Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    edited January 2017
    Goals for Sat 28th Jan

    - Log everything :)
    - Stay as close as I can to my calorie allowance :# Yeaaahhh about that... just gonna call that a complete write off
    - Get all the house tidy before inlaws arrive :)
    - Drink 4 glasses of water :(
    - Try squeeze in at least 30 mins exercise. :( no can do, pounding headache!
    - Hope and pray that we're going out for tea rather than me having to cook for everyone! :) (Takeaway!!.. which contributes to me writing off my calories for today..)

    Sun 29th Jan

    So after a complete mess up yesterday these are STRICT goals!

    - 4 glasses of water
    - 1hr exercise
    - Log all food and keep under calorie allowance!
    - Chill for the rest of the day and do nice hobbies/watch films! Need to rejuvenate!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T - Friday
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss food plan and journal every bite :( Did great until I went to bed and my stomach felt sick from medications. I got up and ended up grabbing blueberry muffins and Reese's peanut butter cups! Dang it!
    2. Hydrate! :) Did okay. Could've done better.
    3. Get up every hour and move :) Got up a moved a bit but the best part was actually leaving at lunch for a whole hour!
    4. Add 100 more steps than yesterday on Fit Bit :)
    5. Task list today for work is to get Nikki's handout for WWD done, create exercise for Nursing Home visits for Rusk, Review Health Coach Lesson Plans and exercises. :/ Now I'm going to have to work this weekend or I'll never get this stuff done.
    6. Finish plan for vacation savings. ;) Getting there. Have a plan but now need to put it into motion.
    7. Gym after work for workout, tan and massage chair :( Nope. Exhausted after working many hours this week and didn't make it there.
    8. Read my novel :) Didn't read my novel but did play on my iPad and spent a lot of time on Pinterest which I love to do!
    9. Bed one hour early to write in Gratitude journal and meditate ;) Epic FAIL!
    10. One random act of kindness (at least) :) Yup!!!

    J4T - Saturday
    1. Stick to food plan and journal every bite
    2. Hydrate
    3. Take granddaughter shopping to buy nursery items for her twin baby boys who should be coming on Feb 13th!
    4. Activity 30 minutes
    5. Send birthday cards
    6. Pay bills
    7. Make smart choices when husband takes me out for dinner tonight
    8. Relax and read or watch a movie tonight
    9. Bed early to read, so I can get up early tomorrow

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    J4T - Saturday
    1. Stick to food plan and journal every bite :)
    2. Hydrate :/ Need to work harder on this.
    3. Take granddaughter shopping to buy nursery items for her twin baby boys who should be coming on Feb 13th! :D So much fun! Should be all set for the babies now...
    4. Activity 30 minutes ;) Does shopping count?
    5. Send birthday cards :/ Move to Sunday.
    6. Pay bills :/ Move to Sunday
    7. Make smart choices when husband takes me out for dinner tonight :) Ordered breakfast skillet and even used Sugar Free jam on wheat toast.
    8. Relax and read or watch a movie tonight :)
    9. Bed early to read, so I can get up early tomorrow ;) Went to bed early but didn't rise early! But hey, isn't that what Sundays are for?

    J4T - Sunday
    1. Stick to food plan
    2. Hydrate with WATER
    3. Send out birthday cards today
    4. Pay remaining bills
    5. Perhaps take a ride up north to get out of the house and see the countryside?
    6. Spend one hour tonight reading work email to get a jump on tomorrow
    7. Prep for tomorrow by packing breakfast and lunch and setting out work clothes
    8. Do something relaxing today, whether it is setting up sewing area in basement, reading, watching a movie or shopping. Just try to de-stress.

    Word of the day: Serenity
  • TamaraR
    TamaraR Posts: 7 Member
    Goals for today
    1. Complete weigh in and measurements.
    2. Meal plan for the week
    3. Get Ready for tomorrow
    4. Hydrate
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    Just for today:
    Love on MYSELF and my family-in progress
    Oh and drink water lol-boo Been cold here in Colorado struggling with hydration. Think I'll try maybe hot tea or even hot water with lemon

    Just for today: Sunday

    More protein less fat
    More water
    Get a plan together for stress, meals, sleep, and getting some exercise for next week
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    My weight was down this morning almost 2 lbs, so very excited about that. I really think the water is helping with that.

