Breakfast.. what do you have?

Let me know some quick and easy and filling ideas for breakfast!


  • kayleexbabeex
    kayleexbabeex Posts: 55 Member
    Iv only just started but so far iv been sticking to oats porridge or scrambled eggs, tomatoes & mushrooms.
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Trader Joe's PB & J yogurt
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt with peanut butter, chia seeds, and a piece of fruit. It's about 400-460 calories (depending on how large the fruit is), has a good amount of protein, fat, and fiber (my breakfast today has 11g), and is very easy to prep in advance (literally mix everything together and stick in the refrigerator. It's better this way, because the chia seeds gelatinize and make the mixture super thick)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    protein enriched cereal, or fat free greek yoghurt with granola
  • kathakraz
    kathakraz Posts: 65 Member
    Eggs. Sometimes just eggs, sometimes eggs with other things. They're fast, easy and tasty. I never get bored with them.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Today, oatmeal. The last four days before that fruit on the bottom Greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter.
  • Cappy29
    Cappy29 Posts: 30 Member
    I eat protein, fats and carbs to fill up...eggs and half a whole wheat bagel with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. It fills me up for several hours.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Today, 3 scrambled eggs covered in hot sauce.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    Well today, I had my first quest protein shake (strawberry and creme made with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. holy crap, it was delicious!), some coffee with 2tbs half and half, and about 35 grams of deli roast beef wrapped around a cheese stick. 220 calories, 36 grams of protein.
  • JustMary82
    JustMary82 Posts: 19 Member
    Tortilla with one TBSP of PB and a sliced banana
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    I take a whole wheat bagel thin with some crushed avacado, salt and pepper. I add a over easy egg and some hot sauce. Soooo yummm

    Dang that sounds good! I know what I'm having for breakfast
  • stephmph16
    stephmph16 Posts: 114 Member
    I usually do plain eggs, oatmeal, a wrap w/PB and banana, sometimes avocado toast.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    today i ate 5 eggs with hot sauce on it!
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    1/2 cup full fat cottage cheese and a no sugar added fruit cup
    Protein pancake (1/2 cup Kodiak cake mix with water) and fruit (banana or something)
    Half can of tomatoes reduced and spiced with paprika, steam one or two eggs in the mixture
    One or two slices ezekiel bread with PB2 and a little jam, or a banana sliced on top
    One whole egg plus egg whites scrambled with cherry tomatoes and garlic salt, slice ezekiel toast

    I try to keep breakfasts and lunches under 250 cals and accompany with herb or green tea or something.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Small potato with 2 over easy eggs and green salsa.
  • Soulfood77
    Soulfood77 Posts: 211 Member
    I am a huge advocate of "you don't have to eat breakfast foods for breakfast." I had a ham and turkey sandwich this morning for breakfast and oatmeal tonight for supper.