Feeling intimidated at the gym?

ceciliabeth94 Posts: 22 Member
edited December 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
So I'm a 22 year old woman and I've recently begun to go to the gym regularly. I see a trainer 3x a week and I do weight training + cardio.

My problem, and I know a lot of other girls feel this too, is feeling super intimidated around all these built guys who are also weight training. I know it's stupid, but I just feel out of place being the overweight short chick lifting 5lb hand weights and who needs to be guided by someone else because she doesn't know what she's doing on her own. In my head I think everyone is laughing even though I know that's absurd.

Any tips on how to overcome this embarrassment? Thanks so much :)


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    A lot of people start out with light weights or body weight.

    Don't be intimidated- go, do your thing, and think 'if I keep this up one day I will be lifting heavy things too' (if you want to lift heavy things)

    Gyms are full of all kinds of people and each one has their own personal goals and insecurities- you just can't see them.

    They will notice you, it would be silly to think they wouldn't, but they really don't care about what you are doing unless you make them drop a 50 lbs weight on their foot.

    Take your time and get use to it. It is just like the strangeness with a new job or course at school. You get past it and wonder why you were worried.

    Cheers, h.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    CM_73 wrote: »
    A great quote that I heard recently, and one that got me back in there after a few days of letting it sink in is:

    "Don't be a victim of your own insecurities. "

    Just do it!

    Great quote! Although many people may glance around the gym, they are probably focusing on their own workout. The exception is if you are doing doing something really loud or with bad form but that is normally confined to "gym bro's".
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    I often ask my husband, "did you see that lady at the gym..." doing whatever/wearing whatever. In fact, I was describing a woman (in great detail) that is at the gym EVERY SINGLE time we are there...he had no idea who I was talking about.

    His response, "I don't notice people; I'm working out." I'm going to assume that most men aren't paying attention to anyone else. I'm usually just observing other womens' clothing...for ideas.
  • Savagedistraction
    Savagedistraction Posts: 312 Member
    So I'm a 22 year old woman and I've recently begun to go to the gym regularly. I see a trainer 3x a week and I do weight training + cardio.

    My problem, and I know a lot of other girls feel this too, is feeling super intimidated around all these built guys who are also weight training. I know it's stupid, but I just feel out of place being the overweight short chick lifting 5lb hand weights and who needs to be guided by someone else because she doesn't know what she's doing on her own. In my head I think everyone is laughing even though I know that's absurd.

    Any tips on how to overcome this embarrassment? Thanks so much :)

    Yes. Realize that people are too wrapped up in their own *kitten* to notice yours. Sure, they may glance your way, but they'd glance at anyone who walked into the room. Also, why do you care? Screw them. This is your life and if they dont think you "belong" there tough titty. This is YOUR life and your body. Do you sit there and judge their workouts? Probably not. Same goes in reverse. It's not a big deal.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Azdak wrote: »
    As someone who watches (and trains) people like you every day, I can assure you that, while people might notice you, almost no one is paying much attention to what you are doing. And no matter what you do, the longer you do it and show your commitment, the more you will be appreciated and respected.

    I pay attention to what people in the gym are doing if they meet certain requirements:

    1) "You've impressed the *kitten* out of me!" This is the most common. If I have seen you there every day that I'm there and you are giving it your all, or it's my first time seeing you and you're sets are looking BOMB, I WILL notice and I WILL tell you about it. I like to give compliments. Don't be embarrassed and embrace your awesomeness!

    2) "You're screaming during each rep and it is disrupting my inner calm!" This is the second most common. If you are lifting heavy and you're REALLY pushing yourself, I get it, some grunting is warranted. However, if you are SCREAMING with EVERY REP, you have a problem(especially if you're screaming obscenities). I will speak to you calmly about it between reps. You have been noticed and I don't like you.

    3) "You're right next to me and trying quietly to get my attention." This is not common but it has happened a few times. I've been complimented or asked how much I'm lifting, what my routine is, what my goals are, what I'm training for, and how they can learn to train like me. I am always happy to answer these questions. They don't bother me and can lead to some nice gym friendships.

    However, more often than not, I am completely oblivious to what others are doing in their workouts.

    Bottom line:

    Don't be insecure.
    Don't be confident.
    Just be you, and do *kitten* anyway!
  • Misssynth
    Misssynth Posts: 179 Member
    I often ask my husband, "did you see that lady at the gym..." doing whatever/wearing whatever. In fact, I was describing a woman (in great detail) that is at the gym EVERY SINGLE time we are there...he had no idea who I was talking about.

