Women over 40, wanting to lose 20 lbs, support/motivation/success?



  • DuchessOnTheRun
    DuchessOnTheRun Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome...and let's stay on the wagon together!
  • dmignola
    dmignola Posts: 9 Member
    Hello ladies... I'm with you. I recently turned 50, single mom, three kids, two full time jobs (software manager and my own software company), 5'7", pretty athletic/fit, former college athlete. I'm looking for an accountability partner who wears a fitbit or other pedometer. It would be fun to be a bit competitive - in an encouraging way -- about number of steps and other activities. I want to take little breaks from work every hour and do short core exercises, stretches, strength. Also my more intense cardio workouts. Also discipline with food. As you all know it is so much harder to stay slim or drop weight with our changes happening. I crept up to 147lbs, just over a year ago and got down to 130lbs using the Eat, Stop, Eat food plan. It felt great... I got back into my "skinny jeans" and felt good wearing tops that cling around my waist. Then I crept up again to 137, then down to 125, now back up to 133. It is hard for me to be consistent on my discipline in eating... anyone else struggle with this? My goal is 117 as I was that slim about 10 yrs ago... it will probably be too slim though and I'm guessing 120-125 is the ideal range.
  • dmignola
    dmignola Posts: 9 Member
    designerdiscounts... here are a couple things that have worked for me (when I follow through)
    1. Eat, Stop, Eat. Short 24 hour fasts, a couple days per week. You have a meal on fast days. For me I get almost just as hungry keeping my calorie count low than when I don't eat. Hunger is not an objective way for our bodies to tell us we need food as I thought it was in the past. And it is easier for me to not eat than to stress about what to eat and keep track.
    2. Get a pedometer like a fitbit. It syncronizes with MyFitnessPal and has a beautiful and motivating dashboard, "awards" for achieving milestones in number of steps and such.
    3. Get a treadmill desk if you have a desk job. I have a desk job being in software management. Standing or walking while I work means I can still get in my steps though I work a ton of hours. It also feels good for my back, and keeps me alert and feisty all day.
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Today marks three weeks without concentrated sugar and I've lost six pounds since I started! Pretty good for me! Even though I've been using this site for almost six years, I'm not using the diary for a while since they stress me out for the moment. After 26 years, I'm very good at closely estimating how many calories I consume.

    My biggest hurdle is overcoming the mental burnout!! I could create a calendar based on where I usually am each month. For example, January I'm always motivated and disciplined, April I'm usually depressed at not being where I'd planned to be, July I've redoubled my efforts, by September I feel hopeless. Then, of course, I'll start anew after the holidays! I think I've managed to create a separate personality, one that tells me I'm just going to fail AGAIN after so much effort. But for now, she is SILENCED!!! I usually see significant success every five years or so then celebrate with chocolate, feeling like I've "graduated". I have to accept that to maintain my loss, I'll need to eat at an 80% healthy/20% comfort foods for the rest of my life. If I could get within five pounds of my goal, I think I could stick to that goal.

    I'm interested to know what hurdles you all are facing and how we can help each other address them. Is it time crunches, motivation, fear of failure? Let's get it out there! Nothing is too shameful or embarrassing and no detail is too small! I'm sure most, if not all, of us will relate!!
  • staciw
    staciw Posts: 58 Member
    Sounds like the right group of ladies for me, too! 44, 5'6" - started at 195 and at 171 now. Want to land about 140. In the middle of a Whole30 now, and will focus on eating whole foods, running (well, really walking with a few running spurts) and would like to start doing some lifting.

    Three boys under 9, full time job - Georgia girl!

    Happy for anyone to friend me.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    cnbbnc wrote: »
    I just turned 45.....5'4 and lost 45lbs. I've been maintaining for a year now. If you need more friends feel free to add me.

    Congrats on your weight loss! How long did it take you and what worked for you?
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    bmarie0408 wrote: »
    Went to a Piyo class again this morning - it's getting a little easier but I still need to take a few breaks. After the first class, I could barely move for 3 days. Loving Piyo!

