Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Rowanana
    Rowanana Posts: 14 Member
    @Bex953172 WELP. On the upside it sounds like you've used up all your bad luck for the next week or so. That's how it works, right? ....Right!?

    @HGSmith0920 Give up peanut butter entirely... wow. You're stronger women than I.

    I did less-than-optimal today too. Got into work and there was cake and doughnuts. It's so tough to pass up delectable free food... had very small portions of each though (someone gladly ate the rest of the doughnut) and have done fine the rest of the day, so I'm still in the green. About 3k short of 10k steps but the day's not over yet... Now if only I can get to bed on time tonight.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Happy Friday everyone. I love reading your posts and I feel like I'm checking in with my pals every morning!

    Pretracked most meals/snacks.
    Need to start preplanning for weekend (meals/exercise).
    My weakness is the sugary iced coffees at DD or Tim Hortons. Since the scale is not moving, I'm going to cut back to a small & change from cream to whole milk...I'm going to miss it for a few days but if I can stay with it my taste buds will change.
    Heading to Zone Wellness-it's like a spa! Won't work on the days I have my youngest home so at least I can always take her to the Y w/childcare. I was thrilled to learn they have Pilates. I hope to work on getting my midriff flattened!
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600. Food only, do not factor in exercise to get to this number.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me webinar.
    Will walk dog for 30 mins at hilly park.
    Aiming for 150g of protein. Got to 83g yesterday & still no bingeing.
    20 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep. Didn't actually sleep, just laid there twitching & letting my mind calm itself.
    Drink 8 cups of water. Finally, about 11 cups yesterday.
    Drink protein smoothie if necessary.
    Sit for all meals/snacks.
    Read something for inspiration.
    Not sure why I felt off yesterday but after working out & laying down for 20mins, that feeling left me.

    If you do what you've always have done, you'll get what you've always gotten. :smiley:

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    Recap R 6/1
    1) Walk dog before work = yay, done...3.02 miles. Will have time to get other things done after work. :sunglasses:
    2) Pre-log most food / snacks and keep net calories w/i 100 of green = pre-logged everything but dinner entrée (not certain) and result green! Yay! :smiley:
    3) Prep breakfast to take to work F a.m., since I have 8:15 a.m. appt. for employer's annual Health Risk Assessment = measured out Cheerios, blueberries and milk, plus snacks, to take to work in a.m.
    4) Floss...maybe I can drop this from my list, becoming habit finally! :wink: Day 10 whoop whoop! :smiley:
    5) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off...reset alarm for F a.m., no dog walk and remember to fast! nope, but it's F now so I know I'll get through the day, then it's the weekend ;)

    Had to fast this morning for Health Risk Assessment and blood draw. Somehow I've lost 1/2" in height which is very important at 5'4". Anyway, weight is lower, waist is smaller, and bp is in good range, since 7/28/16 HRA so I should get a better score this year. My health insurance premium is discounted based on my score.

    Just for today F 6/2
    1) Pre-log most food / snacks and keep net calories in the green
    2) Walk dog after work
    3) Complete at least two things on my to-do list this evening, especially belated bday card
    4) Found out this morning on the radio that it's National Donut Day. Of course, someone brought donuts to work. I looked them over, and they're not my preference, so I can ignore them all day.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. didn't get to the gym this morning - so either get grass mowed or go to zumba class tonite :/ One of those days .......
    2. log all food :/
    3. concentrate on water in the evenings :/ Hubby wanted to go and get mexican food, and I caved. We both had such a stressful day, but still no excuse. All I am telling myself is that there are 7 days in a week, and if I get right back on track today, I will be ok.
    4. no snacks after 8pm!!!! :/
    5. eat slowly :)
    6. concentrate on hunger, cravings, or desire,and decide which is is, and make my choice :/
    7. read response cards to remind myself of being at goal weight in december. Don't give up!
    8. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable :)

    Not the best day yesterday ....... but ..... today is a new day.

    JFT, Friday
    1. log all food
    2. mow the grass today
    3. fish fry today - eat only 4 FF, and 1 piece of fish
    4. eat less calories to day to make up for yesterday

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Not much to say again today.

    JFT - 06-02-2017
    • Eat under my 1500 net goal
    • 10,000 steps
    • meal prep for weekend
    • Go to bed by 11:00
    • 400 stairs - up only; down does not count

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Not much to say again today.

    JFT - 06-02-2017
    • Eat under my 1500 net goal
    • 10,000 steps
    • meal prep for weekend
    • Go to bed by 11:00
    • 400 stairs - up only; down does not count

    If only :lol:
  • Rowanana
    Rowanana Posts: 14 Member
    Stayed in the green yesterday, went to bed on time, but didn't get 10k steps.

    Today is looking pretty crappy. I got in major trouble as soon as I got into work... I screwed up some things which will make them late. It's definitely my fault, but I still wish I didn't feel so crappy and anxious. After a point that's counter-productive.

    Still on track to be within calories today though, so that's good! Definitely won't have time to exercise though. Ugh.

    JFT Friday 6/2:
    Track everything
    Work on science presentation at least 1 hour
    Get to bed by midnight
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Not much to say again today.

