
I do most things very well, better than most. But wine is my Achilles heel and it appears to be the reason I'm having trouble with my weight. I'm 5'6" 155 lbs., would prefer to be at 145 lbs. i do not want to cut my alcohol calories.
I make a ton of money. I am a 4.0 doctoral student. I am a hell of a mom and wife. I just cannot, and do not want to, kick the nightly wine habit. I was raised this way, as was my mother and her mother before that.

Anybody else going through this?


  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Wino here! I drink on most nights, I find if I lose weight slowly, I can drink more and not be as hungry.
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited December 2016
    Don't want to cut out wine? Then don't. (And why should you?) Calories are calories. It doesn't much matter where they come from. If you get that extra 125 calories or so every night, just cut them somewhere else.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    I drink probably 600 cals in alcohol any given day and my cals are set at 1470. I adjust my meals to suit and I have exercise cals. I'm not giving up my beer or my bourbon. I think I still eat fairly well.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    By "nightly wine habit", are you talkimg about a glass, or a bottle? If the latter, can you just cut back?
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    By "nightly wine habit", are you talkimg about a glass, or a bottle? If the latter, can you just cut back?

    This. One glass of red wine most nights really shouldn't be impairing your weight loss unless you are going over your calories with it.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I drank wine just about daily when I was losing weight. As long as I logged the calories and stayed in a deficit, I lost weight.

    The only thing to look out for is if it is crowding out other things that you need -- if your calorie goal is low, it can sometimes be a challenge to meet your nutritional goals and drink regularly.

    Exactly this.

    I had a glass of wine pretty much every night while losing. It's ~125 cals for a 5 oz pour. Not too hard to work in especially if one isn't aiming for minimum calorie levels. Now that I'm in maintenance I can usually fit in 2 glasses, sometimes more.

    As a busy working mom like you OP, I changed my habit from having a glass while cooking, a glass with dinner, and a glass or two after dinner like I did before starting to lose weight with MFP. I started waiting till after I got the kids into bed and finally sat down for the night, which really only affords me time for one or two glasses before I need to hit the hay anyway.
  • MagBird1103
    MagBird1103 Posts: 12 Member
    I've lost the first 40 pounds still drinking average of 2 glasses of red wine a day. I switched from white to red, mostly because I drink it slower. It hasn't halted my weight loss at all, as long as I don't go over on calories. Do a little extra cardio every day and you can easily burn off those wine cals.
  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    I can drink most men under the table so it's no big thing for me to finish off a bottle of wine in one night. If I know I will be drinking I will make room for it in my calories for that day. Large dinner or small dinner and wine? Kinda like a "pick your poison" deal.
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    Jane, great point(s)!!! Those would be 'High Functioning Drinkers' (or alcoholics). I was one of those until I was not one of those, which is when I had to stop drinking.