Losing Vanity Weight... HELP



  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.

    If you're using measuring cups you're not accurately weighing your food-use a food scale set to grams.

    this! watch the videos on here about measuring cups VS weighing (maybe someone could post the link?) HUGE differences between the two!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.

    When you were losing weight, how much were you losing per week? Also, there are many women who have erroneous beliefs about what they can and cannot maintain at, but that is largely because they feel they need to make huge cuts in calories when they start losing weight. If you want some further reinforcement, below is a good thread of women who lose weight on 1800 calories a day.

  • sfaust2196
    sfaust2196 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the help! My metabolism is messed up because I lost weight quickly at 1200 cals a day with exercise. I also have hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, possible PCOS, reasons for not getting my period.
    I would LOVE a food scale but my roommates would freak out. They already reported me to the campus nutritionist and now I have to go to therapy every week. A food scale is just not possible in my situation:( I wish it was.
    I guess recomp seems to be the way to go I'm just so clueless. Thanks..
  • sfaust2196
    sfaust2196 Posts: 30 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.

    If you're using measuring cups you're not accurately weighing your food-use a food scale set to grams.

    this! watch the videos on here about measuring cups VS weighing (maybe someone could post the link?) HUGE differences between the two!

    I guess I'm just confused about how there would be a huge difference? If I eat a bag of sweet peas over two days, does it really matter if I eat 82 calories one day and 78 the next cause it was a little off?
    If I buy two pounds of sweet potatoes and cook them and eat it over four days, even if I don't split it up in four equal parts I am eating two pounds of sweet potato? If a bag of brown rice and quinoa is 460 calories and I eat it over four days.. 115 calories a day will be about right and average out in the end?
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.

    Am I the only one who finds this statement somewhat worrying?

    Yeah, this is concerning. I think there are more issues going on here. Losing more weight isn't going to help, Stephanie. You'll still look the same, just smaller.

    I, too, was obsessed with weighing and measuring everything -- food and myself. I would tear my hair out, not understanding why I wasn't losing. It wasn't until I ditched it all, stopped weighing and measuring my food, stopped weighing and measuring myself, and just worked out and ate intuitively that I finally broke the cycle of self-hatred. I can't tell you how freeing it was and how much better I feel about myself. And I've started losing again. Or at least I think I have. I haven't stepped on a scale since the summer but I do take my measurements monthly and they are going down and I'm constantly pulling up my pants :-)

    IMO, it's time for you to step away from all of this and just live your life. That doesn't mean eating like a sumo wrestler. Take what you've learned and apply it to your life and ENJOY life without obsessing about a certain number on the scale.
  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    edited December 2016
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.

    If you're using measuring cups you're not accurately weighing your food-use a food scale set to grams.

    this! watch the videos on here about measuring cups VS weighing (maybe someone could post the link?) HUGE differences between the two!

    I guess I'm just confused about how there would be a huge difference? If I eat a bag of sweet peas over two days, does it really matter if I eat 82 calories one day and 78 the next cause it was a little off?
    If I buy two pounds of sweet potatoes and cook them and eat it over four days, even if I don't split it up in four equal parts I am eating two pounds of sweet potato? If a bag of brown rice and quinoa is 460 calories and I eat it over four days.. 115 calories a day will be about right and average out in the end?

    How big are your bags of quinoa and rice O.o Veggies, I wouldn't worry about so much since most are relatively low in calories. But things like quinoa and rice, unless your buying single serving size bags they aren't 460 calories a bag. Quinoa was honestly a huge one for me to see when I actually started weighing vs measuring, it has a lot of calories for some relatively small serving sizes.

    Also a note with the food scale, it doesn't sound like your roommates are freaking out, it sounds like they're worried about you. I do think you should take a bit of a step back from all of this and work on your mental health. The fact that you want to keep track of food shouldn't be a red flag for any roommate, I know mine wasn't phased when I bought and started using a food scale, but they obviously are seeing other things that they find concerning as well.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Toss the body weight scale, toss it far!

    I agree with this 1,000,000 percent :D
  • sfaust2196
    sfaust2196 Posts: 30 Member
    Nikki10129 wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.

    If you're using measuring cups you're not accurately weighing your food-use a food scale set to grams.

    this! watch the videos on here about measuring cups VS weighing (maybe someone could post the link?) HUGE differences between the two!

    I guess I'm just confused about how there would be a huge difference? If I eat a bag of sweet peas over two days, does it really matter if I eat 82 calories one day and 78 the next cause it was a little off?
    If I buy two pounds of sweet potatoes and cook them and eat it over four days, even if I don't split it up in four equal parts I am eating two pounds of sweet potato? If a bag of brown rice and quinoa is 460 calories and I eat it over four days.. 115 calories a day will be about right and average out in the end?