    JFT - 06-02-2017
    • Eat under my 1500 net goal
    • 10,000 steps
    • meal prep for weekend
    • Go to bed by 11:00
    • 400 stairs - up only; down does not count

    If only :lol:

    I'm in this challenge where we have to do 400 up stairs at east 5 times this week. I only skipped yesterday so I am almost done. So tired. that's 28 flights at my house.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    @joan6630; Impressive! Way to go. That's 17 pounds--twice as much as I have lost, and I just regained two from entertaining friends on Wednesday.--but, as you say, keep on trying. Back on track today.
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6 --- OOPS!!!!! GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!!!!!! :/
    June 1: 200.4 --- Mostly wasted 2 months in April and May, but, at least I am still trying!
  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    @junodog1 There's a stair race that I really want to do this spring- sounds like I need to be part of the challenge!

    As I've been making changes, I notice that gradual changes aren't really that bad. I wouldn't have imagined a day without starchy veggies and bread, but now I'm fine with veggies!

    My JFT is to avoid having a drink.

    I want to make wine or cocktails my every once in a while treat instead of my one a day habit.

    One day at a time!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    I started eating ℃rap again last night, and I was over again!
    Where's my diet coach!? @joan6630 sort me out!!! :sweat_smile:

    Also is it me or has @OConnell5483 not posted recently?
    Not made you laugh in a while haha :lol:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Pretracked most meals/snacks.
    Going to gym to do weights.
    Switched to small iced coffee & milk instead of cream. Didn't miss it!
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me webinar.
    Will walk dog for 30 mins at hilly park.
    Aiming for 150g of protein.
    20 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    Drink protein smoothie if necessary.
    Sit for all meals/snacks.
    Read something for inspiration look into the menopause/weight gain connection.

    DH was grouchy this am & likes to let everyone know. I've learned that I can't prepare a healthy meal when I'm getting stressed (kids underfoot in kitchen, kids arguing, husband ranting, etc.) so I put everyone in their place, got the youngest settled and made my healthy breakfast and enjoyed my coffee. Think I may get a t-shirt that reads "I will not be derailed"...

    I will not be derailed!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited June 2017
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    Pretracked most meals/snacks.
    Heading to gym to do weights & floor exercises.
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me webinar. Yesterday's podcast was terrific, great interview.
    Will walk dog for 30 mins at a hilly park.
    Aiming for 150g of protein. This is still difficult but worth it, helping to keep my bingeing in check.
    20-30 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep. Haven't been doing this, time to start again.
    Drink 8 cups of water. Challenge!
    Drink protein smoothie if necessary.
    Sit for all meals/snacks. Eat protein bar in car, but not while driving so I will savor it and be aware that I actually ate it.
    Weighed myself-I need to keep up my motivation by setting small goals. Focus on the next 5 lbs, not 60lbs!

    We teach people how to treat us.

    Can I ask you, do you also count carbs or sugar and try to stay under a certain amount for the day? Do the protein bars you spoke of in your reply to Joan have a lot of carbs/sugar?

    Also, if you learn anything about the menopause/weight gain connection, please share! :tired_face:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I did a new workout today! 40 mins YouTube vid with Simone De La Rue for sweatybetty
    I've never sweat so much in my life, I was literally pouring and my glasses kept falling off.

    Please someone try it lol
    All you need YouTube on the tv, a little bit of space to work out (although it's mostly on the spot) 2x 1.5kg weights or 2x tins of baked beans and a yoga mat/rug/just use carpet
    I had no equipment and used baked beans and a towel and it was still as effective so no excuses!

    I actually hope one of you does try, don't watch it first, just stick it on and go with it!
    I had to rest a lot and couldn't do the last bit cause of my foot but from what I did do I feel properly worked out!


    Just seeing this today! I will try it later! LOL. You gave me my first giggle of the day. I knew I could count on you, Bex! :smiley:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    vishalb08 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    I managed to get out of bed thanks to my mother. Dragged myself to the bathroom, freshened & got dressed.
    Cycled for 30 min, burned 450+ cal.
    ("Burned" calories : Burned is such a savage term. Makes me feel like I defeated evil)

    Just For Today (31/05/17)
    1. Drink 3 liters of water.
    2. Stay in the green.
    3. Walk for 15 min after dinner.
    4. Get my obese yet amazingly handsome body (read as sarcasm) into bed by 11:00 PM.

    Need an advice:
    I have a huge question in my mind.

    Thank you.
    Have a great & productive day.

    Good for you getting yourself out, and taking care of yourself! Doesn't it feel so much better!
    Many people weigh every day, so I think whatever works the best for you. I used to weigh myself everyday - thinking it would keep me on track. But it was actually more discouraging for me - because we all know how our body weight can fluctuate by as much as 2 to 3 lbs. So now I only weight myself once a week, and even then it can sometimes be discouraging. We all have to remember that taking care of ourself is so much more than the numbers on the scale. No one sees those numbers except for us --- but what others do see is how active we are, how we carry ourselves with confidence when we feel good, etc etc.
    You are doing great!

