January 2017 Running Challenge



  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    01.01.17 - 15 m. LR
    01.02.17 - 10 m.
    01.03.17 - 9.1 m. TM 6 M + 5K.
    01.05.17 - 9 m. TM w/ incline.
    01.06.17 - 10 m. TM. 9:10 pace.
    01.07.17 - 8.1 m. TM 5 M + 5K.
    01.08.17 - 8.8 m. incl 2x5K's.
    01.09.17 - 11 m. TM @ 8:35 pace.
    01.10.17 - 8 m. TM. EZ pace jog tonight.
    01.11.17 - 11 m. TM @ 8:27 pace.
    01.12.17 - 6.4 m. EZ.
    01.13.17 - 19 m. TM. LR. 9:14 pace.
    01.15.17 - 10 m. 9:33 pace.
    01.16.17 - 11 m. TM. 8:18 pace.
    01.18.17 - 11 m. TM. 8:11 pace. #WorkingHarder
    01.19.17 - 7.4 m. EZ run.
    01.20.17 - 18 m. TM. LR. 9:10 pace.
    01.21.17 - 1.1 m. Not feeling it today.
    01.22.17 - 14.2 m. 9:40 pace. 61 degrees in Ohio!
    01.23.17 - 9 m. TM. 8:27 pace.
    01.24.17 - 3 m. TM. No energy today :(
    01.25.17 - 10.2 m. TM. 8:27 overall pace.
    01.26.17 - 5 m. 9:00 pace. Again, no energy.
  • nats2508
    nats2508 Posts: 45 Member
    Managed 2.59 today in my super short lunch break, balance 12.63 to go! (my challenge seems small compared to everyone else! maybe i'll double it next time...if i have time that is!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Darwin20 and @Skipper111 Welcome to the group!

    We all started out in the same place, so understand what you have already accomplished and the journey ahead of you. I started running when our local swimming pool closed for an extended maintenance cycle. Now I have completed lots of 5 and 10 km events, 3 HM's last year and my 1st HM this year is next week.

    Here are a few links to related pages - a real compilation of great information
    Running Related Sites and a Runners Book List
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning gang!!!

    I have serious doubts about attaining my goal this month... I'll see what I can do on the weekend. I live in Canadaland, so it's cold, freezing, snow and ice everywhere, so I don't run outside at this time of year. There is an indoor track that I've been meaning to explore, maybe I'll be able to get around to it on Sunday morning. :smile:

    Have a great day!


    1/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    2/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    3/1: 3.62 kms (Wk1 D1 C25K) + 30 mins yoga + 10 mins Squat Challenge + 5 mins Tabata HIIT
    4/1: 3.64 kms (Wk1 D2 C25K) + 30 mins yoga + 7 mins HIIT
    5/1: 3.64 kms (Wk1 D2 C25K – repeat) + 30 mins yoga + 14 mins HIIT
    6/1: 3.73 kms (Wk1 D3 C25K) + 30 mins yoga
    7/1: Walked 16K+ steps + 4 hours of cleaning (post paint job)
    8/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    9/1: Walked 16K+ steps + 2.5 hours of cleaning (post paint job) - Had to fast for a medical app't in the morning, so no usual workout
    10/1: 3.65 kms (Wk2 D1 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 1 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    11/1: 3.73 kms (Wk2 D2 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 2 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    12/1: 3.70 kms (Wk2 D2 C25K – repeat) + Strength Training (Day 3 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    13/1: 3.80 kms (Wk2 D3 C25K) + Fit Test via FitStar (Day 4 of 30 Day Challenge is Rest) + 30 mins yoga
    14/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    15/1: Walked 11K+ steps
    16/1: Walked 13K+ steps
    17/1: 3.74 kms (Wk3 D1 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 5 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    18/1: 3.73 kms (Wk3 D2 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 6 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    19/1: 3.75 kms (Wk3 D2 C25K – repeat) + Strength Training (Day 7 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    20/1: 3.79 kms (Wk3 D3 C25K) + 30 mins yoga (Day 8 of 30 Challenge is Rest)
    21/1: Walked 16K+ steps
    22/1: Walked 15K+ steps
    23/1: 4.04 kms (Wk4 D1 C25K) + Strength Training (Day 9 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    24/1: 4.08 kms (Wk4 D2 C25K) + 30 mins yoga
    25/1: 2.03 kms (5 mins warm-up; 10 mins steady run post workout) + Strength Training (Day 10 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
    26/1: 4.14 kms (Wk4 D3 C25K) + 30 mins yoga
    27/1: 3.39 kms (5 mins warm-up; 15 mins steady run post workout; 5 mins cool down) + Strength Training (Day 11 of 30 Day Challenge) + 30 mins yoga
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    1/1 - 4 miles
    1/2 - 1.5 miles
    1/3 - 0 miles
    1/4 - 3.5 miles
    1/5 - 3 miles
    1/6 - 4 miles
    1/7 - 2 miles with Skip and Macy
    1/8 - rest day
    1/9 - 0 miles
    1/10 - 4 miles
    1/11 - 2 miles
    1/12 - 3 miles
    1/13 - 0 miles
    1/14 - 5 miles some with Skip
    1/15 - 3 miles
    1/16 - 0 miles meet
    1/17 - 0 miles lazy
    1/18 - 0 miles early doc appt with Skip and I hate the cable man I waited for all day LOL
    1/19 - 4 miles
    1/20 - 4 miles
    1/21 - 0 miles
    1/22 - 6 miles
    1/23 - 0 miles lazy
    1/24 - 4 miles
    1/25 - 4 miles
    1/26 - rest day sore hip area
    1/27 - 3 miles - rest day didn't help sore hip area ha ha