    1. get to the gym :) 60 minutes on the treadmill, incline 6.0, speed 4.0
    2. log all food :)
    3. clean house :)
    4. sip on water in the evenings instead of snacking :):)
    5. sew 2 more embroidery blocks :/
    6. try and get together with my daughter tonite :/ She was having anxiety, but she ended up coming over to our house for about a hour, which helped her.
    7. laundry :/
    8. drink minimum 2 glasses water with each meal :)
    9. get back on here tomorrow. Be accountable! :)

    Very busy, but productive day yesterday. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, but, the house is clean, I sipped water in the evenings - which really helped me with nitetime snacking!

    JFT, Sunday,
    1. log all food
    2. drink 2 glasses water with each meal
    3. run to the fabric store
    4. get out for a walk, since I didn't get to the gym this morning
    5. laundry
    6. sew 2 more embroidery blocks
    7. start on charity quilt

    Hope everyone has a great sunday.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Light weight/cardio workout at gym :)
    2. Box moving--at least an hour :)
    3. 40 situps :)
    4. 10 pushups :)
    5. Latin dancing--at least two hours of bachata and salsa :smiley: danced 4 hours
    6. 12+ cups water :)

    1. No tracking today
    2. lots of box moving and stair climbing--organizing a storage unit and moving stuff home
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    Sun 29th Jan

    So after a complete mess up yesterday these are STRICT goals!

    - 4 glasses of water :) 3 down 1 to go
    - 1hr exercise :smiley: YES and sweating!! :s
    - Log all food and keep under calorie allowance! :smiley:
    - Chill for the rest of the day and do nice hobbies/watch films! Need to rejuvenate!! :) yep! Just did daily jobs and chilled!!

    Goals for Mon 30th Jan

    - Drink 4 glasses of water
    - Stay under calorie allowance
    - Exercise 1 hr
    - Put away all the washing.
    - Blitz house (quickly)

    - Start 30 day squat challenge* Anyone want to join?!

    *Starting tomorrow as there's only 28 days in Feb!
  • Sally123422
    Sally123422 Posts: 6 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    My weight was down this morning almost 2 lbs, so very excited about that. I really think the water is helping with that.

    1. get to the gym :) 60 minutes on the treadmill, incline 6.0, speed 4.0
    2. log all food :)
    3. clean house :)
    4. sip on water in the evenings instead of snacking :):)
    5. sew 2 more embroidery blocks :/
    6. try and get together with my daughter tonite :/ She was having anxiety, but she ended up coming over to our house for about a hour, which helped her.
    7. laundry :/
    8. drink minimum 2 glasses water with each meal :)
    9. get back on here tomorrow. Be accountable! :)

    Very busy, but productive day yesterday. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to, but, the house is clean, I sipped water in the evenings - which really helped me with nitetime snacking!

    JFT, Sunday,
    1. log all food
    2. drink 2 glasses water with each meal
    3. run to the fabric store
    4. get out for a walk, since I didn't get to the gym this morning
    5. laundry
    6. sew 2 more embroidery blocks
    7. start on charity quilt

    Hope everyone has a great sunday.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Reminder to myself tonite .... I feel SO much better when I drink water in the evenings, and not snack. DO NOT SNACK tonite!! I am craving something sweet so badly, but hoping that by getting on here, I can remind myself that

    "Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels ". Food will pass by my taste buds so fast, but tomorrow, I will feel so much better if I drink the water instead!.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    Don't give in! @joan6630 it's awesome you've found an alternative that's working!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @joan6630 Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. I know what you mean about eating your feelings - I'm similar, although lately I think I've been more like your husband reaching for the booze! I'm working on trying to find healthier stress release methods. Was thinking, have you tried listening to music? You were talking about writing your feelings rather than eating them - listening to the right type of music could help too? As in, sad if you want to wallow in it (which everyone needs sometimes), angry if you're feeling cross, happy if you want to get yourself going! Just a thought - might not work for you but might be worth a shot!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks even at focus group
    - G&T only
    - Choose a moderately healthy option at focus groups tonight and no dessert

