Why such hate for running or cardio?



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    People bash lifters as well, it's just that we don't cry about it.

    And hello d-bag who had nothing good to say, so said something ignorant. I am really crying, its intense. I just ca- ca- ca- cant stop.

    Shut the f up.

    Seriously OP,

  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    People bash lifters as well, it's just that we don't cry about it.

    And hello d-bag who had nothing good to say, so said something ignorant. I am really crying, its intense. I just ca- ca- ca- cant stop.

    Shut the f up.

    Well, that escalated quickly...Wow, just wow!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    I hate traditional forms of cardio because they're boring (to me).

    Amen! I would rather bash a sledgehammer against a tire 500 times or carry a 150 pound sandbag across my yard then do anything on a cardio machine.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Has no one ever said "shut the f up" on here before?? Just curious. I mean... I feel like I committed some type of unforgiveable sin. Its my personality, don't like it...... then ignore me. :) lol. I grew up with 5 older brothers, sweet and ladylike isn't in my character, more like eat or be eaten.

    You might want to read the CG. And I just want to point out that the only reason things got really negative was because of you. What you said is no way to hold an actual discussion with differing views and opinions, as well as ways to express that opinion.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never seen anybody bash cardio on here.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I hate traditional forms of cardio because they're boring (to me).
    Amen! I would rather bash a sledgehammer against a tire 500 times or carry a 150 pound sandbag across my yard then do anything on a cardio machine.

    See, when someone says "traditional cardio" I immediately think aerobics class. Must be a generational thing.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Has no one ever said "shut the f up" on here before?? Just curious. I mean... I feel like I committed some type of unforgiveable sin. Its my personality, don't like it...... then ignore me. :) lol. I grew up with 5 older brothers, sweet and ladylike isn't in my character, more like eat or be eaten.

    actually no, i don't remember anybody being that rude in these forums, EVER. You didn't just tell him to shut the f up, you also called him a d-bag.... so yeah, i would say your people skills are lacking

  • santamommy
    santamommy Posts: 88
    I love running, there is something more than physical fitness about it that only a runner could understand. Some bash it because of the muscle mass lost during running. I think there is such thing as balance. Everyone's body is different, and you have to find your own. For those
    > :grumble: that don't like it, all I can say is
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    People bash lifters as well, it's just that we don't cry about it.

    And hello d-bag who had nothing good to say, so said something ignorant. I am really crying, its intense. I just ca- ca- ca- cant stop.

    Shut the f up.

    well, aren't you just a delight to be around. i better start taking up running, as I am now witness to the inner peace it brings.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I just hate running because I can't do it :laugh:
    I love cardio and weights.

    I JUST LOVE EXERCISE... except running. Cause I suck at it.
  • amorales5931
    This post isn't going to change anything other people say or feel about cardio. Do your thing and stop worrying about what other people bash. You've lost 23 pounds it says on here - you're clearly doing fine. Let the negative energy go - don't let them get to you.

    I'm an ex-smoker and I constantly hear smokers tell me that we ex-smokers are the worst because we criticize them more than non-smokers. Whatever - I don't even try to tell a smoker to quit because I was there and I couldn't stand it either.

    So, there's a cardio v. lifter dichotomy. If that's the worse thing around here, we're doing pretty good. You should read some of the comments on yahoo boards about (insert random topic here).

    Just do you, girl - you'll be alright.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Has no one ever said "shut the f up" on here before?? Just curious. I mean... I feel like I committed some type of unforgiveable sin. Its my personality, don't like it...... then ignore me. :) lol. I grew up with 5 older brothers, sweet and ladylike isn't in my character, more like eat or be eaten.

    You might want to read the CG. And I just want to point out that the only reason things got really negative was because of you. What you said is no way to hold an actual discussion with differing views and opinions, as well as ways to express that opinion.


    The OP didn't lend itself to "Let's discuss," just as the "FU, D-bag" comment wasn't fostering various viewpoints. :smokin:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I don't personally care for endurance running, at all. It doesn't work as "a natural anti-depressant" for me, nor do I find it "zen-like". I think it's painful and boring. It makes me incredibly *****y and HANGRY, so I choose not to do it. I lift weights, train with kettlebells, and will occasionally jump on a rowing machine or do hill sprints here and there.

    Not sure why you care how anyone feels about steady state cardio, or specifically running. The world is still full of people who apparently love running.

    Do what you enjoy doing and don't worry about everyone else's preferences.

    But it seems like she enjoys posting ranty, 'I don't know why other people think differently than me' threads. If she takes your advice, she'll just be posting more golden threads like this one in the future.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Has no one ever said "shut the f up" on here before?? Just curious. I mean... I feel like I committed some type of unforgiveable sin. Its my personality, don't like it...... then ignore me. :) lol. I grew up with 5 older brothers, sweet and ladylike isn't in my character, more like eat or be eaten.

    actually no, i don't remember anybody being that rude in these forums, EVER. You didn't just tell him to shut the f up, you also called him a d-bag.... so yeah, i would say your people skills are lacking


  • stephy1824
    stephy1824 Posts: 13 Member
    I want to love running so much, and feel so awesome right after I give it a shot and start doing c25k, but then next day I feel like someone drilled a hole in my hip :(
    I'll be trying it again when I lose some weight because I'm convinced I'll become a runner.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I want to love running so much, and feel so awesome right after I give it a shot and start doing c25k, but then next day I feel like someone drilled a hole in my hip :(
    I'll be trying it again when I lose some weight because I'm convinced I'll become a runner.

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've never seen anybody bash cardio on here. I've seen people suggest that people who do only cardio should pick up weight training, but they're not mean about it. There's nothing wrong with cardio, I personally do little to no cardio, but that's personal preference.

    so why did you write this in another thread?
    People often choose steady state cardio because it is mindless and easy, but this is the reason it is one of the worst forms of exercise
  • KissMeImShtFaced
    Because cardio is useless. The lungs and heart aren't particularly important organs. Better to focus on getting a beach body. Just my 2 cents.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Has no one ever said "shut the f up" on here before?? Just curious. I mean... I feel like I committed some type of unforgiveable sin. Its my personality, don't like it...... then ignore me. :) lol. I grew up with 5 older brothers, sweet and ladylike isn't in my character, more like eat or be eaten.

    You also insulted him by calling him a dbag and saying his post was ignorant...
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    i lost plenty with cardio, esp in the waist and in the legs.........i guess its different strokes for different folks........dont stop though, exercise is exercise...........just keep moving