    60 of 100 miles


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @skipper111 and @darwin20 welcome welcome. @nats2508 great month, you got out and got it done. We have such a wide range of runners here and that's what makes this group so awesome, whether you run 15 miles or 250 miles all are welcome. (ha ha my Priest says that all time - the all are welcome part).
    @MNLittleFinn relax and you'll be fine just take the time to heal
    @ddmom0811 strange about swapping arms and the knee pain. The functional exercises sounds interesting
    @kristinegift woohoo on discounted race fees!

    Congrats to those who made goal already!!!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @skippygirlsmom thanks. I'm taking the rest of this week off. I got my 70 for thr month, so now I figure taking off today and tomorrow (skipping a long run...gggrrr) will give some piece of mind.

    On another note, my Dr. Didn't think I need to come see her, she said to see PT first and see if thst helps. I think it's all just stress/excitement for my first full marathon. Maybe intentionally skipping a long run will help me get some perspective
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    Who are the Cleveland people on here? I'm heading there Sunday-Tuesday for work. I don't think I'll have much time to run but I will be getting a bit of a tour around the area so anywhere I should check out that is great running/hiking if I have a chance?

    I lived in west-burb-Cleve and worked downtown for 15 years before moving to MN. My two favorite running locales - both very popular choices - are Rocky River Reservation (on the west side) and the towpath trail in Cuyahoga Valley Nat'l Park (south of the city). A friend of mine owns a local running specialty store on the east side and I'm sure he would have good recommendations if you're looking for routes. Have fun!
  • Calvin2008Brian
    Calvin2008Brian Posts: 1,024 Member
    I've been sick all week. Stuffy head, cough, achey, fever, chills . . . ugh! Feeling somewhat better today and anticipating that I'll be back to running this weekend. This sucks! I swear I used to run through crap like this, but anymore when I get a cold it's like every cold I ever had all come back to revisit at once!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @kristinegift -Nice score on the race discount!
    @Skipper111 - That's the best thing about this group. It has long time runners, people who started running yesterday, and everyone in between. Monthly goals range from 20 miles to 200+. But everyone is encouraging and it's really easy to get sucked in!
    @MNLittleFinn - Hope you get your shin issue sorted out. A little R&R never hurts!

    I have not done my run yet today. Hill repeats are on the schedule. But it is snowing, that nice, big, fluffy kind of snow that is so fun to run in, so I may end up bagging the hill work for a joy run instead. Depends on what is happening out there when I get done with work. In other exciting news, my co-worker and I are going to my favorite Vietnamese pho restaurant for lunch. Pathetic that this is exciting news, I know, but because of my digestive issues, I rarely eat out so it's kind of a big deal to me!
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    January goal: 100 miles
    1/1: 3.6 miles (m)
    1/2: Downpour Day
    1/3: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/4: 4 miles (m)
    1/5: 5 miles (m)
    1/6: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/7: 4 miles (m)
    1/8: 6 miles (m)
    1/9: Rest Day
    1/10: 4.15 miles (m)
    1/11: Unplanned Rest
    1/12: 3.75 miles (m)
    1/13: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/14: 4.5 miles (m)
    1/15: 3 miles (m -.5)
    1/16: Rest Day
    1/17: 4 miles (m) + 2.5 miles
    1/18: 3.5 miles
    1/19: 3.5 miles
    1/20: 3 miles
    1/21: No running - walked
    1/22: Unplanned rest
    1/23: 4 miles (m)
    1/24: 4 miles (m)
    1/25: 3.5 miles (m)
    1/26: Rest
    1/27: 4.5 miles (m)

    My Total/January: 84 miles
    Mike's Total: 70 miles

    Happy birthday, @MNLittleFinn!

    Have a fabulous rest of the day!

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I skipped my run last night and ate a dozen cookies instead (taper & carbo-load, right?). I've been rolling the calf and I think it will be ready to go tomorrow morning. Now I just need to get my *kitten* to bed at a decent time tonight.

