I was doing better but relapsed



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    minipony wrote: »
    I am shocked how unsupportive people are being. Yes, she and I could seek professional help. We are not dumb and know that's an option. The idea is that she is recognizing a pattern and asking what "you" do when strong urges come on. This is supposed to be a supportive community. It doesn't matter the op's size or history. If you don't have any advice because this is not your thing, then don't just reply, see a doctor. Maybe answer a thread that you can be helpful with.

    As for my advice. I weigh 130. I revenkt gained this weight from binge eating. My comfortable weight is 115. One thing that has helped me is identify the time or times this urge comes on. Then figure out, why is it this time? For me it's at night. I'm alone and can eat away the stresses of the day without anyone knowing. Also I realized I hate being alone. Food comforts me. When I'm with my bf, I never think of it. There must be an underlying anxiety or fear driving you to seek comfort through food. Pm me if you want a friend to write to with no judgement.

    I don't see how recommending professional help is "unsupportive". EDs are serious. And beyond the scope of an Internet forum. Period. Full stop.

    If she really feels like she is relapsing (her words, btw), then it would be wise to seek out the help of a professional, rather than the random advice of strangers on an anonymous forum. They could trailer advice specific to her goals, triggers, lifestyle, and any other health concerns. The suggestion is not unsupportive. It's sensible.

    ^ All of this ^
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    minipony wrote: »
    I am shocked how unsupportive people are being. Yes, she and I could seek professional help. We are not dumb and know that's an option. The idea is that she is recognizing a pattern and asking what "you" do when strong urges come on. This is supposed to be a supportive community. It doesn't matter the op's size or history. If you don't have any advice because this is not your thing, then don't just reply, see a doctor. Maybe answer a thread that you can be helpful with.

    As for my advice. I weigh 130. I revenkt gained this weight from binge eating. My comfortable weight is 115. One thing that has helped me is identify the time or times this urge comes on. Then figure out, why is it this time? For me it's at night. I'm alone and can eat away the stresses of the day without anyone knowing. Also I realized I hate being alone. Food comforts me. When I'm with my bf, I never think of it. There must be an underlying anxiety or fear driving you to seek comfort through food. Pm me if you want a friend to write to with no judgement.

    Nobody here is trained to help with eating disorders, which the OP says she has. Suggesting she seek support from someone who does have training is all we can do.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I binged over Christmas. Same last year. The combination of feeling stressed and being surrounded by an unusual abundance of treats does me in. My plan to combat this behaviour is to prioritize exercise. I have had a tendency to skip it when things get hectic and I now recognize that is a big mistake for me. Exercise is critical to getting a proper night's sleep and my mental health.

    Btw, it's not unusual for me to not feel up to "vigorous" exercise when I'm feeling stressed. Luckily brisk walks are enough.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    emjam99 wrote: »
    Hi, about a year and a half ago I started this whole weight loss journey. A little under a year I lost about 40 pounds and then my weight loss stopped. I struggle with binge eating disorder and about a month ago I was finally making progressive changes, however with the holidays and emotional issues plus just life getting in the way (I won't make excuses, I'm not perfect) I relapsed. Im upset because my goal was originally 125-130 pounds (im 5'5) but I'm stuck here at 140 and more important than my weight I'm worried about my health. I want to not binge anymore, I want to become more active, I want to be happy. What steps should I take to ridding myself of this disorder?

    Hello, Emjam. Let's look at one of your goals - it's the easiest, because it's framed as wanting the presence of something tangible: becoming more active. How about something simple? Walking .... it's something you are probably doing every day. Adding ten minutes here and there is pretty doable. Take the bus? Get off or on a stop earlier/later than you usually do. Drive to the grocery store? Park at the furthest cart-return kiosk. Are you already walking a fair amount and want to step it up? Check out your local "Y" for a class that looks interesting.

    The goal of "not binging..." I agree that this is a place where getting expert help is useful. That said, you have some data that might be helpful. You were making "progressive changes." Think of what they were. What did you start doing? How did that help?

    What can you be grateful for today (no matter how small or large)? Honor that. Tomorrow, repeat.

    Good luck to you!