    His response, "I don't notice people; I'm working out." I'm going to assume that most men aren't paying attention to anyone else. I'm usually just observing other womens' clothing...for ideas.

    THIS. I notice people all the time, usually women in the gym because I'm jealous of their butts or something. But every time I mention someone i've seen my fiance has never ever noticed them in there.

    OP - I used to feel a bit intimidated and uncomfortable but soon worked out it wasn't the other people I was uncomfortable with, it was myself, I was judging me for not being as good as some of the other people in there. Now I know what I'm doing and have a good routine I have no problem being the only female in the weight room (and I'm overweight and I don't lift super heavy, I'm still working up). People begin to recognise you and I've even had the one women I always idolised in the gym (she's so strong but not super lean, which I really like personally) compliment me on how well I'm doing which was amazing!
  • ceciliabeth94
    ceciliabeth94 Posts: 22 Member
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    I find people never judge if someone is putting in the effort. Just focus and face it mate. I felt well off first time I busted a stretchy top lol - are people gonna wondering why I am wearing it, I'm not a bodybuilder etc.

    Everyone at the gym is there for the same reason. Good luck mate and have a great Christmas :)

    Thanks so much, you have a Merry Christmas too :)
  • ceciliabeth94
    ceciliabeth94 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks so much to everyone who has responded! I'll try replying later tonight but I will definitely take your words into account. Especially at the gym tonight. :)
  • trudie_b
    trudie_b Posts: 230 Member
    I'm very self conscious, was brought up by parents who constantly scrutinised our behaviour, appearance, everything, by what those around us would think (to the point that they wouldn't take me to the hospital when I attempted suicide at age 12, in case it "got out" and made the family look bad. I nearly died.) Sorry, don't mean to make it heavy - I'm okay now!!! But you can understand why it's ingrained in me to worry about what others think of me - it's literally shaped my life.

    It was extremely intimidating to walk into a gym, knowing nothing, and not being strong. But I figured out two things very fast:

    1. Most people are genuinely too absorbed in their own workout to pay attention to others around them.
    2. If this was going to work, if I was going to learn and get strong, I was going to have to get over myself, and not worry what others were thinking of me.

    I'm not going to say it's that easy. I do have to fight it every time I go. I'm almost always the only woman in the weights area, and that's a little intimidating. But I put in my earphones, get my head down, and work. I found early on the exercises that I'm stronger at (lower body moves, especially kettlebells), and when my confidence is flagging, I knock out a few sets and that helps.

    OP, don't let fear stand in the way of doing something amazing for yourself. I won't either. Just think, a year from now, you might be the one unintentionally intimidating the newbie, when they walk in and see you lifting heavy!
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited December 2016
    CM_73 wrote: »
    A great quote that I heard recently, and one that got me back in there after a few days of letting it sink in is:

    "Don't be a victim of your own insecurities. "

    Just do it!

    I freaking LOVE that quote!!
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    edited December 2016
    The serious people at the gym--including those with the intimidating physiques--are too focused on themselves and their workout to pay any real attention to anyone else. If they do, I'm guessing they are not judging you in the way that you think. They are probably happy to see you there, valuing something that they value and improving yourself. Don't let your insecurities hold you back!
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    You have a trainer, so you know what you are doing. You have the willpower, because you keep showing up despite feeling uncomfortable with yourself. You just need the confidence. Everyone starts somewhere... those super buff dudes at the gym didn't leave the womb like that :) Focus on yourself, crank up your music and get into beast mode. If all else fails, fake it till you make it!
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    I've been working out for quite some time and I'll say this about that feeling: it goes away, sometimes. Sometimes it comes back though. There's a lot to be said for somebody that can just shut out everything going on around them and only focus on themselves, but I'm not one of those people.

    I still get anxious when I'm in the gym and see somebody looking my way. I'm that way in the grocery store too, though. So it's definitely just me. What would somebody be saying about me in the grocery store? "I can't believe he picked out regular sized Frosted Flakes when the family size is only $.20 more!!"

    Point being: worry about yourself, but keep in mind that you're not the only one with that feeling.
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    you must, my friend, learn "the subtle art of not giving a f***"

    just go do what you need to do- don't apologize for anything- unless you drop a DB on someone's foot.
    Just go do what you have to do.

    Yes x 1 million