    @lporter229 go for the joy run!!! You can always do hill repeats another day. And pho...love me some pho!!
    @skipper111 congrats on the new distance PR! It's always exciting to break into new territory! You definitely should pat yourself on the back.
    @MNLittleFinn it's far too early to worry about some pain knocking you out of your race. I had bad Achilles strain 5 weeks prior to my race, which limited me to 20 miles in the following 3 weeks, and I was still able to finish well.
    @kristinegift - SCORE!! That's a great price for a marathon!
    @JessicaMcB great job making your goal already!
    @nats2508 your challenge is no less than anyone else's here. You're doing great!
    @Calvin2008Brian hope you get rid of that crud soon!

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @skippygirlsmom thanks. I'm taking the rest of this week off. I got my 70 for thr month, so now I figure taking off today and tomorrow (skipping a long run...gggrrr) will give some piece of mind.

    On another note, my Dr. Didn't think I need to come see her, she said to see PT first and see if thst helps. I think it's all just stress/excitement for my first full marathon. Maybe intentionally skipping a long run will help me get some perspective

    @MNLittleFinn I agree with you, you are like the first time mom who worries about everything. :smile: I think everyone here who has run a full or even a half would agree everything runs through your mind when you are training for such a big event. Based on miles you have been running you will have no problem with this.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    Asking for suggestions/recommendations from this massive pool of experience here.

    My right leg between the bottom of my calf and my ankle tightened up really bad. It is ok once it warms up but if I sit for awhile it is back to tight. Any thoughts on what the issue might be or recommendations on stretching/drills I could do to help things out?

    I do some stretching and roll everyday, nothing major but some.

    I don't like to comment about injuries or potential injuries, cause I am not a professional in any way and that is what I would suggest if your concerns are warranted enough.

    For me, if I cannot maintain good form or I feel sharp pains while running, I would not run and in extreme cases would seek a professional opinion. Luckily I have not had a personal experience where I felt like I needed a professional check and taking it east for a few days or weeks was all I needed.

  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    @MNLittleFinn -Happy belated Birthday!

    1/4-2.48 miles
    1/5-2.39 miles & Pilates
    1/7-Rest day
    1/9-Pilates & 2.5 miles on the treadmill
    1/11-Pilates & 2.87 miles outside(no knee pain but it was a challenge. I burn so bad)
    1/13-unintended rest day
    1/16-2.6 miles outside
    1/17-2 Pilates workouts (what was I thinking...I hurt)
    1/18-2.7 miles on treadmill and 7.5 on the bike
    1/19-1.32 miles on treadmill and Pilates workout
    1/20-2.89 miles and hopefully Pilates tonight
    1/21-3.07 miles
    1/22-Rest day
    1/23-2.06 miles running & Pilates
    1/24-1 hour of Pilates
    1/25-3.11 miles
    1/26-1.34 miles & Pilates


    Upcoming Races(Not complete-still waiting on MRTC)
    FedEx St. Jude Classic Fairway 5K - 4/8/2017
    Bluff City 10k - 5/13/2017
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    However I did get a 50% discount code for the NJ Marathon, so guess what I'll be running for a third time this April? ;) I needed an April race, so... I signed up for the full for $60 (~$40 off list price!) and will drop down to the HM if I'm not feeling the 26.2. I'll still keep Vermont City and Cleveland as back-up options at the end of May. I'll only do the full at NJM if I really think I have a great chance for a BQ, if not I will try for another HM PR.

    And this being from the woman that swore off marathons from on out only a couple of months ago. Glad you're thinking about that BQ again.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    However I did get a 50% discount code for the NJ Marathon, so guess what I'll be running for a third time this April? ;) I needed an April race, so... I signed up for the full for $60 (~$40 off list price!) and will drop down to the HM if I'm not feeling the 26.2. I'll still keep Vermont City and Cleveland as back-up options at the end of May. I'll only do the full at NJM if I really think I have a great chance for a BQ, if not I will try for another HM PR.

    And this being from the woman that swore off marathons from on out only a couple of months ago. Glad you're thinking about that BQ again.

    Ditto this! Its awesome you're going for it!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @Darwin20 and @Skipper111 Welcome to our group from me as well!
    I echo the sentiments that we all started from somewhere. Everyone is welcome here as I stated in my OP on page 1. We have complete novices barely able to do C25K to marathon maniacs.
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Aim: 100k

    8/1: 5.7K
    12/1: 2.6k
    14/1: 10.4k
    15/1: 1.6k
    16/1: 5k
    18/1: 3.3k.
    19/1: 15k
    20/1: 2.6k (warmup for strength training)
    21/1: 10.3k various surfaces: asphalt-beach-gravel
    23/1: 3k (warmup for strength training)
    24/1: 13.8k (w/u-intervals-c/d)
    25/1: 2k (warmup for strength training)
    27/1: 2.8k (warmup for strength training)


    Stay free of injuries!