Thoughts on a weightlifting belt?

What are your thoughts on weightlifting belts? (Best brands, prices, etc..) I don't have any major issues squatting or deadlifting, however I've been looking into purchasing a belt to up my numbers. Are they beneficial or a waste?


  • newbie3122
    newbie3122 Posts: 480 Member
    I have a cheap Valeo belt and I don't feel that it's a good investment. I'd rather spend that money for a dip belt
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    What numbers are you lifting?
  • k8millz
    k8millz Posts: 28 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    What numbers are you lifting?

    Right now I'm currently sitting at 155 5x5 bb squats and same for RDL's. My deadlifts have been the slowest to progress though as far as numbers go.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    edited December 2016
    Certain people will. Tell you that you don't need a belt until you lift really "heavy" (what ever that is) or that using a belt is a crutch that will somehow impair your muscular and strength development. I think this is pure BS.

    I'm 66/160# and currently DL 325 and SQT 245, which is pretty good for an old man. I've always used a belt when doing SQTs, DLs, BPs & OHPs.

    Doing so provides core & back support to prevent injuries as I continue to lift heavier. It also helps me to focus on my breathing and on the tightening of my core in my lifting routine, which are both important but seldom mentioned aspects of doing SQTs and DLs, especially at heavier weights.

    So, my recommendation is to buy and use a belt when you're lifting, whether you're lifting "heavy" yet or not. getting into the habit of always using one will prepare you for when you reslly need it. Consider it insurance.

    As for which belt to get, buy a well constructed powerlifting belt that is at least 8-10 mm thick. Thicker than this is stiffer and is not necessarily better. Most are 4" wide but for smaller women 3" should suffice. Some men also use 3" belts for DL to avoid hip flexor impairment. They cost around $100-150 and are well worth the price.

    I have been using a hand stitched double pronged 4" wide & 10 mm thick double buckle belt made by Best Belts (that's their name) for years. It's a small family owned business that has been making belts by hand for a long time. See:

    A lot of people on MFP use belts made by Inzer, particularly it's lever belt. I'm not a fan of the lever because I believe that simpler is better but if that appeals to you check them out. They of course make standard buckle belts which are well made and regarded. See:

    There are of course other quality belts made by other companies but these are 2 that I recommend and looking at these will give you a good base upon which to compare the quality and construction of others.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Nice article with thoughts from 4 strength and conditioning experts

    Spoiler the general view is for most people the use of belts should be limited
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    If your goal is to get stronger at things like squat/deads/overhead press and you have the disposable income for a belt I would definitely recommend it.

    I would go with inzer or
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    I have an Inzer. It's purple.
  • jester13
    jester13 Posts: 408 Member
    k8millz wrote: »
    What are your thoughts on weightlifting belts? (Best brands, prices, etc..) I don't have any major issues squatting or deadlifting, however I've been looking into purchasing a belt to up my numbers. Are they beneficial or a waste?

    Belt is great for stabilizing the core. When you belly breathe and pull are in against the belt it helps to stabilize the spine. Helps to get a few more pounds up on deadlifts and squats
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    No way I want to lift above 85% of my max without a belt. Nope.

    Get a belt. A leather one. Inzer will do the trick.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    My belt just helps me set my core bracing properly and then I can focus on everything else.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    i love my belt, i only use it when i get to around 50-60% of my 1rm . I take it off for just about everything else. i have an inzer 10mm single prong.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    Nice article with thoughts from 4 strength and conditioning experts

    Spoiler the general view is for most people the use of belts should be limited

    This is my opinion.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    No way I want to lift above 85% of my max without a belt. Nope.

  • terricherry2
    terricherry2 Posts: 222 Member
    I got one a few months ago and I've been able to add quite a bit of weight to my DL and SQT. I go as heavy as I can without it and then put it on for heavy sets/1rm. I got a lever, mainly because you can rip it off like a badass.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I use a double prong leather belt. I don't know the brand, it's what is available in my gym. I use it for heavy squats and deads. I've had chronic back pain in the past and feel the belt helps keep my back and core stable, more secure, and is safer for me.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    edited December 2016
    I deadlift 405lbs without one. I have no plans of increasing above 405 lbs. I have reached my deadlift limit maybe and my bropinion on belts is that they impede more than they help.

    Would the overwhelming majority of powerlifters who almost exclusively do their heaviest lifting belted convince you that your opinion is wrong?
  • piperdown44
    piperdown44 Posts: 958 Member
    Just picked up a Inzer lever about 8 weeks back. Best investment yet. Still breaking it in so I still get "bite" marks from it.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I deadlift 405lbs without one. I have no plans of increasing above 405 lbs. I have reached my deadlift limit maybe and my bropinion on belts is that they impede more than they help.

    Seems legit

    lol'd so much I couldn't even come up with a response despite really wanting to