January 2017 Running Challenge



  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member
    1/7 - Rest
    1/8 - 4.0 mi
    Jan. Total: 23.5/90

    Taking yesterday off was good medicine...my ankle/calf pain is gone.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited January 2017
    @lporter229 since I was sitting here watching football I thought I'd do some reading on the topic of frostbite when running. A couple articles on running in freezing weather.




    The basic take away I get is if you are covered, moving and dry you shouldn't get frost bite. I haven't read a thing that says a time frame you should or shouldn't be out.

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles:::: Jan MTD (goal = 70)
    01/01/17 :::: 4.3 :::: 4.3
    01/02/17 :::: 2.9 :::: 7.1
    01/03/17 :::: 3.1 :::: 10.3
    01/04/17 :::: 3.6 :::: 13.9
    01/05/17 :::: 3.3 :::: 17.2
    01/06/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 17.2
    01/07/17 :::: 6.9 :::: 24.2
    01/08/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 26.7

    Took another nice long hike this morning with Stella in a pretty snowfall. It was cold but so pretty. After that I was done being cold, so I did my run on the treadmill this afternoon. I'm feeling good about how the first week of January went.

    Let's see what this next week throws at us. I'm signed up for a snowshoe 5k on Saturday but the forecast is not looking good (54 degrees and rain on Thursday - but followed by chance of snow on Friday). It becomes a trail run if there isn't enough snow. I'm less interested in that because the chances of good trail conditions are pretty poor.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Orphia Great Result. You must have been running all the Tangents perfectly which is why you came in at 9.9km.
    No Medal and a White Shirt, both a little disappointing.

    @AdrianChr92 Your pictures indicate it was a non-running day.
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Question for the group- What's the longest you will run in sub zero wind chills?
    I was hoping to do 16 today, which will take me about 2.5 hours, but I don't want to be stupid.
    A lady I was running with yesterday was telling me that she got severe frost bite on her legs doing a 20 miler, even through her thermal leggings.

    @lporter229 Really depends on the severity of the wind chill, how much time you spend running directly into the wind and were the Thermal Leggings Windproof ? My longest run in the cold was a HM 2:12:15. I know 2 local runners who have had Frost Bite on their Legs. Both of them were on the Shins where there is very little muscle/tissue/fat covering the bone. Both of them had ankle socks, tights and running pants. The running pants were not snug around the ankle allowing Cold Air to enter the pants. This is what both of them blame their injury on.
    I wear Tights with an optional Thin Fleece layer and Gore Tex Windproof Pants that have an Elastic in the bottom to keep them tight to the Leg above the Shoe. On the Avg Cold Days of Northern Canada I wear 2 pairs of socks, Thin compression and then a Smart Wool over sock.
    On the Coldest Days ( Today ) I would normally put a Chemical Foot warmer between the socks on the bottom of the toes and 1-2 Hand warmers on the front of the Shin between the socks. Prevention is always better than Medical Treatment.
    As @skippygirlsmom said covered, dry and moving = (generating heat) you should not get frostbite.


    @skippygirlsmom As a Northerner I have a Natural Gas Heater that will run independently of AC Power. I also have a Tri-Fueled Standby Emergency Generator ( NG, Propane or Diesel ) that I can have connected in 10 minutes to provide limited power/emerg heat.

    @bmelb1 Which Running Room/City was this in? I would send an E-mail directly to the president John Stanton ( jstanton@runningroom.com ) or the Director of Marketing - John Reeves ( jreeves@runningroom.com ). Explain the situation and ask for a refund, and an improvement in their advertising literature.

    6 km Group run in what some would call Frost Bite weather with the dedicated members of our local club. I was a little under dressed ( no foot/hand warmers ) as my thermometer said -15C, Weather Network had it at -22C plus Wind Chill = -28C. Toes were a little cold outbound ( into the wind ) but felt fine once we made the turn. A bit of a traditional Brunch afterwards to celebrate the Greek Orthodox Christmas this weekend.

    01/04 8.0 km –8.0km –125.0 km – YTD 1351 km
    01/06 7.0 km –15.0km –132.0 km
    01/07 8.0 km –23.0km –124.0 km
    01/08 6.0 km –29.0km –118.0 km – YTD 1372 km

  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @bmelb1 Sorry to hear about your experience, that just sucks.

    @patrikc333 That was a close one, and it's something that I always fear when I run; glad to hear you're ok.


    I don't normally run on Sundays due to my longer Monday morning run, but the early morning runs will be on Tue/Wed/Thu this week (to take advantage of the warmer weather that's expected), so tomorrow will just be a walking day. TL;DR I squeezed in another run around the neighbourhood this afternoon.

    01 - 5.21 miles
    02 - 5.60
    07 - 5.56
    08 - 5.60

    Total: 21.97 / 75
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    January 1- Travel Day
    January 2- 8.1km
    January 3- 8.1km
    January 4- 8.1km
    January 5- Rest Day
    January 6- 10km
    January 7- 15.1km
    January 8- 6km

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words about my 10K race! You guys are so awesome! <3
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member

    That's terrible about both clinics.

    Since both clinics are so advanced, maybe the learn to run as advanced as you are. But I'm a pushover, so don't try it because I think that!

    Whatever it's like, it's all false advertising.
  • zipsterj
    zipsterj Posts: 29 Member


    slowly slowly catch a monkey :)
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited January 2017
    @juliet3455 @lporter229 Thanks for the reply on hill repeats. I think I'll stick with the one close to home for the interval repeats on the training plan (independent of the occasional fun trip to the mountains with the real elevation when there isn't too much ice). I'll aim for something between 10k and HM pace next time, that should be hard enough :)

    @MobyCarp Awesome time for the half, congratulations!

