Where do your lifts rank?

giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
edited December 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Because we have enough threads about everything else other than lifting, how do your lifts -- Power and Olympic -- rank among those at Strength Level?

I'm 45, average bodyweight of 90kg/200lbs with all time bests of S:425, B:325, D:525.




The only really big surprise for me was my bench press. As I come off this injury and with rising totals in my age division, this has given me a little extra focus to the work I do in the gym now. Goals are to hit 3x squat, 2x bench, 3.5x deadlift.

What about you? Where do you stand? What are goals?


  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    I'm 33, 215 lbs and my bench sucks. My goals for the next year are a 500 squat, 300 bench, 650 deadlift.

    According to the calculator, I am currently:

    Squat: stronger than 89% of lifters in my division with a 2.16x bodyweight squat - Advanced
    Bench: stronger than 63% of lifters in my division with a 1.33x bodyweight bench - Intermediate
    Dead: stronger than 96% of lifters in my division with a 2.47x bodyweight deadlift - Elite

  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    Keira08 wrote: »
    I'm 30, 145lbs, I've been strength training for around 2 years now;

    According to the calculator, I am currently:

    Squat: stronger than 61% of lifters in my division with a 1.21x bodyweight squat - Intermediate
    Bench: stronger than 60% of lifters in my division with a 0.76 bodyweight bench - Intermediate
    Dead: stronger than 80% of lifters in my division with a 1.74 bodyweight deadlift - Advanced

    Awesome lifts with only 2 years of training! What are your goals? Do you currently compete or may be in the future?
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm 47, 120 lbs. intermediate on all lifts. 3 yrs lifting. My heaviest DL is 205, bench @ 100lbs.
  • Keira08
    Keira08 Posts: 29 Member
    Keira08 wrote: »
    I'm 30, 145lbs, I've been strength training for around 2 years now;

    According to the calculator, I am currently:

    Squat: stronger than 61% of lifters in my division with a 1.21x bodyweight squat - Intermediate
    Bench: stronger than 60% of lifters in my division with a 0.76 bodyweight bench - Intermediate
    Dead: stronger than 80% of lifters in my division with a 1.74 bodyweight deadlift - Advanced

    Awesome lifts with only 2 years of training! What are your goals? Do you currently compete or may be in the future?

    Thank you, I was pretty happy with my most recent deadlift PB :). No plans to compete at the moment but never say never! My immediate goal is a 90kg squat, struggling with my squats recently but I'll get there
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Keira08 wrote: »
    I'm 30, 145lbs, I've been strength training for around 2 years now;

    According to the calculator, I am currently:

    Squat: stronger than 61% of lifters in my division with a 1.21x bodyweight squat - Intermediate
    Bench: stronger than 60% of lifters in my division with a 0.76 bodyweight bench - Intermediate
    Dead: stronger than 80% of lifters in my division with a 1.74 bodyweight deadlift - Advanced

    Where can I find this calculator?
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    Keira08 wrote: »
    Keira08 wrote: »
    I'm 30, 145lbs, I've been strength training for around 2 years now;

    According to the calculator, I am currently:

    Squat: stronger than 61% of lifters in my division with a 1.21x bodyweight squat - Intermediate
    Bench: stronger than 60% of lifters in my division with a 0.76 bodyweight bench - Intermediate
    Dead: stronger than 80% of lifters in my division with a 1.74 bodyweight deadlift - Advanced

    Awesome lifts with only 2 years of training! What are your goals? Do you currently compete or may be in the future?

    Thank you, I was pretty happy with my most recent deadlift PB :). No plans to compete at the moment but never say never! My immediate goal is a 90kg squat, struggling with my squats recently but I'll get there

    Deadlift PRs are my favorite too! I've been lifting consistently for about 4 years and am doing my first competition next month.
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    Keira08 wrote: »
    I'm 30, 145lbs, I've been strength training for around 2 years now;

    According to the calculator, I am currently:

    Squat: stronger than 61% of lifters in my division with a 1.21x bodyweight squat - Intermediate
    Bench: stronger than 60% of lifters in my division with a 0.76 bodyweight bench - Intermediate
    Dead: stronger than 80% of lifters in my division with a 1.74 bodyweight deadlift - Advanced

    Where can I find this calculator?

