Bariatric Surgery



  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    This is a great website (American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons) for debunking the myths surrounding WLS. If it's something you'd like to explore, it's worth taking a look:
    No, it is not 'the easy way out'. And yes, there can be complications. But you have to balance out the odds of WLS complications with what you are personally facing re: your own personal health, (dis)abilities and current issues. Obesity is deadly too. For those of us who have spent decades working at it, with little long-term success, WLS is an option worth consideration.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    bhdon wrote: »
    This is a great website (American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons) for debunking the myths surrounding WLS. If it's something you'd like to explore, it's worth taking a look:
    No, it is not 'the easy way out'. And yes, there can be complications. But you have to balance out the odds of WLS complications with what you are personally facing re: your own personal health, (dis)abilities and current issues. Obesity is deadly too. For those of us who have spent decades working at it, with little long-term success, WLS is an option worth consideration.

    This is like accepting the American "College" of Radiology as an unbiased source on how often you should have a mammogram.
  • korrieriley
    korrieriley Posts: 10 Member
    I had my gastric bypass now 4 years. It's no easy task if anything my health has changed completely. I'm now diabetic and have spinal issues which happened 18 years ago so find exercise hard. I need my life to change I've lost 15 stone before and after my surgery but now things are staying still. A fellow surgery friend suggested using this and I'm so glad already I did. If anyone else is similar I'd love to get in touch. X
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    I never had WLS, but my ex wife had DS almost ten years ago. It's not the easy way out, and its hardly a walk in the park, but it can be a very effective tool if used properly. To the OP, if you have any questions, PM me. Although from Canada, we ended up going to the US to have it done