Why can't I get motivated!?!

I am a 39 year old father of two and husband to an amazing woman. I have always had a weight problem and have on 2 other occasions lost significant amounts of weight. However I am now 65lbs heavier than I have ever been and know I need to get going now more than ever and can't seem to hold traction. I feel my health getting worse everyday and am afraid I won't be around for my family. You would think all of those factors would be enough but I guess they aren't.


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You don't lack the motivation.
    You're just applying your motivation in the wrong direction.
  • johnleatherman77
    How do you mean ?
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    Try not to focus on the weight you have to lose. Once I began to think in terms of making decisions that are healthier for my overall body, the weight loss came naturally. For example, I am a bread/sugar addict but I noticed when I overindulge in wheat/sugar products my eczema flares up terribly and takes at least 2-3 weeks to go back down to normal.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How do you mean ?

    Okay what usually happens is you decide to change your life.

    You look at the big picture and see that nearly everything needs to change. What you don't understand is how habit change works.

    If you lay out a 12 week plan, look back at today, and decide what you want to achieve each month.
    If you select 1 habit, add multivitamin and fish oil first thing in the AM, and do that habit for two weeks till it becomes a part of your day.
    Habit two could be Unplug from electronics an hour before bed, so you improve sleep quality.
    That's month 1. Honestly, you wouldn't even need to worry any food at that point. You're losing weight from the fish oil.

    Set up a plan and simply chip away at the big rocks, one at a time.

    If you work on one habit at a time, you're 80+% likely to succeed.
    If you work on two at time, you're 33% or less likely to succeed.
    If you work on three.... you're less than 10% likely to succeed and motivation flies by the wayside.
  • superstargalaxy
    superstargalaxy Posts: 21 Member
    It's all in the mindset you are currently in. "I am a 39 year old father of two and husband to an amazing woman." Just from reading that sentence I can already tell you don't mind your current weight. You're in a happy state of mind, which is great!

    But to lose weight, you are really going to have to discipline yourself and just go for it. It's as simple as that, you want results? Well, go out and get it. Read any success stories here, they WANTED it so badly that they went and did it. Even when it was tough and even when they lacked motivation. Do it right now, not tomorrow, right now. Can't hit the gym because it's closed? Do some pushups and body squats. It's dark outside / weather is crap and you don't have a treadmill to do cardio? Walk up and down your stairs for 20 minutes straight.

    Lots you can do, but you have to do it.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    If you don't have motivation, rely instead on dicipline & determination.

    Decide it, then do it. Whether you feel like it or not.
  • johnleatherman77
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Hi John,

    If you don't mind me pointing out a few things that I think are good:

    It sounds to me like you have a great reason to make another attempt at improving your health and losing weight.

    I think that when you understand and believe the potential negative health outcomes associated with obesity and realize that the choices you make can effect your life and also the life of your loved ones it can be a game changer for some people.

    It's certainly carries with it a greater sense of urgency than "I want to see lines in my glutes".

    I also think it's great that you're reaching out.

    If you don't mind me asking, what are you having trouble with right now?

    So for example when you say you don't have motivation, what is your lack of motivation preventing you from doing, or what are you doing right now that your lack of motivation prevents you from stopping?

    One last question I would have is this: what are you doing right now about your situation? So what I mean by that is, what are you attempting to do in the immediate sense?

    I hope you don't mind that all I've done here is ask questions.

    I do think it's awesome that you posted this thread and I wish you the best.

    If I have anything useful to contribute I certainly will, i'm just curious about these things for now.

    I would say my biggest problem is discipline, as pointed out earlier.

    And as far as what I'm doing now I would have to say not much. Hence the problem. I am a creature of habit and when I finally get my mind right I am very disciplined. I work at a job where I am on my feet most of the day. @460lbs this takes an enormous toll on my body as the years are going by. By the time I get off work I am whipped. Constant fatigue and chronic pain have imprisoned me. I am a former football player and power lifter. In my last streak of being healthy I studied Krav Maga and Brazilian jiu jitzu along with being a pretty avid crossfitter for a 315 lb man. I have it in me I know I do. But I don't know how many more times I have. Each time its harder mentally and physically. I do know I feel my health failing fast and I'm not even 40.

    And no I don't mind the questions. I made up my mind when I put this up that I would be brutally honest about myself if asked tough questions. I think its an important step.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    How do you mean ?

    Okay what usually happens is you decide to change your life.

    You look at the big picture and see that nearly everything needs to change. What you don't understand is how habit change works.

    If you lay out a 12 week plan, look back at today, and decide what you want to achieve each month.
    If you select 1 habit, add multivitamin and fish oil first thing in the AM, and do that habit for two weeks till it becomes a part of your day.
    Habit two could be Unplug from electronics an hour before bed, so you improve sleep quality.
    That's month 1. Honestly, you wouldn't even need to worry any food at that point. You're losing weight from the fish oil.

    Set up a plan and simply chip away at the big rocks, one at a time.

    If you work on one habit at a time, you're 80+% likely to succeed.
    If you work on two at time, you're 33% or less likely to succeed.
    If you work on three.... you're less than 10% likely to succeed and motivation flies by the wayside.


    this post was linked from another thread I was reading where the poster who linked it said your posts were confusing them. I agree with that sentiment.

