December 2016 Running Challenge



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Didn't get to run last night. I was all ready to go after work & then my phone died. Like completely. So I spent my evening at AT&T paying $200 for a different phone. Never buy an LG. My V10 died at 6 months. They sent refurbished. 6 months later that one did the same thing. Two phones in a year and a week. I was a week outside my warranty but they took pity on me. Otherwise it would have been over well $400. Now I am back to Samsung. I should have never left. LOL
    I still may try to run a bit, like last month, a tenth of a mile at a time. Be darn cold on the bike... Maybe I could practice the violin on the bike trainer. :tongue:

    We need a photo of that.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Didn't get to run last night. I was all ready to go after work & then my phone died. Like completely. So I spent my evening at AT&T paying $200 for a different phone. Never buy an LG. My V10 died at 6 months. They sent refurbished. 6 months later that one did the same thing. Two phones in a year and a week. I was a week outside my warranty but they took pity on me. Otherwise it would have been over well $400. Now I am back to Samsung. I should have never left. LOL
    I still may try to run a bit, like last month, a tenth of a mile at a time. Be darn cold on the bike... Maybe I could practice the violin on the bike trainer. :tongue:

    We need a photo of that.

    Easy peasy... Ill set it up on the trainer! Haha!
  • bmelb1
    bmelb1 Posts: 224 Member
    Today was my first day running in a snowfall, luckily it was just a mild one and the sidewalk wasn't too slippery.

    Date Km Today - Km for Dec.
    12/1 6.17 - 6.17
    12/4 5.77 - 11.94
    12/6 5.34 - 17.28
    12/8 3.23 - 20.51
    Goal 75 km


    Upcoming Races:
    Resolution Run 5km - 12/31
    Polar Hero 5km OCR? - 2/4
    Tamarack 10km - 5/27
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited December 2016
    12/1 - 4 - lazy
    12/5 - 3 miles
    12/6 - I'm a baby 0
    12/7 - 3 miles
    12/8 - 3 miles

    9 out of 100 miles


    Skip is taking ACTs and I'm volunteering at the Marathon on Saturday so she's not running in this weeks indoor meet and the schedule just came out. Whew her section is running the second half of the day, she would have run the 3200, the 800 and 1600. The 3200 is at 1:30 pm, the 800 at 5:30 pm and the 1600 at 10:50 pm are you kidding me??? So glad she decided to baby sit instead of trying to get to the meet later in the day. The boys 1600 is scheduled to start at midnight. Insane!!!!!

    After a few of you mentioned needing winter running clothes with longer sleeves/legs, I keep meaning to post about a Brooks jacket that I have:

    I highly recommend it as it has cuffs (with thumb holes) that extend the sleeves and also has handy flip-mitts to turn the cuffs into mittens. I wore it on my run in 12F windchill today with just a cheap pair of light gloves and used the mittens for the first mile or so until I warmed up and then easily flipped them back over. The jacket is also waterproof/weather resistant, so really great if you're out in the elements too. My mom has bought several of these jackets for me over the years as she's seen them on sale and I love them.

    @osubuckeye906 too many people saw your recommendation and they are sold out LOL I'll have to look around.
    @virkati congrats on the job!
    @kristinegift if I could give you one piece of budget financial advise it would be start to save for retirement, I know you are very young, but this is the time to start. If your company has a 401K get it in, especially if they match, my company used to match 100% up to 6% woohoo free money. It's not as much now but they still top at 6% depending on what you do, can't recall the exact calculation. You can always find $10 in your budget to put away. :smile:
    @elise4270 sorry about the no running report. I can see you know though playing your violin while speed walking.

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    edited December 2016
    December Running Totals (miles)
    12/1 – 8.08 warmup + speed work
    12/2 – rest day
    12/3 – 10.13 warmup + 5K race + easy 30 minutes
    12/4 – 8.07 easy
    12/5 – rest day
    12/6 – 5.96 warmup, speed work, cool down
    12/7 – 6.00 easy
    12/8 – 3.78 easy

    December total to date – 42.02

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 150 miles
    Real Goals: Finish transition to healthy running. Use Club Nationals as a learning experience on managing air travel to a race. Build a base toward Boston training. Avoid re-injury

    Today's notes – Got up in the middle of the night to catch a 6 AM flight, arrived in Tallahassee around 10. With one thing and another, got out for an easy run in the hotel's neighborhood about 2:30. As predicted, I wore shorts and a tee, because it was 61º F (16º C) out, a bit cool for Florida but warm compared to home. Because it was easy, I didn't feel bad about stopping to take a picture of Florida Christmas decorations:


