Being on diet and talking about it and thinking about it make me depressed

Ok well I've stucked to thought of eating healhier and watching my calories and portions but , my boyfriend on the days we're together and just on his own likes to go get fast food or go get food.. and I'm soon going to limit this it out with him to 1 day a week versus twice.. it kind of gets me depressed about always having to tell him about why I don't want to eat something or the theory of counting calories .. he believes in just watching his portions but eating what u want .. he seems more supportive of my idea and I take medication before bed and so when I eat sporadically through the day like I do with him I literally get quesy before I go to bed and throw up .. it's horrible .. so eating good meals and counting my calories makes my stomach feel good and I like to eat what I want and keep balanced because my stomach especially since I take medication it's super sensitive ..he felt bad that I got sick and I think is more accepting about me so stubborn about this .. but sometimes being on diet well I know it's not diet is lifestyle change but it can be kind of depressing especially if ur not just trying to count calories but eat balanced healthy meals ..the thought of telling people or explaining ur plan can be exhausting especially if what ur planning to do honestly hasn't been showing results .. but I know what I'm doing is right 80 percent of time so I just need to make few adjustments and the weight with eventually come off so I don't want advice about my diet but the whole thinking and talking about it with others makes me feel depressed and trapped inside and even hypocritical when what I'm doing isn't showing results yet ...


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Don't talk about it with others. It's that simply. Somebody asks if you want some fries? "No thanks." Want a piece of cake? "No thanks!" You don't need to explain anything. Let your no be your no.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    You aren't required to talk about or explain your weight loss efforts to others. If a food makes you ill that is all there is to it.
    I would suggest instead of thinking about what you can't have you think about the postive: eating food you like that makes you feel good. Adding more foods to your diet.
    Losing weight takes time. Changing your diet and habits take time.

    I didn't tell anyone I know that I was trying to lose weight. I don't bring it up at all.
  • anastasiakuschnick
    Don't worry you just gotta keep with it and commit to get results :) it's always hard to say no to foods you love but once you start seeing that what you are doing IS working it'll get easier :) you got this!!
  • jlsjenni1992
    jlsjenni1992 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks guy for being nice about it and your right
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I had to wrap my head around the fact that I'm not on a diet. I'm eating lower calories to lose weight and it's only a few hundred less than what I will eat for the rest of my life when I get to maintenance. Because of that I eat the foods I love and fit them in or modify them to lower calorie version or just portion control.

    I also agree don't talk about it with folks that aren't 100% supportive and even those folks get tired of hearing it I'm sometimes too I'm sure:)
  • jlsjenni1992
    jlsjenni1992 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks guys .. ur right I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing even if it's not working for now because I'm doing better then what I was doing before thanks
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited December 2016
    I only had @ 15 lbs to lose, but when I was losing weight, no one knew I was on a diet. I didn't talk about it at all, I just ate what I wanted to to stay on plan and said No Thanks to other stuff.

    But I was eating regular food, just less. I don't really understand what you were talking about as far as your meal timing and all that. You don't have to cut out foods you like, or eat at specific times of day to lose weight. I ate fast food, pizza, ice cream etc while losng, just not as often and in smaller portions.

    Regardless, however you want to eat is your own decision, and you don't need to explain it to anyone. The only exception would be if someone who cares about you expresses concern that you are hurting yourself. If that happens, I would at least hear them out and make sure you aren't taking unnecessary risks in an effort to lose weight.

    If he wants to get take out, can't you just choose something lighter than you used to? Or eat a smaller portion and save the rest for lunch tomorrow? You want to make sure that the way you eat to lose weight isn't so difficult that you can't maintain it when you're done :smile:
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    I told almost no one I was trying to lose weight. I just ate less. If anyone questioned what I was eating at a particular meal, I'd just say "not very hungry right now" or "ate breakfast late" or something, then change the subject.

    There are two reasons: One is to avoid the pushback some people will give you, and the "oh, you can have just one - here, have it!" from others. The second reason was that other people's diets, and especially other people obsessing and constantly talking about their diets, what they can/can't eat, etc. - that's really boring, tedious and annoying for others.

    So: Just eat less. No drama, no agonizing (ideally, not even inside your own head), no need for careful timing of eating, no need to totally avoid certain foods - just eat less, to hit a reasonable calorie goal. It'll work.

    Pretty soon people will be saying "Wow - you've lost weight! Are you dieting?" And you say, "No, just trying to eat a little healthier, and it feels great." . . . then change the subject. ;)
  • sy_19440
    sy_19440 Posts: 55 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I told almost no one I was trying to lose weight. I just ate less. If anyone questioned what I was eating at a particular meal, I'd just say "not very hungry right now" or "ate breakfast late" or something, then change the subject.

    There are two reasons: One is to avoid the pushback some people will give you, and the "oh, you can have just one - here, have it!" from others. The second reason was that other people's diets, and especially other people obsessing and constantly talking about their diets, what they can/can't eat, etc. - that's really boring, tedious and annoying for others.

    So: Just eat less. No drama, no agonizing (ideally, not even inside your own head), no need for careful timing of eating, no need to totally avoid certain foods - just eat less, to hit a reasonable calorie goal. It'll work.

    Pretty soon people will be saying "Wow - you've lost weight! Are you dieting?" And you say, "No, just trying to eat a little healthier, and it feels great." . . . then change the subject. ;)

    I do the exact same thing...I watch my portions but still have pizza. I avoid "fast food" because it doesn't agree with me. Going out for dinner tonight and will box half of it because the portion will be to large (I don't need to eat all of that).
  • jlsjenni1992
    jlsjenni1992 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks good advice ..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    a) Don't talk about it. Just do your thing.

    b) Focus on something else ... something that is not food. For me, that was university and cycling.