    I learned quite a lot from you years back, and your road map group was enjoyable

    What has happened? why has your tone and my perception of your helpfulness and knowledge done a complete 180?

    I mean absolutely no offence here @helloitsdan I'm just a little confused when someone I respected turns around and peppers an overall helpful post with such an outright lie. Is it merely hyperbole?
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Have you lost weight with calorie counting using myfitnesspal and weighing & logging your food? I made the assumption that that's how you did it in the past but maybe not.

    How did you lose weight in the past? How much and how long did you keep it off those times and what happened to cause you to regain?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    Hi John,

    If you don't mind me pointing out a few things that I think are good:

    It sounds to me like you have a great reason to make another attempt at improving your health and losing weight.

    I think that when you understand and believe the potential negative health outcomes associated with obesity and realize that the choices you make can effect your life and also the life of your loved ones it can be a game changer for some people.

    It's certainly carries with it a greater sense of urgency than "I want to see lines in my glutes".

    I also think it's great that you're reaching out.

    If you don't mind me asking, what are you having trouble with right now?

    So for example when you say you don't have motivation, what is your lack of motivation preventing you from doing, or what are you doing right now that your lack of motivation prevents you from stopping?

    One last question I would have is this: what are you doing right now about your situation? So what I mean by that is, what are you attempting to do in the immediate sense?

    I hope you don't mind that all I've done here is ask questions.

    I do think it's awesome that you posted this thread and I wish you the best.

    If I have anything useful to contribute I certainly will, i'm just curious about these things for now.

    I would say my biggest problem is discipline, as pointed out earlier.

    And as far as what I'm doing now I would have to say not much. Hence the problem. I am a creature of habit and when I finally get my mind right I am very disciplined. I work at a job where I am on my feet most of the day. @460lbs this takes an enormous toll on my body as the years are going by. By the time I get off work I am whipped. Constant fatigue and chronic pain have imprisoned me. I am a former football player and power lifter. In my last streak of being healthy I studied Krav Maga and Brazilian jiu jitzu along with being a pretty avid crossfitter for a 315 lb man. I have it in me I know I do. But I don't know how many more times I have. Each time its harder mentally and physically. I do know I feel my health failing fast and I'm not even 40.

    And no I don't mind the questions. I made up my mind when I put this up that I would be brutally honest about myself if asked tough questions. I think its an important step.

    Start logging your food
    Today, right now
    Aim for 3000 calories today
    Make it a numbers game not a willpower game
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Yeah weighing/measuring & logging all your food is 100% necessary and the most important thing. I see your diary is set to private so can't tell if you are doing this or not yet or currently?
  • OrlaKane339
    OrlaKane339 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey John,

    Lots & lots of advice here, suppose some of it can be quiet confusing so certainly take some time to digest it all.

    I do agree with you around mental strength to keep losing weight. I am on my 2nd (real) attempt to lose significant weight. I had previously lost 95lbs and then regained it all when I got pregnant.

    Anyways, back to you. I see you mention about having a full on job and tiredness. Then why not focus on the things you can change. And if you are anything like me, this needs to be long term/permanent and sustainable. I'm currently carrying a knee injury so I have been unable to do any workouts for the past 3 weeks but I've still managed to lose 3-4lbs a week. I have focused on my food. I've lost 25lbs in 55 days on a really balanced diet, nothing flash or fancy just sustainable healthy food.

    So start small and see what works for you. Maybe that's the whole point of you being on your journey, just figuring out what works for you.

    I'm always happy to make more friends so feel free to add me. FYI - I still have about 140lbs to lose.

    Welcome to MFP, time to dig deep and kick some a**.
  • johnleatherman77
    Have you lost weight with calorie counting using myfitnesspal and weighing & logging your food? I made the assumption that that's how you did it in the past but maybe not.

    How did you lose weight in the past? How much and how long did you keep it off those times and what happened to cause you to regain?

    No both times before was on weight watchers. The first time was a weight loss competition and I lost 65 lbs. I kept it off about 6 months. The second time I lost 95 pounds and it was about a two year process.The second time started with a shoulder injury, then my mom had to go to the hospital, then my mother in law came down with leukemia and lost her battle shortly there after. Needless to say the wheels feel off.
  • Godsgirl42
    Godsgirl42 Posts: 3,490 Member
    My story: I ,to be 314 lbs. I was addicted to food and had all the motivation I needed to lose weight (my husband and son, and my life) but I just couldn't stop eating the wrong foods. I prayed and prayed for the Lord to help me stop eating gluttonously and He showed me food allergies that I didn't even know I had. I used to crave sweets: cakes, cookies, breads, peanut butter, anything with butter. Well, it turns out that those things were allergies to me. I just found this out at the beginning of September and I've lost 29 lbs without even trying!!! I don't eat any grains and if I do, I get really bloated, dizzy, headache, vomiting, ect. Now I eat meat, fruit, and veggies with a few different nuts (mostly almonds) and I'm never hungry and I never crave any food anymore! Praying for you!