    How big are your bags of quinoa and rice O.o Veggies, I wouldn't worry about so much since most are relatively low in calories. But things like quinoa and rice, unless your buying single serving size bags they aren't 460 calories a bag. Quinoa was honestly a huge one for me to see when I actually started weighing vs measuring, it has a lot of calories for some relatively small serving sizes.

    Also a note with the food scale, it doesn't sound like your roommates are freaking out, it sounds like they're worried about you. I do think you should take a bit of a step back from all of this and work on your mental health. The fact that you want to keep track of food shouldn't be a red flag for any roommate, I know mine wasn't phased when I bought and started using a food scale, but they obviously are seeing other things that they find concerning as well.
    Nikki10129 wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.

    If you're using measuring cups you're not accurately weighing your food-use a food scale set to grams.

    this! watch the videos on here about measuring cups VS weighing (maybe someone could post the link?) HUGE differences between the two!

    I guess I'm just confused about how there would be a huge difference? If I eat a bag of sweet peas over two days, does it really matter if I eat 82 calories one day and 78 the next cause it was a little off?
    If I buy two pounds of sweet potatoes and cook them and eat it over four days, even if I don't split it up in four equal parts I am eating two pounds of sweet potato? If a bag of brown rice and quinoa is 460 calories and I eat it over four days.. 115 calories a day will be about right and average out in the end?

    How big are your bags of quinoa and rice O.o Veggies, I wouldn't worry about so much since most are relatively low in calories. But things like quinoa and rice, unless your buying single serving size bags they aren't 460 calories a bag. Quinoa was honestly a huge one for me to see when I actually started weighing vs measuring, it has a lot of calories for some relatively small serving sizes.

    Also a note with the food scale, it doesn't sound like your roommates are freaking out, it sounds like they're worried about you. I do think you should take a bit of a step back from all of this and work on your mental health. The fact that you want to keep track of food shouldn't be a red flag for any roommate, I know mine wasn't phased when I bought and started using a food scale, but they obviously are seeing other things that they find concerning as well.

    Seeds of change, 2 serving bags. Very small. Says "460" right on the bag.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    Thanks for the help! My metabolism is messed up because I lost weight quickly at 1200 cals a day with exercise. I also have hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, possible PCOS, reasons for not getting my period.
    I would LOVE a food scale but my roommates would freak out. They already reported me to the campus nutritionist and now I have to go to therapy every week. A food scale is just not possible in my situation:( I wish it was.
    I guess recomp seems to be the way to go I'm just so clueless. Thanks..

    OP do you have a history with EDs by chance? Somethings 'off' here.....
  • sfaust2196
    sfaust2196 Posts: 30 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    Thanks for the help! My metabolism is messed up because I lost weight quickly at 1200 cals a day with exercise. I also have hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, possible PCOS, reasons for not getting my period.
    I would LOVE a food scale but my roommates would freak out. They already reported me to the campus nutritionist and now I have to go to therapy every week. A food scale is just not possible in my situation:( I wish it was.
    I guess recomp seems to be the way to go I'm just so clueless. Thanks..

    OP do you have a history with EDs by chance? Somethings 'off' here.....

    NO! My friends and family and nutritionist just think I'm getting one. My best friend was anorexic in high school and trust me, I'm NOT! Yes, I obsess about it but they just don't understand! I put so much work into this and it's frustrating to not see results! I feel like I worked so hard I should look how I want to look and I just don't. They think I look "great" but they don't see the cellulite and rolls that I do. I just want to be happy about my body and it isn't cooperating. I'm terrified of increasing anything because I don't want to gain weight and have all my hard work be for nothing:(
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.

    If you're using measuring cups you're not accurately weighing your food-use a food scale set to grams.

    this! watch the videos on here about measuring cups VS weighing (maybe someone could post the link?) HUGE differences between the two!

    I guess I'm just confused about how there would be a huge difference? If I eat a bag of sweet peas over two days, does it really matter if I eat 82 calories one day and 78 the next cause it was a little off?
    If I buy two pounds of sweet potatoes and cook them and eat it over four days, even if I don't split it up in four equal parts I am eating two pounds of sweet potato? If a bag of brown rice and quinoa is 460 calories and I eat it over four days.. 115 calories a day will be about right and average out in the end?

    this just proves you really do need a scale to SEE the difference! just because a package claims something is a certain weight doesn't mean it is. There really are huge differences between cups and actually weighing something. I can never find the videos when I need them - someone help by posting them please!?