    Another thing to remember is that as you lose water weight but gain muscle. your actual number may not move. I go to a weight clinic where my daughter works and they have a scale that breaks down water, muscle and fat percentages and sometimes the number is the same but I find out I lost 1 lb of fat and gained 1 lb of muscle. One pound of fat is the size of a grapefruit, so that is a huge win no matter what that scale says. Pay attention also to how your clothing fits. That's a really good way of knowing how your progression is also... I really believe wellness is so much more than just that number on the scale...although I probably hop on that scale every morning first thing! LOL
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I started eating ℃rap again last night, and I was over again!
    Where's my diet coach!? @joan6630 sort me out!!! :sweat_smile:

    Also is it me or has @OConnell5483 not posted recently?
    Not made you laugh in a while haha :lol:

    I'm back! And you already made me laugh this morning! I've been out of sorts for a few days, and I won't bore you with the details. Mad at myself because I have not been logging food or even paying attention to what I eat...to the point that I left work early on Thursday and came home and ate ice cream for dinner. Seriously. I set the bucket on the counter and ate right out of the bucket! My husband gave me the stink eye but knew better than to say anything! Not good. I need a good kick in the pants right now to get back on track. That's what I get for not logging in and getting my daily dose of this group!

    Today's a new day though! Thanks for noticing I was gone, Bex. ;)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Just for Saturday

    1. Stay in the Green
    2. Drink 80 oz of water
    3. Go through my cookbooks and find a new healthy recipe to try for dinner
    4. Try @Bex953172 's video while DH is in garage
    5. Read something inspirational
    6. Do something I enjoy, perhaps go bumming (neighborhood rummage sale today) or go to the Attic for a nice cup of tea
    7. Read something inspirational
    8. Take a walk today while listening to inspirational podcast
    9. I will not log onto my work laptop today. Just for today, I will not worry about work.

    Have a great day everyone! I agree with Sara (I think it was Sara) who said it's like checking in with friends for the day. I sure miss you all when I don't get on here for a few days!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    Recap F 6/2
    1) Pre-log most food / snacks and keep net calories in the green = pre-logged everything but entree, side veggie and dessert (my 10 M&Ms)...still hungry, so I made popcorn to fill me up. Net calories in the red. :/
    2) Walk dog after work = nope, ran errands then made dinner, then zonked out...I think I needed that. :neutral:
    3) Complete at least two things on my to-do list this evening, especially belated bday card = got a few things done on list, still need to mail the card :)
    4) Found out this morning on the radio that it's National Donut Day. Of course, someone brought donuts to work. I looked them over, and they're not my preference, so I can ignore them all day. = Totally left the free donuts alone all day long. That's my victory for Friday. :smiley:

    Late logging on today Sat. 6/3 so more of a recap:
    1) Got to farmers market 8:30 this morning, bought great fresh produce, salmon and lamb shanks. Last week's fresh tomatoes on fresh spring lettuce tasted so good, I forgot what really fresh food tastes like. Did I mention it was fresh? :smiley:
    2) Walked dog 2.95 miles, cut short b/c light rain started to fall, and I didn't feel like dropping doggie deposit at the city park. :smiley:
    3) With rain / cloudy skies, hubby and I went out for movie date and late lunch / early dinner. So fun! I've logged all the food, net calories are still green (not much though), so maybe a light snack later this evening. I'm still full anyway. :smiley:
    4) Skies have cleared so hubby is out mowing lawn. I should get off my *kitten* and get something done around the house.

    Just for Sunday 6/4
    1) church at 9 a.m.
    2) walk dog
    3) log food and keep net calories in the green
    4) enjoy the day!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I started eating ℃rap again last night, and I was over again!
    Where's my diet coach!? @joan6630 sort me out!!! :sweat_smile:

    Also is it me or has @OConnell5483 not posted recently?
    Not made you laugh in a while haha :lol:

    OK Bex ...... here is that KICK you need!!! NO MORE EATING CRAP TODAY!!!!!!!!!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I started eating ℃rap again last night, and I was over again!
    Where's my diet coach!? @joan6630 sort me out!!! :sweat_smile:

    Also is it me or has @OConnell5483 not posted recently?
    Not made you laugh in a while haha :lol:

    I'm back! And you already made me laugh this morning! I've been out of sorts for a few days, and I won't bore you with the details. Mad at myself because I have not been logging food or even paying attention to what I eat...to the point that I left work early on Thursday and came home and ate ice cream for dinner. Seriously. I set the bucket on the counter and ate right out of the bucket! My husband gave me the stink eye but knew better than to say anything! Not good. I need a good kick in the pants right now to get back on track. That's what I get for not logging in and getting my daily dose of this group!

    Today's a new day though! Thanks for noticing I was gone, Bex. ;)

    I'm sorry you've been out of sorts, I definitely know what that's like, and you wouldn't of bored me lol. I complain on here about everything, from my depression to fighting a goose so.. Y'know.

    Did the ice cream make you feel better or worse?
    (Although I love doing this with Ben & Jerry's)

    The good thing is you're back! (Yay :smiley: )
    So you can my get back on it! That's the most important thing!
    You've not given up,just took a break, which I think in a journey like this you NEED a break every now and then!