Help! I can't stay committed



  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Well done, excellent start!

    Make sure you make room for holiday celebrations, if you martyr yourself you are only making it more likely you will lose motivation again. At the end of the day you are not that likely to lose significantly over Christmas, and that's OK. The trick is not to gain too much!
  • 2claisreal
    2claisreal Posts: 9 Member
    Ok I'm proud to report I'm down 2 lbs in two days. It's a start and a long way ahead.
    Thanks everyone for your advice
  • gracemaryx
    gracemaryx Posts: 15 Member
    The good thing is you're not alone!!! I think everybody struggles with the long term commitment to some extent. It's not easy to change your life for good - otherwise everybody would be doing it!

    I always struggled with staying motivated. Over the course of 5 years my weight fluctuated up and down, couldn't stick to anything, would make progress and then undo it all. But over course of the past 2 years I have lost almost 20kg (44 lbs), kept it off and still losing!

    What's the secret?

    Find something you ACTUALLY ENJOY.

    I *kitten* hated dieting. And I hated long cardio sessions. And I hated restricting carbs. But I thought these things were necessary to be successful - they're not.

    I got a trainer for accountability and a kick start, also to help me with enjoyable workout ideas. He really did change my whole mindset. Then I started making small talk with the people I saw at the gym everyday, formed little friendships with people who had similar goals - made it more enjoyable to go to the gym.

    Don't cut out any foods. Read up on IIFYM - if you're not tracking and counting your macros, you should start. It doesn't work for everybody but it's certainly the only thing that's kept me going. By doing this you can fit anything you want into your diet and still lose weight (this includes chocolate, ice cream, pizza and pasta!)

    Also don't set your calories too low. I tried doing 1200 for years. It only works short term but it's not sustainable, especially if you're doing a lot of exercise. I also now only do 1-2 short cardio sessions per week, and 3-4 days of heavy lifting because it makes me feel strong. I used to do cardio only and that would always exhaust me.

    Hope this helps, and I hope you find something you really enjoy - feel free to message me if you need to!
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    clamarrag wrote: »
    What if I cut out breads and pasta to start? Would that aid my weight loss quicker?

    If you like them, then cutting them out will just lead to frustration and adherence failure. You can continue eating the foods you like, you just need to learn how to fit them into your calorie goals.

    Weight loss is pretty straightforward -eat at the correct calorie deficit for your goals (MFP does the math part for you ). No need to make drastic changes or box yourself in with arbitrary rules and restrictions :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    clamarrag wrote: »
    Ok I'm over 160 calories over for the day
    I'm slowly getting there
    Starting to be more mindful
    Just need to get through the holidays
    So many functions and so much food!

    To be honest, this isn't exactly the easiest time to start a diet. Do what you can...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    clamarrag wrote: »
    Would I be best off doing the induction phase of Atkins?
    I need something immediately
    I really hate I let myself go this big
    I've never been this overweight
    Yes I am very depressed over this
    Can you go with eating low carbs the rest of your life? Cause if not, you'll just regain the weight back again. Not uncommon because lots of people do this just to lose weight, but not intend on abstaining from carbs the rest of their life.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    You'll become committed when you're ready to. I went through the same thing for a whole year. A whole YEAR. Eventually, something will "click" inside of you and you'll know that what you want to achieve is more important than temporary pleasure or comfort. Then you'll do great.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    I gained 20 in (not sure) about 4 months as well. It was a new stressor that got me. I think the fact that you're on here and admitting it's time to get going is a really good sign. Have someone hold you accountable. Definitely try to get some fresh air for exercise and energy levels. Take deep breaths to try to lower your stress. If necessary, check for signs of depression. Take care of your mind so that you will be well-prepared to stick to your calorie goals and lose the weight! Surprisingly, the red and green numbers are great motivators. But this time of year is so tough. Best of luck!