    @MNLittleFinn I'm glad your Achilles is already feeling better; hopefully the PT will be able to give you some advice on how to avoid it from getting worse / coming back.

    @JessicaMcB That's a very sweet sabouteur you have :) Love the picture!

    @Orphia Congratulations on the great 10k time!!
    Don't ever move to my corner of the world if you are disappointed about the lack of a medal - I've only got medals for 2 out of 9 races last year, it just doesn't seem to be very common here to give medals to anyone except the age group winners.
    If the 9.9km are because Strava "smoothed" off some corners and it bothers you too much, you could try fixing it with SNAP. Otherwise, what you ran in reality counts more than what Strava thinks B)

    @lporter229 A bit too later for this long run, but maybe for the next time: if it's so cold you are worried about frost bite, maybe you can split the run in two parts and warm up a little in between? 12+4mi with half an hour break in between aren't the same as 16mi, but still closer than 12mi alone if you are really worried about the missing distance.

    @AdrianChr92 No power for 48 hours sounds pretty bad. I hope you had some way to keep warm!
    (reminds me I need to get a new gas bottle for the stove...)

    @lissadecker Fergus and George are both very cute!


    I had a nice sunny run on Sunday. The temperatures climbed 10°C (almost 20°F) literally overnight. The sunny patches of the road I could actually run without gloves; in the shadows it was still too cold for that. So I ended up putting them on/off every 5min or so... Still nicer than freezing all the way :)

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    went finally to ride today, but I managed to do only 20km, then again -2C and a very annoying cross wind, so had to cut the ride, I have to confess that I was not mentally relaxed as I didn't want to compromise my trip tomorrow, and when you feel like that it's when something happens, so I think I took the right decision - see you in 2 weeks dear bike, hoping weather will improve or at least it doesnt' get worse when I'm out

    quick change of clothes, one nespresso, and then I went to run for a 10k - despite my 17miles yesterday, I felt very very good, cycling (what's the difference between riding and cycling btw?) made my legs relaxed

    9 miles planned for tomorrow morning, then airport and in 245654 hours I'll be in Japan and I'll see what I can do there, ideally I'd like to run everyday, but if not no probs, there is no way I can plan now and "rest" will only be beneficial (ramen ramen ramen ramen ramen)
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    So disappointed I am unable to run right now!!! I have a nasty chest cold and it is -12C here right now. Once my chest feels better I have some mileage to make up.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @patrikc333 - safe travels! Riding is just cruising along. Cycling or biking is intense pedaling! Just my opinion. I love how when I go cycling it feels like it heals my running legs and the same when I run after a weekend of heavy riding.

    @adrianchr92 - what a cool looking stove. Or I guess I should say a hot looking stove.

    Beautiful 41 degrees this morning for my run! These cool mornings are so rare here in Orlando the last couple years that I have to relish each one! We even had a "wear jeans to school day" ... which is rare. The weird thing was I saw not one single car. Usually there are 5 cars each morning and 3-4 people. I only saw one person -- someone getting his newspaper. For a few seconds I contemplated... was I left behind? Then I laughed at myself and said NO! I guess the cold is keeping everyone in bed!

    1/1 - rest day (recovering from stomach virus)
    1/2 - 40 mile bike ride
    1/3 - 4 miles
    1/4 - 4.1 miles
    1/5 - rest day
    1/6 - 5 miles
    1/7 - 4 miles
    1/8 - 5 miles
    1/9 - 4 miles

    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited January 2017
    @juliet3455 Most people have electric heat in the South and they are heat pumps, they just can't keep up when it's only 20F out. Of course with no electric completely out of luck. I do have friend who have fire places so I could find a warm place if I needed one. Luckily at least Saturday it was sunny and the back of my house faces South and has lots of windows so it warms up nice inside. The heat runs all night though non stop. I love the idea of putting hand warmers inbetween the layers of socks, I never would have thought of that.

    @adrianchr92 I love that stove!!!!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited January 2017
    @MNLittleFinn sorry hear about your calf issue and hope you get it resolved in time for marathon training.
    @kristinegift those look like beautiful trails! Cute pix! and great race!
    @OSUbuckeye906 so sorry about your injury!! The chance to see a distance endurance PT is pretty cool though!
    @orphia parkruns just sound cool all around, glad you're enjoying them! And what an awesome race time!!
    @skippygirlsmom awesome photo of you and Skip!
    @michable happy anniversary!!
    @MobyCarp great job on on the half!
    @lporter229 I don't know what my maximum sub zero is yet but yesterday I ran 16.1 miles at -6F wind chill, the last of which into the wind. The only thing on me that was cold was my hands. I need to remember to bring an extra set of gloves for when the first pair get too sweaty. I can't imagine my legs getting frostbite even though I only had thin tights on. Just too much mass making too much heat but I have big thighs. Much depends on the wind speed but if were really cold I'd plan for a shorter route but multiple loops so I could easily bail out if needed.
    @Elise4270 when I was a kid I didn't lose an ear but I did freeze my ear lobe walking a couple of miles in subzero weather. My earlobe was sticking out between my hat and scarf. If felt like an ice cube when I got home and holy *kitten* did it hurt when it thawed out!!! I didn't lose it, but the skin did peel off in a painful way.
    @lissadecker I love Fergus & George!
    @NikolaosKey glad your feeling better!
    @bmelb1 That's very disappointing! I joined a winter running group last winter which had two routes, a 3 mile and a 7 mile. I wanted the 7 mile run but the 7 mile runners were much faster than me so I always ran by myself and was always the last person back to the store which hosted the run. By then the post-run social time was winding down. I'm not joining that group this year.
    @patrikc333 glad it was only a near miss! Were you wearing an HR monitor, and did it register?