    Ran for about 30 minutes, up and down residential streets that spanned a mythical Florida hill. (To be fair, Tallahassee isn't all that far from Georgia.) Tomorrow I'll get a look at the course for the race.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:23:01
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY) finished in 1:36:50, targeting MP
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY) DNS - injury
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY) DNS - recovering from face plant
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hamlin, NY) finished in 1:31:11
    August 13, 2016 Bergen Road Race 5K (Bergen, NY) finished in 19:07 (5K PR)
    September 4, 2016 Oak Tree Half Marathon (Geneseo, NY) finished in 1:31:37
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY) DNF a mile from finish
    October 15, 2016 Finish Strong 15K (Hilton, NY) DNS – Achilles tendonitis
    October 22, 2016 Scare Brain Cancer Away 5K (East Rochester, NY) DNS – Achilles tendonitis
    November 24, 2016 Race with Grace 10K (Hilton, NY) finished in 42:38, First Senior (60+) Male
    December 3, 2016 Freezeroo #1 (Don Curran Memorial 5K) (Gates, NY) finished in 20:06
    December 10, 2016 USATF National Club Cross Country Championships 8K (Tallahassee, FL)

    2017 races:
    January 1, 2017 Freezeroo #2 (Resolution Run 7.5 mile) (Mendon, NY)
    January 7, 2017 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY)
    January 14, 2017 Freezeroo #3 (Pineway Ponds Park 5 mile) (Spencerport, NY)
    January 28, 2017 Freezeroo #4 (Hearnish 5 mile) (Victor, NY)
    February 11, 2017 Freezeroo #5 (Valentines Run "In Memory of Tom Brannon" 8 Mile) (Greece, NY)
    February 25, 2017 Freezeroo #6 (White House Challenge 10K) (Webster, NY)
    April 17, 2017 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)

  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @Virkati - Congratulations!!! Yes, every job has it's good and bad. I listen to a lot of audiobooks and next up for me is: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a *kitten*: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life. Hoping it will help me not care about the nonsense that goes on in education and just remember I'm here for the kids.

    I would also highly recommend "The life-changing magic of not giving a *kitten*" by Sarah Knight. Absolutely brilliant, and helped me do exactly that - stop caring about things that aren't important and remember I go to work for the kids, but also that I work to live and don't live to work. A really good read.

    Another short run for me today. I'll be away from now until Sunday night, so I'll update my runs then. Good luck @Stoshew71 for the marathon, and to anyone else who is racing this weekend: Smash it :smiley:

    December Running Challenge

    2nd - 3.06 miles
    3rd - 11.02 miles
    6th - 3.04 miles
    7th - 5.19 miles
    8th - 4.05 miles

    MTD - 26.36/80 miles

    Upcoming races:
    17th Dec - Lee Valley VeloPark Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for December
    12/1 6 miles - 6
    12/2 4 miles - 10
    12/3 12 miles - 22
    12/4 REST DAY
    12/5 5 miles - 27
    12/6 4 miles - 31
    12/7 REST DAY
    12/8 3.5 miles - 34.5


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12 << 1:35:55 2 in AG & 25 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

    Last taper run before my race on Saturday. I pick up my packet tomorrow.

    So today is day 2 of my carb load. 549 grams of carbs out of 760 down so far.
    My diary is open.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    @Stoshew71 Hey there! I actually went to an extension campus, but I spent quite a few weekends hanging out in Lafayette. I was a little earlier than you, too, and in school from '86 through '91. I was indecisive, changed my major about 6 times and, though I have a ton of credits, I never finished a degree. :)

    Which extension? Did you see that IUPUFW beat Indiana couple weekends ago? I'm thinking you maybe taking classes at the Chicago extension?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Got my kitten (why wait for the censor?) out of bed this am and went for a run. Misjudged the clothing. Last week it was minus 5 degrees C, today plus 13. Not really the same clothing for each. Great to get out, even if down a cold dark alley with only a head torch for company (hey, I'm not dead yet!)

    In another strange bit of news, my regular walking buddy posted that she'd run 100m. And when I posted about c25k she actually seemed interested.

    What have I done? Have I pulled her into the dark side? Is she discovering 'running'?

