Scared of being slim??



  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    You are TOTALLY not alone. My goal weight right now is only getting down to 200 lbs and I don't even know if I'll want to go further than that. I think for me it's less of a fear of being thin than just the thought that it's unnecessary for me. I'm losing weight for more mobility, and when I got down to 230 a year or two ago I could pretty much do all of the things I wanted to do with no hassle. 200 feels right, though. I think I'll be comfortable there.

    What everyone else is saying about going slow is a good thing to listen to.
  • Brooksonthebay
    Thank you guys so much for the encouragement and advice! I know that there is alot of "healing" both physically and mentally through this process. It truly is a releif to know that my feelings are not so abnormal after all.
  • LizaDK914
    LizaDK914 Posts: 54 Member
    I kind of understand what you're saying. I've NEVER been thin, so I try to imagine myself reaching my goal - and it's like "What would that even look like?"

    But, we'll totally get there!
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I know this too. I always got a lot of attention in my life. Wanted and unwanted as well. But when I was chubby somehow I felt more protected. I felt I could handle it, because it was less than before. I was confident, and received a lot of compliments, but now I know that my confidence was somehow different.

    As I started losing weight I received a lot more attention again. At the beginning it was scary. It is funny that sport has helped me a lot. Like giving me strength not just physically, but mentally as well. I feel more in control of my life than ever. And I enjoy it so much. :)
  • keekee66
    keekee66 Posts: 15 Member
    I may be the ONLY person on earth to have this fear, but I'm praying that I'm not. I have been overweight so long that I have noticed that the more weight I lose the more nervous and scared I am of being smaller. I'm used to being scoffed at or given looks of disgust. I'm used to shopping in the plus size section or more so at plus sized stores. I'm used to wearing bathing suits that look more like tarps. I am so used to these things that I have completely forgotten what I was like or felt like or how life was 20 years ago when I was 115lbs and in terrific shape. I have no idea WHY I'm so worried about it......but the reality is that I am. By the way, I am trying to lose more than 100 lbs. So the weight loss will be a dramatic change for me. Anyone else having these feelings or HAD them during your weight loss?

    That is soooo weird you posted this!, I was debating whether or not I wanted to post a very similar post. I was like let me just search and see if n e one has already, and here your post was :)
    My issues with fear is for me is I started my major weight gain at 16 years old (I'm 28 now) and one of the main reasons was I was struggling with some very difficult things that happened to me in my life. So I guess my weight was sort of a protection layer for me. I've been in getting therapy for quite a few years now and am doing pretty well in my life, my unhealthy weight is one of the last things I need to tackle, and as of about 3 weeks ago I finally got the motivation to begin this getting healthier journey. I've so far lost 7lbs and I see a very slight difference in my body and it's definitely scary. I've had this weight on me so long that I do fear losing it but at the same time know I'll be so much healthier, especially where I'm at genetic risks for many factors that obesity increases they likelihood of. So for me it's kind of like the weight that is going to kill me, at 1 time provided me with a feeling of safety..........if that makes any sense to anyone. I also have this weird fear I won't be the same person when I'm thinner which is prob ridiculous but I really like the kind, caring person I am (despite my life struggles) and I don't want that to ever change.
  • AnDiallo
    AnDiallo Posts: 131 Member
    I know how you feel, but right now my desire to be slimmer is definitely trumping any fear I may have. Keep it up :)
    I wish you a lot of success!
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    When I originally lost 100 pounds, I had an affair. I've regained about half of that but am trending downwards again. I'm concerned old bahavior will resurface.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I think my fear is not so much of getting slim but of staying there. My sister said "you're doing so well, are you going to keep going", which imediately made me think:

    a) She thinks I still look fat
    b) I don't think i can get thinner at my age, its too difficult
    c) I'm not sure I can keep the weight off - I don't want to put it back but I'm scared of my lack of willpower.

    I was fat when I came to this job so no-one had seen me slimmer, but a colleague called me "the incredible shrinking woman" this week, so now I'm thinking "Oh no, I'll put it all back and they'll all talk about me". Stupid I know - I really doubt my weight loss (or gain) is their main concern in life!!:ohwell:

    I think for me it comes down the the fear of losing excuses - before I could say "most women my age put on a bit of weight, so I can't do anything about it". But now I've done something about it. So I can't excuse myself if I put it back.
  • kaykaylyn
    kaykaylyn Posts: 84 Member
    Haven't thought about this issue for a Long time, so thanks for posting this as it gives me a chance to re-visit it.
    my fear of being thin again is connected to my ex husband. Back in the day I was a nice looking woman with a pretty good shape. He was extremely jealously, always wanting me to wear outdated clothes and wear my hair in less attractive styles. He got angry when old male school friends spoke to me, etc., etc. When I started to gain weight, although he ridiculed me, I felt he secretly was happy that I was getting fat. He was physically and emotionally Very abusive, so I think for me the weight was like body armour, a way to keep Men from looking at me so he wouldn't be so jealousy and angry all the time. We have not been together for over 20 years and I a m ready to get this weight off but also, as others have said, I do fear gaining the weight back as I've done so many times. Losing the weight AND keeping it off will be a symbol of sorts that I am truy finally free of himnd I hope this will keep me motivated!
  • Brooksonthebay
    I'm truly amazed to see how many of us have used weight gain as a protective barrier of sorts. For the longest time I wondered why me being overweight never bothered me "enough" to really get proactive and nip it in the bud once and for all. But after this past year and an amazing therapist, the weight has been my comfort. I "know" that I will be healthier, I "know" that I will be a better me, I 'know" all of the benefits from losing the weight....but for some reason, my emotions don't seem to "get" it lol. Thank you guys for sharing your stories and fears as well :)
  • lollipop4401
    Try imagining yourself slimmer, maybe not your goal weight, just a little bit slimmer. You can probably picture that. Think of how you would act at the lower weight, or even your goal weight. What would you wear? What would you eat? Would you even talk to people differently? Would everything be the same? Once you lose that little bit of weight, think of how you would look with just a bit more weight lost. I think we are all just afraid of change, but we are more comfortable with a little change. If you can imagine yourself at little steps, it can help. I think it's more realistic to think, how would I look when I lose 10 or even 5 more pounds. Good luck! I hope this helps!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Your're not alone. People don't always realize that there are mental changes and challenges happening along with the physical ones. It's natural - others may see you differently, and you may too. It can be a wonderful process if you dive in - picture not just how you want to be different physically, but mentally and emotionally. Your attitude will drive your happiness even more than your weight. It doesn't have to be scary - it can be exciting and rewarding.

    Good luck!