Feeling Like A Failure - 345lbs



  • khaleesikhaleesi
    khaleesikhaleesi Posts: 213 Member
    Don't feel like a failure!!! Everyone has their own struggles. Weight is just one of the ones that everyone can see.

    You just have to stick with it. Don't make excuses, don't cut corners. Remember that the only person you cheat is yourself! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! And I recommend an app like Happy Scale; it helps break down your goals into smaller goals, which it shows you your progress towards, and it averages out your weight loss to give you estimates of a date that you should hit that weight if you keep doing what you're doing which is super helpful!
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    I have added you as a friend. I respond to your story because I've been there myself. In January 2016 I started this journey at 378 Lbs. I hadn't stepped on a scale in years after I hit 300. I finally just had to do something about where I was in my life. I could barely walk to the bathroom and I seriously was concerned that I would get stuck in the bathtub.

    I have lost 157 Lbs so far and am now 221 Lbs. I still have 106 Lbs to lose but I keep setting mini goals because looking at the whole amount that I had to lose was too overwhelming. My latest mini goal is to reach 220 by my birthday (in 2 days). I have .6 of a pound to lose so I think I will make it unless something strange happens I should make my goal. Then my next mini goal will be to make it to 215 which will leave me with 100 lbs to lose. The next one will be to break the 200 mark.

    I almost freaked myself out when I first started because I said to myself that it would be 2 - 2 1/2 Years before I could eat anything good. I almost hyperventilated and just panicked. That is when I calmed myself down by making an agreement with myself that when or if I needed it, I would allow myself to eat anything I wanted (bad for me or not) and I would take of the consequences the next day. That's all it took and I got my head on straight. Funny thing is that I haven't had to use the "get out of jail free card". Once I started I was so happy with the progress that it keeps motivating me.

    I know you can do this. At 49 years old I did something I never thought I could do.

    I wish you all of the success in the world and good luck on your journey!

    Tina Marie
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Keep reading this forum. There are a lot of folks who not only lost weight but have maintained that loss for years. Some with medical issues, some older, some with eating disorders etc.

    It will be a long slow process but if you just don't give up you will get there!!

    good luck!!
  • courtneyallisonatx
    courtneyallisonatx Posts: 133 Member
    Going to meet my Trainer today with my Fiance to go grocery shopping. We are at a loss of what to do to make meals that don't taste terrible but are also good for us. All of your words have meant so much to me and are really helping me while getting myself set up to change my lifestyle and eating habits. Would love each of you to add me if you would like! Love you all!
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    Going to meet my Trainer today with my Fiance to go grocery shopping. We are at a loss of what to do to make meals that don't taste terrible but are also good for us. All of your words have meant so much to me and are really helping me while getting myself set up to change my lifestyle and eating habits. Would love each of you to add me if you would like! Love you all!
    Feel free to message me - me and my fiancé have come up with some super healthy and super good healthy meals. :)