  • k80flec
    k80flec Posts: 1,623 Member


    1st: 3.16 miles Wk8:D3 C210k - MTD 3.16
    2nd: 0 miles - MTD 3.16
    3rd: 4.24 miles, 3.11 LH Park Run, Wk9:D1 C210k, 1.13 warm up and cool down - MTD 7.39
    4th: 0 miles - MTD 7.39
    5th: 0 miles - MTD 7.39
    6th: 4.1 miles with my running club. Really pleased with my run, even though it was cold and damp - MTD 11.49
    7th: 0 miles, over 6 miles on my Fitbit from purposeful walking, strength training - MTD 11.49
    8th: 4.13 miles 2 m speed training, 2 miles cool down along the Prom - MTD 15.62

    Planned Races
    Rudolph Red Nose 5 - Dec 24th
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I am a wimp. I didn't want to run outside today, even though I had time to. It was 20F and very windy and I just wimped out and went to the gym instead.

    I had some dental work done earlier today (I took the day off from work, hence the time during the day to run) and it is now almost 7 pm and my mouth is still hurting. Luckily mouth pain doesn't interfere with running. So I did 5.3 miles and some good stretching afterwards and now I need some Tylenol for my mouth.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Got my kitten (why wait for the censor?) out of bed this am and went for a run. Misjudged the clothing. Last week it was minus 5 degrees C, today plus 13. Not really the same clothing for each. Great to get out, even if down a cold dark alley with only a head torch for company (hey, I'm not dead yet!)

    In another strange bit of news, my regular walking buddy posted that she'd run 100m. And when I posted about c25k she actually seemed interested.

    What have I done? Have I pulled her into the dark side? Is she discovering 'running'?

    Way to set the example!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date:: :::: Miles :::: Dec total (goal = 80)
    12/01/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 0.0
    12/02/16 :::: 2.6 :::: 2.6
    12/03/16 :::: 3.1 :::: 5.7
    12/04/16 :::: 6.0 :::: 11.8
    12/05/16 :::: 3.3 :::: 15.0
    12/06/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 17.4
    12/07/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 19.8
    12/08/16 :::: 3.7 :::: 23.5

    Went to a different running group tonight. I did NOT want to go out because it was cold and there were flurries. But dragged myself out and was glad, as always, to be done. It was cold out there and the wind was icy, but the snow held off. We did intervals of 5 min, 7 min, and 4 min hard, with 3 min between and then sprints.

    Tomorrow should be a rest day. I think I'll try to do some yoga, but if it's not snowing too much yet I might be tempted to get out there.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    All day long the little devil-in-running-shoes on my shoulder has been whispering "Just 1 little mile won't hurt." >:)
  • Strandbergm
    Strandbergm Posts: 11 Member
    Update: 8.4/50 miles complete. :)
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Sorry to all who are dealing with injuries and spills. May your recovery be quick!

    Thanks @ddmom0811 and @louubelle16 for the book talk. Those sound perfect for this time of year.

    @Elise4270. Sorry you still haven't been cleared to run AND for a double whammy they are making you go back to work. Blech.

    I went for blood work today and it was bloody cold. The coldest here I can remember (-11 C). (Sneer away, snowland people. I grew up in Alberta with regular stretches of -40 C and cannot believe how whiny I am either.) I had to walk home because my son had a final exam (college) and talked me into letting him take the car. I was bundled up like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, and they drained me of blood after fasting for 14 hours, so my plan to run turned into a walk after my I felt dizzy thirty seconds in. I'm counting it towards my miles because, well, I would have rather been running.

    12/08: 2.69 miles

    Total: 10.08 / 40
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm trying to cope. I've already decided 5 times (while sitting down) that I jumped the gun and I could at least run a little more in December although not keeping the streak going. Then I stand up and change my mind again. I'm trying to focus on positives. This is the first year I ran all 12 months! I ran 604 miles which is an average of 50 per month. Considering I probably ran 100 miles in 2015, that's a 600% increase! LOL

    In a few days, my knee (and the left shin, let's not leave that out) will probably feel tons better and the urge to run will be strong. I'm hoping that all the rushing to prepare for a week before Christmas medical trip will keep me occupied.
    I'm so proud of you for being smart! I don't know that I'm yet there, but <knock, knock></> I haven't had any issues that have side-lined me to make that decision. We look forward to hearing your comments on our craziness, and look forward even more to seeing your new mileage in 2017!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome to @MrsLeonard2016 and @sdphil90! You're right - starting today is MUCH better than starting tomorrow (or later!).