Can not lose weight



  • AntoinetteAngus
    AntoinetteAngus Posts: 58 Member
    So misinformed it's inbeleviable. What about the antibiotics in meat, what about the hormones pumped into animals, what about unhealthy preservatives, what about GMOs? Maybe you should read up on this and get better informed.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    amyepdx wrote: »
    So the idea that you can eat toxic crap makes you feel better? (cookies, ice cream etc). More power to you. That's absolutely your choice. For those who want to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight I suggest you challenge what people have claimed works (clearly many people arent seing any results by the posts we see daily) Try to cleanse and reset your body and you will see results. Do you realize there is pounds of undigested waste that sits in your system? We eat so much meat at a rate our body can't keep up. We ingest so much toxins and that never gets eliminated and that prevent our body from functioning properly. This is why water and waste elimination is important and this is the first thing you will notice will change when you're on the right track.

    No, no, and no. I've lost 118 lbs without being miserable by balancing what you would consider 'healthy' with what you erroneously consider 'toxic'. I'm happy and healthy and will continue to be so despite your disapproval of my diet. And if I was really eating toxic crap, I'd be dead. Guess what, I'm not. You may want to read some scientific articles and put down the O magazine.

    118 lbs is my ultimate goal - thanks for the inspiration - 30 to go! I hope the OP is seeing the truth in your post and not getting sidetracked.

    Thanks, I also still have about 30 to go, but I already feel a 1000 times better.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Eat more.
    Especially protein.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    So misinformed it's inbeleviable. What about the antibiotics in meat, what about the hormones pumped into animals, what about unhealthy preservatives, what about GMOs? Maybe you should read up on this and get better informed.

    Organic uses just as much pesticide as any GMO crop...
    Eat local livestock if you can or get it from reputable sources.
    It's understandable that you'd think this way but once you've worked in this business for a while, you'll learn to weed through the BS.
    Nothing inherently wrong with GMOs.
    I'd rather eat a chicken with some antibiotics in it than one with a disease or parasites.
  • AntoinetteAngus
    AntoinetteAngus Posts: 58 Member
    I realize that my aim in my posts is to never make anyone feel wrong about what they believe. My aim is to shed light on a topic in a manner that leaves people feeling informed. If I can help one person understand I'm happy. I understand that people may be opposed to seeing things differently but it is important to see toxins and their effects on the body so that you can be the healthiest person you can be. Here are a few links that I quickly Googled and skimmed based on requests for information.

    Proof of toxins in food

    How the body elimintes toxins

    Toxins make you fat
    The body has four main exit routes for toxins: pee, poop, perspiration and pranayama (Sanskrit for breath).
  • AntoinetteAngus
    AntoinetteAngus Posts: 58 Member
    Nothing wrong with GMO''s. Now I know there would be no argument in the world that would change your way of thinking sadly.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Nothing wrong with GMO''s. Now I know there would be no argument in the world that would change your way of thinking sadly.

    You have a problem with Golden Rice?
  • AntoinetteAngus
    AntoinetteAngus Posts: 58 Member
    There is clearly no convincing my fitnesspal users of anything other than CICO. I really hope you guys see the light one day...I truly, truly do because I really want everyone to be healthy and free of sickness and disease but if GMO''s, hormones and pesticides make you happy feel free to pump you body with these toxin.