How come I have more energy the less I eat?



  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    You might try following the same guidelines to re-introduce food after a fading cleanse. Start by introducing orange juice with pulp. The juice has a good amount of easy to digest calories and the pulp starts waking up digestion slowly with just the slightest bit of solids. The second day stay with the juice again and add a small salad and vegetable soup. From there stick to mostly fruits and vegetables for a few days and very slowly start incorporating grains, then meat.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    demorelli wrote: »
    You might try following the same guidelines to re-introduce food after a fading cleanse. Start by introducing orange juice with pulp. The juice has a good amount of easy to digest calories and the pulp starts waking up digestion slowly with just the slightest bit of solids. The second day stay with the juice again and add a small salad and vegetable soup. From there stick to mostly fruits and vegetables for a few days and very slowly start incorporating grains, then meat.

    wakening up digestion?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    What on earth causes something like this? Is it brought on by years of ED behaviour?

    OP why are you faffing about on an internet forum? You've had this problem for a substantial amount of time, right? Why haven't your doctor's got you on a treatment plan?
  • lennysperson
    lennysperson Posts: 2 Member
    While it's always important to have doctors that understand all aspects of what your struggling with, it's ignorant to assume that a person with a history of mental health issues couldn't possibly have a very serious and frustrating physical condition as well. I understand what you're going through too well. I came down with Lyme disease seven years ago and by the time I got the proper treatment I was completely disabled. One of the first and still lingering symptoms was gastroparesis. To those who don't fully grasp what that is it means partial or total paralysis of the nerves that make digestion possible. It has many possible causes and is most commonly related to dysautonomia, diabetes, and, yes, sometimes eating disorders. Often though it has no clear cause. It can slow your metabolism and destroy your energy. During the eight months it took for a doctor to believe that it wasn't all in my head I actually did develop a fear of food because literally everything I ate was uncomfortable, painful, and drained my energy in the process. When that becomes your whole life of course it's going to leave you vulnerable to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. I'm so sorry you're going through this and if you don't have them already I highly suggest you look for a doctor, nutritionist, and therapist that all understand complex multilayered diagnosis. That's a pretty tall order but it's the only way I survived. I actually started mfp just so I could make sure I was getting enough to eat(most days I still do not). I also tried a low fiber elimination diet to rule out particularly triggering foods. I still have really slow digestion but cutting out certain foods and intensive stretching really helped me. Hope you start feeling better soon.