    I've never tried Piyo - are there more benefits than doing yoga alone? I'm about as inflexible as they come :)

    I definitely recommend looking up piyo and seeing if it's for you. It's sort of like a cross between yoga and strength training. There are some traditional yoga moves and a lot of push ups, planks, burpees, lunges, etc. I have sweat running down my back at the end. :).
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    I'm 47, Started 1 week ago at 210 lbs on a 5'5" frame. I've had both my knees partially replaced. My right was December 2015 and the left was October 1, 2016. The day I was on the scale for the left knee I was 220 so I survived the holidays dropping pounds by going to Planet Fitness. I would love to be down to 170-180. I use the Atkins weight loss program AND some weight watcher suggestions. I would love to add anyone as a friend on here to help me stay accountable. My little sister does weight watchers and told me that I could have a cheat day once a week if necessary but I do have a hard time coming back on track. My kids are older so they usually do their own thing for meals. I have 2 grandbabies and a hubby who loves me no matter what my size. SO I NEED OTHERS TO HELP ME

    Welcome! I wish I had the magic formula to keep you on track - I've been an on and off dieter for 20 years. Logging on mfp every day really does help. And looking at other food diaries gives me good healthy ideas. Also, having something you want to look good for helps keep me focused. I'm visiting my sisters in march and that motivates me to make good choices. Good luck! And how wonderful to have a hubby that loves you no matter what size! :)
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    kermax39 wrote: »
    Im 41, lost 51lbs still got about 17lbs to go but iv been stuck for months. Really struggling. Also im a bridesmaid in September and dress doesnt fit yet :-(

    Congrats on your weight loss! Those last few pounds are the hardest. Maybe find one thing you could change that may help nudge the scale again.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Wow, this forum is just what I need!! I'm 45, 5'5" and my weight has been up and down since I was eighteen. I have four kids and my last two pregnancies were the beginning of the end! I swear my metabolism is at 30%! If i'm not actively trying to lose weight, I'm gaining it! I went back to school six months ago and the proverbial roof caved in and I put on 20 pounds in four months.
    My goal this year is to get at least those 20 pounds off but preferably 40 altogether. Exercise is no problem for me, I love it. But chocolate is my Kryptonite! It's my balance for all of life's difficulties.
    Being in a support group like this would make all the difference. Feel free to send me friend requests and I hope you don't mind if I do the same!

    Four kids and going back to school - you're a rock star! Have you had your thyroid checked? I recommend doing that first, I had to start taking levoxyl for an under active thyroid and it helped with that "overwhelmed" feeling I got often. Maybe it's also helped me keep off some weight. Who knows.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    bmarie0408 wrote: »
    Good morning! I haven't left the house for awhile, seems like forever, because of an ice storm. That makes me feel restless, and then I want to eat. Trying to keep myself busy so I don't think about food all of the time,, but I sure hope this ice melts fast! How's everyone else's weekend going?

    Thank goodness the ice is melting here, I'm ready for spring! Can you do any work outs at home? It will at least counter any overeating that happens. You could also write down everything you're going to eat for the day (and when you're going to eat it) and stick to it. Good luck, I think more ice is coming.

    Weekends are hard for me to keep on track but I did alright this weekend. Nervous and excited for weigh in day tomorrow!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Timswoman wrote: »
    I know I am a little late, but this seems like such a good fit for me. I am 44 and 5'5", I need to lose a little more than 20 lbs, more like 40 but other than that everyone seems to be close to what I am doing. I run six days a week and am almost done with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd. (my 12 year old daughter works out with me, that helps so much.) We are putting together a weight lifting workout using a Men's Health book and some equipment we have at home. That will be for the next four weeks. My starting Weight was 236 but I am at 197 right now. I am hoping to be down to 150 - 140 by December of next year. I have 8 children and homeschool the six youngest (the oldest two are out of school) so my time is stretched thin.

