Losing Vanity Weight... HELP

Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie, I am 20 years old, and over the past 18 months, I lost about 35 pounds. My lowest weight (in the morning, after using the bathroom) was 144.4 and I am 5'10". My measurements are 38, 26.5, 38 (I am a 32G bra size which just makes me look bigger) I want nothing more than to lose 5-10 more pounds but really feel stuck!!! Over the past four days, I gained two pounds and do not know why. I do not get my period so it is not that.
Every day, I eat about 1400-1600 calories and 30-40% of these come from lean proteins like chicken or nonfat greek yogurt. I cook all my food and know exactly what goes into it so know that these numbers are accurate.
I start my day with nonfat greek yogurt and kashi protein cereal, or with two eggs, salsa, and a slice of 45 calorie bread.
For lunch, I usually have a chicken breast greek yogurt sandwich on light bread, or a salad, or a piece of protein and veggies.
For dinner, I have a mix of a protein (salmon, chicken, black beans) with a carb (sweet potato, pumpkin ravioli) and LOTS of veggies (2+ cups).
There may be a 100 calorie snack or two in the mix as well, but I NEVER consume more than 1600 calories. I was doing 1200 for a while but was told it was too little for my height.

I also go to the gym at least 6x a week for at least an hour a day. I hate running so usually use the elliptical for about 45 minutes to 90 minutes and burn AT LEAST 450 calories according to my fitbit. Then, I do muscle training on the machines for 15 minutes.
I am a college student and am walking all day to class as well.

What else can I do?! Cut more calories? Suck it up and start running instead of using the elliptical? I am lost and confused and so upset about this 2 pound weight gain! I really want to be in the 130s before Christmas but now it looks like that won't happen considering I was 146 this morning and 148.8 tonight so will probably be around 146.5 tomorrow... I AM SO UPSET! PLEASE HELP! WHAT CAN I DO?!?!?! I AM ABOUT TO RESORT TO DIET PILLS WHICH WAS MY LAST OPTION... DO THEY WORK?!


  • mila_lova
    mila_lova Posts: 163 Member
    I've heard that when you start strength training your muscles retain water so the scale won't move, so that might be contributing.
  • sfaust2196
    sfaust2196 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the answer! I definitely just want to look smaller and thought being in the 130s would achieve that but if I could look skinnier in the 140s I would take it! What is a recomp? My maintenance is 2491 calories which I CANNOT eat, I would gain five pounds in a day and 10 pounds by the end of the week. I ate 1700 by accident last week because I forgot to add a snack and gained .8 pounds. What do you suggest as a calorie intake? If I cut back on cardio can I just keep doing 1500?
  • janetennet
    janetennet Posts: 143 Member
    I agree, you need to relax. You are a healthy weight for your height, your need to lose the extra weight will be slower because of this. It is most probably water retention and will drop in a few days, on a side note; just because you do not get a period does not mean that your body does not go through the necessary changes and procedures including water retention.
  • zorander6
    zorander6 Posts: 2,713 Member
    I'm going to be blunt, you are going overboard, chill the ##@#%@#!3$! out. Do more muscle training but you are in the healthy range. This is not "make me look like model ###@#$@#%!#" but to be healthy. As the others said. Instead of worrying about minor variances (which will happen based on time of day, health, food you've eaten, water retention) and other factors. Slow down. If you want to get into the 130's you are probably going to have to set a .5lb goal as you are near what you want to target.

    As for recomp you will "gain weight" doing so because you are converting fat to muscle. If you are exercising enough for your intake to be high then make sure you are eating half what you burn back. Back off the scale for a bit and chill out. If anyone has problems with your weight at this point it's their problem. If you want to lose a little more great, but don't make it into something that makes you miserable.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    What they said. I weigh everyday, its quite normal for me to weigh 2 lbs more or less one day, then in a day or two its gone. I normally wait a week to see what my actual loss was, still knowing how the pounds fluctuate on me. I don't worry about it, I just keep plugging along. Relax
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I can 'gain' 5lbs in a day and it has nothing to do with actual fat gains. Your weight will fluctuate day to day for all sorts of reasons -sodium intake /water retention, hormones, digestion timing, constipation, batteries on scale getting old, water retention from exercise etc etc.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

  • sfaust2196
    sfaust2196 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi- thank you all so much for your help!
    Maybe I do want to look like a model, or at least smaller, but for all of the hard work I do I don't think that's a bad thing! I know how to lose weight- I lost 35 pounds in the last year and a half. I'm not dumb. It just is harder now because my metabolism is messed up. I will try the recomp thing but really have no idea how. I already spend hours researching diet and recipe tips so I will just move those hours into the recomp instead. Thanks...
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    Hi- thank you all so much for your help!
    Maybe I do want to look like a model, or at least smaller, but for all of the hard work I do I don't think that's a bad thing! I know how to lose weight- I lost 35 pounds in the last year and a half. I'm not dumb. It just is harder now because my metabolism is messed up. I will try the recomp thing but really have no idea how. I already spend hours researching diet and recipe tips so I will just move those hours into the recomp instead. Thanks...

    How is your metabolism messed up?
  • sfaust2196
    sfaust2196 Posts: 30 Member
    xmichaelyx wrote: »
    sfaust2196 wrote: »
    My maintenance is 2491 calories

    My maintenance is lower than that, and I'm a 6' tall, 180-pound guy.

    Are you weighing all your food, or guesstimating portion sizes? Because if you were really eating what you claim to be eating, you'd absolutely be losing weight.

    I think most people here are hung up on the fact that you're 20 and seem to be freaking out, which implies a potential eating disorder. There's nothing wrong with your weight loss goal (130s is fine for your height), you just need to do a better job of counting calories.

    I just got my maintenance from putting my height, weight, and activity level on a website from google. I know it's not accurate as I would blow up on that!
    I am ABSOLUTELY not eating more than I say I am eating. I measure everything and then round up further. My chicken may be off day to day, but I make one pound at a time so it definitely averages out over the course of the few days I eat the chicken. Everything else- sweet potatoes, rice, cereal, veggies- I measure with cups. Even yogurt I measure with measuring cups every morning- my roommates all think I'm crazy. But I want to make sure I can accurately log!
    I'm not naive or making anything up. I really never ever eat over 1600 except in a case like last week where I made a mistake. I'm so frustrated and know it should not be this hard... my roommates eat like crap it's disgusting and many of them are thinner than me. It's so not fair for my age I should look great without trying this hard! It has consumed my life and I am still not happy.
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    Hi Stephanie! Your metabolism isn't messed up unless you have some sort of thyroid disorder, I promise! If you feel the need to weight yourself every day (I do) then use an app like Happy Scale where you can follow your weight trend. It takes the stress out of figuring out the daily weight fluctuations. I love the app. Also, take a look at this article about "why the scale lies." Your period and fat gain aren't the only reasons you will see the number on the scale go up. As you said, you've got the skills, but I think you're putting too much pressure on getting things done in a short amount of time. Speaking from personal experience, once I took the time constraints off meeting my goals, I was a much happier person. I wish you the best of luck in reaching your goals.