Is it possible to be positive all of the time?



  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    Are you topless at work? That'd keep me in a pretty good mood. Kidding...but not really ;-)

    Being super positive could be that guy's way of getting through the workday. Sometimes the overly positive people are just trying to avoid dealing with reality as it's just too painful. They could be in full panic mode in their head, but keep a happy face to not attract attention.

    I'm an optimist, but could never answer the "glass" question given the two options. To me, the glass has water...not too much, not too little, it just does.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    People tend to say if you're not positive, you're negative. And they seem to get negative and realistic mixed up pretty easily.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    4theking wrote: »
    My life is not perfect and I sometimes do struggle, but I would consider myself always positive, always happy. God is the giver of all that is good. The closer you are to Him, the more joy you have.

    Hugs and this, so much this, if people only knew.

    I have been told my calm is intimidating or doesn't make sense.

    They don't know it's not me. I was given a gift:

    John 14:27
    Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it fear.


    John 15:11

    "These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full."
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member
    People tend to say if you're not positive, you're negative. And they seem to get negative and realistic mixed up pretty easily.

    I've met both who,where ever they're at, they're going to make you get there too. Even if it kills you. :D
  • HookedOnMySweetFish
    HookedOnMySweetFish Posts: 27 Member
    edited December 2016
    Yep- but there will be breaks in positivity of course. There will always be hard times. Being positive doesn't mean that those times aren't hard. It takes a different spin on them.
    I grew up in a positive absent environment. I met some positive people and it was like a whole new world. People, it's a choice, chose to be at least nice.
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    People confuse being positive with being blind to the struggle and issues in one's own life, or that is my experience at least. I am positive most of the time and I have had people tell me that I am "just kidding myself" or "lying to myself" that everything is ok, or will be better, or whatever. Seriously?

    Positivity is merely a mindset to accept the negative things happening and try to still make progress. That is possible to do 100% of the time. Even if you get down on yourself and complain, at heart you can still have that positive hope.

    Or at least I can.

    I am real about myself.
    I continue to work for positive changes.
    I continue to try to effect others with that attitude.

  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    edited December 2016
    Positive people are good. People who are unrealistically positive are annoying and should be quiet.

  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Positive? *kitten* No.
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2016
    I like to think I'm quite positive. It's not that I don't get annoyed or irritated....I do quite easily actually, but I also just get over it easily. I guess, more than positive, I'd say I'm easy-going.

    You can't control the bad in life. Also, whatever is irritating you...chances are there's much more serious stuff going on in the world. So keeping perspective is good.

    Life is short. And being happy is more fun than being a downer. So I try to find the humor or fun in things as much as possible.

    Also @Timshel_ is my hero
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2016
    And I do think it is possible to learn to be more positive... For example, for a while I was starting to get really road-ragey about the pointlessly slow drivers around my town. I would always feel irritated/angry at people whenever I was driving. So I forced myself to go without my car for a month. It was so damn frustrating walking and taking the bus everywhere, that when I got my car back I had a new appreciation for the efficiency of it.

    I think mindfulness is key. Focusing on one behavior/aspect at a time.

    Or, you know, just be Eeyore or Rabbit. To each their own :smiley:
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    A family member was in the car with me when a car cut in front and very, very nearly caused a bad accident. He was upset I wasn't mad!

    I had to explain to him that I wasn't giving them the power to ruin my day. There was no accident, so no need to get all crazy. Later, when I passed them, I said, something like "you need to pay better attention when you're driving" and that was that.

    I once had a stranger tell me he was going to rape me and cut me into pieces. I told him to pull up his pants and have some respect. He did.

    Next level calm. And not normal, I know. It's a gift, because I used to be quite high strung.
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2016
    ^ You seemed both next level calm and positive in this thread, if I remember. Right around pages 5 and 6
  • jenmar222
    jenmar222 Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2016
    Okay, so maybe I'm not so positive... :#:joy:

    But I am good at FIFA, so I have that going for me. And I can sometimes stay on my skateboard. And I can down inhuman amounts of peanut butter despite how sticky it is

    *Runs away*
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    jenmar22 wrote: »
    ^ You seemed both calm and positive in this thread, if I remember. Right around pages 5 and 6


    Here's a summary in pics:



    Was it you? Were like:


    And I was like:


    Or maybe more like:


    Have a nice night! :)

  • Raechel120
    Raechel120 Posts: 659 Member
    Impossible for me I always expect the worst and hope for the best.