise.

    You cannot just "decide" how many calories to eat and expect to get the results you want.
    It is all based on what your body's requirements are as well as what your goals are.
    Yours are unique to you. The numbers are all based on estimates and averages with some trial and error on your part.
    You are responsible for keeping track of your progress, doing the necessary work in the kitchen/gym, and learning how to get the most out of your own body.