It is mean to call people mean

downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
So a friend of mine, we will call her Mel <cough>, on here asked me to run over with coffee and doughnuts this morning.

It seems a reasonable request until I realized that she lives several hours away and was just teasing. Or so I thought.

After pretending to softly side step the issue, I find that she HAS CALLED ME OUT ON HER FEED AS BEING MEAN!

Now, I have a compelling need for all around me to love me unconditionally. I have been crying all morning, as there are now strangers on her Friend List that might actually believe that I would be so cruel as to not bring coffee and doughnuts if possible.

I would do anything for my friends. Everyone must know this or it makes me sad. It isn't fair for her to put me on the spot like that and give total strangers the wrong impression of me. This place can be so cruel.


  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    now that's just mean
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Wah wah wah!!!! Listen to the baby cry!

    All you had to do was drive 2.5 hours to bring me a freakin' doughnut. It's not like we're NOT in the same state! Ok, so the coffee would have gotten cold- I could live with that.

    But to NOT bring doughnuts?!?!?! MEANIE! :sad:

  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    You're mean. Your face is mean. I hope you die in a fire.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    All the fat you've lost is releasing a lot of you crying like a 6 yr old girl whose brother just torched her Barbie's head with a homemade GI JOE flamethrower is perfectly natural....ya little baby.

    Suck it up.

    You have

  • LePetitCochon
    I would call you mean if you didn't bring ME coffee and doughnuts after offering too. How soon can you make it up to NYC with that coffee?
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Wah wah wah!!!! Listen to the baby cry!

    All you had to do was drive 2.5 hours to bring me a freakin' doughnut. It's not like we're NOT in the same state! Ok, so the coffee would have gotten cold- I could live with that.

    But to NOT bring doughnuts?!?!?! MEANIE! :sad:


    Quoted and bolded for truth...the denial of donuts is way mean.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Hoss...I know we said you needed to change...

    what we meant was you needed to lose a few pounds (which you have done)

    not turn into a woman (which it appears you have also done)

    sometimes the journey takes you TOO far.....

    doooooon't stoooop believin..........
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I think it's mean that you didn't offer to bring me anything.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Wah wah wah!!!! Listen to the baby cry!

    All you had to do was drive 2.5 hours to bring me a freakin' doughnut. It's not like we're NOT in the same state! Ok, so the coffee would have gotten cold- I could live with that.

    But to NOT bring doughnuts?!?!?! MEANIE! :sad:


    Quoted and bolded for truth...the denial of donuts is way mean.

    Oh hai, I'm Melissa. How YOU doin'?
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    You are mean. Coffee and doughnuts are no laughing matter. I think you broke that poor woman's heart.

    ETA: Gasp, just realised I have probably walked in to a inner clique conversation. Shall slowly walk backward and disappear into the air now.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I think it's mean that you didn't offer to bring me anything.

    OH YEAH!!! And then there's THIS!! I'm on your friends list too...and NOT ONCE did you EVER offer to bring me donuts!!! Seriously?????!!!!
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Wah wah wah!!!! Listen to the baby cry!

    All you had to do was drive 2.5 hours to bring me a freakin' doughnut. It's not like we're NOT in the same state! Ok, so the coffee would have gotten cold- I could live with that.

    But to NOT bring doughnuts?!?!?! MEANIE! :sad:


    Quoted and bolded for truth...the denial of donuts is way mean.

    Oh hai, I'm Melissa. How YOU doin'?

    Well...hello there. :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Not sure how to feel about this.

    It is mean not to bring donuts... but then again, I would get mean if I needed donuts and none were brought.

  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member

    I can't love you anymore....and it's been suggested I now call you rude. You're a MEANIE and rude.

    Just one sprinkled doughnut.....
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    You can redeem yourself by bringing my coffee and donuts this morning. I live in Texas. If you don't, then I'll post about you on my feed too.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Options're bringing other people donuts, but not me? MEAN!! Now get the hell off the internet and bring me a damn DONUT!!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Personality shaming. :angry:
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Hoss...I know we said you needed to change...

    what we meant was you needed to lose a few pounds (which you have done)

    not turn into a woman (which it appears you have also done)

    sometimes the journey takes you TOO far.....

    doooooon't stoooop believin..........
    midnighttrain.gif \m/
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Personality shaming. :angry:

    Stop pointing fingers. That's mean.

    *edited to speel korreklee