what do you hate to hear.



  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    Today: "your portion sizes are too big". I am dismissing it. I've lost 40 lbs, it's working for me!
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    "you don't drink very much (alcohol), you're not much fun are you" (!)

    "why don't you eat desserts anymore"

    "should you be eating that if you are trying to lose weight" ><

    "it won't hurt to have cake/donut/alcohol"

    No, I don't drink a lot of alchol but I am still fun, I don't need to drink to have fun! I do have desserts when I REALLY want one and not just because I'm out for a meal, yes I can eat that because I want it and it fits into my calories allowance, no it won't hurt me to have cake/donut/alchol when I really want it and not just because you say I should!
  • britttttx3
    britttttx3 Posts: 458
    I don't really let what people say bother me, sometimes my friends will say I eat rabbit food, or that I'm no fun because I don't drink though, I guess it's kind of annoying lol
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    'I want fun MrsSWW back!' from a friend. :huh:

    Yeah, well Fun SWW has been replaced by Fit SWW, and all you ever want to do is go out and get drunk with me; you want to spend time with me, buy some walking shoes or get over it!

    Oh yeah, and 'The dog's been sick!' :sick:
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    I hate hearing "You don't look as big as you are." in response to me saying something that being so big prevents me from doing. Like riding a roller coaster, sitting in a booth or sitting on certain furniture.

    "You're not fat." When I say that I'm overweight, fat, obese, etc. Yes, I am. More than half of me is fat. I am fat.

    "That's not good for you." In regards to my diet and anything I eat.

    Or, my absolute favorite. "She was really fat. Like... not as big as you but close." or "She was really fat, even bigger than you." Because I'm the standard by which my family judges other people's fatness. I hate that.
  • splashtree1
    I hate to hear? We hate to hear...exactly...."i wanna be loved like your men love you either friends and boyfriend" and they 're not only mean but treathening and whatelse we hate to hear and see..."i:m a f....* coward toward you guys i know it but you know how's life", in few terms we translate....i wanna break your f....* balls even i have no reasons to do it
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    'You're too skinny'

    'Put on weight'

    'You're just the right weight now, stop losing weight'
  • kaydeedoubleu1
    kaydeedoubleu1 Posts: 567 Member
    are you still on diet?
    ITS NOT A DIET i have made a lifestyle change...for life!
    I get it alllll the time
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    "You have such a pretty face" that's just code for its a shame your *kitten* is so big!
  • therunninghippie
    therunninghippie Posts: 53 Member
    I HATE when people police my portion sizes.
    "Oh you're eating again? You must be hungry... you'd better be careful!"
    Um no. If I'm hungry I eat.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    "I don't know why I'm feeling so weak when I'm only eating 800 calories! What am I doing wrong"

    and then the inevitable

  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    "You don't need to lose weight." Have you seen my scale?

  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    ehhh never mind

    Pretty much this. I don't need nor want anyone's approval as I get plenty of wonderful comments from those I love.

    Call 867-5309 and ask for Jenny.

  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    "You're supposed to look bigger after being a mom" ... UM NO

    "Haven't you lost enough weight already?!" Again, if I have, that's none of your business, and I'll stop when I'm ready

    "You're getting too skinny and you look like you're trying to compete with teenagers" Uh, really!?
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    "You're SUPPOSED to gain weight after a certain age." --no.

    "You're not that fat so you shouldn't worry so much about it." ---i'm not THAT fat because I DO worry about it
    This. I'm 42 but look younger so people assume that this so-called middle-age (HA! middle-age for other people perhaps, I'm just getting started enjoying my life) thing includes massive weight gain. I disagree.

    I'm only about 10 pounds from my goal but I'm flabby. I'm working on it though.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Oh <bcattoes> eats healthy, I'm sure she doesn't want any cake.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I got a little butthurt when I went to lunch with a couple of girls I know from my work and one of them made a big production of how she was so *INSPIRED* because I had already lost so much and still have SOOOOOOOO much more to lose than her.
  • JohnMatrix
    JohnMatrix Posts: 59
    This kind of stuff just SLAYS me. What it boils down to is people who have Zero self control or dicipline not to eat like crap and clearly jealous. When people try that nonsense on me, I always say this to myself: "it’s better to suffer the pain of discipline than suffer the pain of disappointment." Remembering that always helps reinforce why I do what I do to myself by eating right 99% of the time vs. wrong. Cheating here and there is good for you mentally, but you gotta EARN it.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    My boss: You look too skinny. Your bones stick out too much. I'm worried about you. If you have any issues that you need to talk to someone about, my door is always open.

    My boss again: How did you lose weight? Oh by eating healthy and exercising? No, that doesn't work for me. Cutting carbs is the only thing that works for me. (He has to be about 350-400lbs).

    My little brother: I know I always told you that you were too fat but now you're too skinny and look disgusting. You looked better when you were fat.