    There's a link at the beginning of the OP or click below.

  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Squat - 127.5kg @ 85kg body weight - advanced, stronger than 89% of age cohort with a 1.5 times body weight squat

    Bench - 92.5kg @ 88kg body weight- advanced, stronger than 85% with 1.05 times body weight bench.

    Deadlift - 170kg @ 85kg body weight - elite, stronger than 96% with 2.00 times body weight deadlift.

    Kinda surprised my squat is ranked up as high as it is.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited December 2016
    Squat: Estimated via rep max from a few weeks ago: 375

    Your Strength Level for Squat is Advanced
    You're stronger than 86% of male lifters in your age group weighing 182 lb
    Your lift is 1.95 times your bodyweight

    Bench: Tested just over 1 week ago: 315

    Your Strength Level for Bench is Advanced
    You're stronger than 92% of male lifters in your age group weighing 182 lb
    Your lift is 1.73 times your bodyweight

    Deadlift: Tested about 2 months ago: 455

    Your Strength Level for Deadlift is Advanced
    You're stronger than 90% of male lifters in your age group weighing 182 lb
    Your lift is 2.50 times your bodyweight

    eta: 44yo male @ 182 lb
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    23, weighing averaging 183 lbs right now. Recent maxes at that body weight - 285 squat/ 155 bench/ 325 dead
    Lifting for about 3 years but just starting to really get into strength programming.
    I'm down 30 lbs (and was sick on and off the first 7 months of this year so didn't get a lot of training in) so squat and bench have suffered, but I feel like I am in for some PR's in the next month or so now that I'm finding my groove. Deadlift is surprisingly a lifetime PR even being at a lower body weight.
    Anyway, enough with my reasons for feeling inadequate and on to the rankings...
    Squat - stronger than 91%, 1.56x bw - Advanced
    Bench - stronger than 70%, .85x bw - Intermediate
    Dead- stronger than 91%, 1.78x bw - Advanced
    I would like to deadlift 405 in the next year if possible, squat 315+, and bench bodyweight, whether it be maintaining weight and gaining strength or losing more bodyweight.
    I would like to cut more bodyfat in the future but I plan to maintain for a while so I can focus on strength/muscle gains. Looking at a meet in May 2017.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited December 2016
    Errr well... these are my bests at the BW's that I can remember... plus they're all gym lifts. I know for a fact my Squat is not around that currently due to working back up post-injury and switching to High Bar. I've TnG'ed 270 lbs on Bench Press, but I went with Paused weight.

    Squat, 360 lbs - Your Strength Level for Squat is Intermediate. You're stronger than 78% of male lifters in your age group weighing 180 lb. Your lift is 2.00 times your bodyweight.

    Bench (Paused), 255 lbs - Your Strength Level for Bench is Intermediate. You're stronger than 68% of male lifters in your age group weighing 180 lb. Your lift is 1.42 times your bodyweight.

    Deadlift, 525 lbs - Your Strength Level for Deadlift is Elite. You're stronger than 96% of male lifters in your age group weighing 181 lb. Your lift is 2.90 times your bodyweight.

    TFW you suck at everything but Deads...

    *Edit - Probably makes sense to include the actual poundage...
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member

    Bench = 160kg (Advanced)
    Squat = 220kg (Advanced)
    Deadlift = 260kg (Advanced)

    These are all gym PB's set during a mock meet last year.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I don't have a whole lot of current known 1RM's, but as best I can figure I fall in the intermediate category in pretty much everything. Except the dips and pullups I hit advanced numbers, not surprising since the majority if my training is bodyweight.