P90X Support



  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I would love to do this too and start at the same time as y'all, i've never done it before and i'm getting the feeling i'll need the motivation to keep going! I've ordered my weights and waiting on them arriving. So what is the planned starting date ? (:

    Hi Riha
    I'm trying to lasso everyone together for a mutual start date lol if you start tomorrow Allison (above will be starting). Alternatively I have a few other who have recently started that you can join. I'm finishing off my current P90X2 round but I support my peeps everyday. I'm an official Team Beachbody coach and I have quite a bit of experience with P90X. I'd be glad to help:)
    . That's so great you're joining the British Army:)
    I will send you the get details now...
  • allijoy13
    allijoy13 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm feeling pressure! How about I start on my own tomorrow, just to get my routine going, but redo week one and officially start with the group on the agreed on date? Would that work? I think it would.

    I really would love to be on the same day. It's got to be great to cheer each other on knowing we are ALL doing the same workout!

  • barnettsa
    barnettsa Posts: 15 Member
    I want in! I planned on starting my next round in the morning. 8/12. I will be making you my coach. I am looking for a group of people who can stick with the commitment they are making. I hope to be an encourager to others too.
  • ralphd27
    Hi Simon, I stumbled upon this thread while looking for a support group that wanted to start P90x in the upcoming days. I would love to join the group and hopefully start any time in the next week. I have all the equipment and look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks.

    - Ralph
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hi Ralph,

    I will send out some information for you. Looking forward to being of assistance.
  • nsalam
    nsalam Posts: 1
    Hi, I just found this thread. From what I've read, I think you guys are starting on the 19th? I'm starting my first round of P90x right now. I actually started yesterday but haven't worked out in a while so I wouldn't mind repeating the first week. Can I still join the group?

    I also read that you started the lean program first, but wouldn't recommend it... did I read this correctly?

    Let me know! Thanks so much!!
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks for your email :) I will add you this evening when I get home from work.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Still time to join if anyone else wants in for Monday:)
  • missdani711
    missdani711 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started this Monday! Any room left?
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Sure there's room. I will message you with the details:)
    Have a nice day
  • Jasano1234
    I just want to quote a good luck to y'all. Worked for me, hope it works for you. :)
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Thanks Jasano! It really is a great program.