  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Sunday

    More protein less fat- This is harder than I thought. Will keep working
    More water- :)
    Get a plan together for stress, meals, sleep, and getting some exercise for next week- not completed but working on it

    Just for today: Monday

    Be productive.
    10000 steps
    8 glasses!!!!!
    Don't sweat the small stuff

    Everyone have a great week! Even the small changes make a big difference!!
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    Just for today:

    I will Log my food to the best of my ability
    I will enjoy the burger and fries I have already scheduled
    I will enjoy getting my hair done
    I will take one moment at a time
  • STS1130
    STS1130 Posts: 5 Member
    Just for Today:

    I will log all of my food.
    I will try a new exercise at the gym.

    Thanks everyone.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @joan6630 Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. I know what you mean about eating your feelings - I'm similar, although lately I think I've been more like your husband reaching for the booze! I'm working on trying to find healthier stress release methods. Was thinking, have you tried listening to music? You were talking about writing your feelings rather than eating them - listening to the right type of music could help too? As in, sad if you want to wallow in it (which everyone needs sometimes), angry if you're feeling cross, happy if you want to get yourself going! Just a thought - might not work for you but might be worth a shot!

    @slittlemeister - thanks for the suggestion on music. I usually do have music playing while I am sewing, but I think what I need to do it go in a separate room, and just mediate like you do, and listen to music. Thank you so much for the suggestion.
    @Bex953172 - thanks for your encouraging note last nite!

    Yes, I managed through it. I did have popcorn, but stopped at that. The evenings are the hardest, so I just gulped water, and trying to distract myself away from food.

    1. log all food :)
    2. drink 2 glasses water with each meal :)
    3. run to the fabric store :):) My daughter went with me, and bought a couple candles for her apartment.
    4. get out for a walk, since I didn't get to the gym this morning :) But ... If was SO cold! I think the cold just sapped the energy out of me - was a struggle to get anything done after my walk.
    5. laundry :)
    6. sew 2 more embroidery blocks :)
    7. start on charity quilt

    Reminder to myself tonite .... I feel SO much better when I drink water in the evenings, and not snack. DO NOT SNACK tonite!! I am craving something sweet so badly, but hoping that by getting on here, I can remind myself that :):) Got through the evening. SO glad I didn't give in. Success leads to more success!

    JFT, MOnday
    1. log all food
    2. did not get to the gym this morning, so try and go tonite
    3. drink water
    4. finish last embroidery block, and start putting quilt together
    5. start charity quilt
    6. work on pc boards
    7. finish laundry

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,518 Member
    edited January 2017
    Spent the weekend completely offline, nice. No daily goals at all, I was going to enjoy myself. Hubby's bday Sat. and made him his favorites (22 years of tradition): spaghetti (family sauce recipe from scratch), garlic bread and chocolate cake (Hershey's cocoa recipe from scratch). Sunday was a lazy day, really needed that. Oh, I did wash sheets and towels in the afternoon. So now to update for today:

    Last Friday 1/27/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - Yes (barely) 8 :smile:
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - YES 28 :smile:
    3) Meditate in afternoon - YES :smile:
    4) Wrap hubby's bday gifts while he's at work - no choice, his bday is Sat. - YES and baked cake after grocery shopping, frosted cake next day :smile:
    5) Floss - YES :smiley:
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off, no a.m. alarm Sat. yay! No - hey it's Friday night :neutral:

    Just for M 1/30/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Log all food
    3) Walk at least 10,000 steps - maybe on treadmill this evening?
    4) Meditate in afternoon
    5) Floss
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off
  • anne1k
    anne1k Posts: 6 Member
    Hi just joined MFP today.
    JFT affirmations/ goals is just what I need. Picked up some good tips reading your posts.
    Thanks Anne
    I've had a first good day so far ( 18:40)
    Goals for 31/1/17
    • get to grips with app
    • log food
    • drink 4 large glasses of water
    • go for a walk @ lunch time
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. No tracking today :)
    2. lots of box moving and stair climbing--organizing a storage unit and moving stuff home :)

    1. Plan and pre-track exercise for the week
    2. Track all food
    3. More box moving!
    4. One hour intense Zumba
    5. 60 situps
    6. 12+ cups water