    Goodness, you have your hands full! Congrats on getting down to 197. Sounds like you are on the right track. Glad to have you here.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Trigirl919 wrote: »
    So happy to see this page. I'm 44, 5 foot 4, was always super thin - weighed 114 when I got pregnant 7 years ago but then gained 20 lbs over the last few years. Can't even blame it on pregnancy as I was 116 post baby. I feel like my metabolism has REALLY slowed down. In July went on the first "diet" of my life, reducing my calories to 1,200 - 1,400 a day. Took me 6 months to lose 8 lbs. So frustratingly slooow. Then I hit a plateau and lost nothing for a month. Then holidays and vacation and I am all the way back to 130.4 in the blink of any eye :-(. I am so disappointed and frustrated at how long it takes me to lose and how quickly and easily I gain. As a single mom, working full time it is also really hard to get workouts in. During my previous loss I was running long distance twice a week (marathon training) but it only helped a little (hard to believe!). So much harder to work out this time of year between work and family obligations. Miss my younger days when I was in the gym 5x a week. Looking for suggestions of how to squeeze exercise in without going to the gym and any other ideas and encouragement.

    Welcome! I've mentioned it before but get your thyroid checked. And then find a DVD or two that you would do at home. I've done all of the Jillian dvds, they are great. And of course, diet is the number one thing that controls weight loss. It sounds like you are very close to your ideal weight which means it will be hard to lose anything no matter what you do.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    I'd like to get in on this! I'm 5'2 1/2 and 45 years old. I want to lose 20 to 25 lbs. That would put me in the 113 to 118. Then I want to maintain and then... I want to quit smoking :) my doctor says I am post menopausal ( blood work) so I don't think I need as many calories as what mfp says. Anyone else feel the same way? I seem to do well on 800 a day with light excersize. I try to drink 2 liters of water daily. Feel free to add me, thanks!

    Did you talk to your doctor about the 800 a day diet? I've heard you need a minimum of 1200 cals daily just for body functions but an occasional day under should be fine.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Hi, you can friend me! I've managed to lose twelve pounds and it's taken me two years, oie vey! But I'm glad for the weight loss and want to lose another 7.5 to reach my goal weight.

    You're so close! Congrats on kudos for sticking with it!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    I also recommend the Whole30 diet and the Paleo diet to kick start a weight loss. I've had great success with both of those but wasn't able to keep it up and eventually gained the weight back. But I don't blame that on the diet, I just gave up for a while - stopped working out and ate all sorts of crap.
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Today marks three weeks without concentrated sugar and I've lost six pounds since I started! Pretty good for me! Even though I've been using this site for almost six years, I'm not using the diary for a while since they stress me out for the moment. After 26 years, I'm very good at closely estimating how many calories I consume.

    My biggest hurdle is overcoming the mental burnout!! I could create a calendar based on where I usually am each month. For example, January I'm always motivated and disciplined, April I'm usually depressed at not being where I'd planned to be, July I've redoubled my efforts, by September I feel hopeless. Then, of course, I'll start anew after the holidays! I think I've managed to create a separate personality, one that tells me I'm just going to fail AGAIN after so much effort. But for now, she is SILENCED!!! I usually see significant success every five years or so then celebrate with chocolate, feeling like I've "graduated". I have to accept that to maintain my loss, I'll need to eat at an 80% healthy/20% comfort foods for the rest of my life. If I could get within five pounds of my goal, I think I could stick to that goal.

    I'm interested to know what hurdles you all are facing and how we can help each other address them. Is it time crunches, motivation, fear of failure? Let's get it out there! Nothing is too shameful or embarrassing and no detail is too small! I'm sure most, if not all, of us will relate!!

    Welcome! Losing 6 pounds in 3 weeks is awesome! I can TOTALLY relate to the personality calendar - I am always motivated December-march. Then pretty happy with myself for a couple months and start gaining it all back. Then miserable with myself September-November and then start the cycle again. Really need to find a way to keep it going. I guess my weakness is my family - they can eat anything without any weight gain. Hubby loves chocolate and ice cream and homemade cookies (and hasn't gained a pound in 25 years). The kids love ice cream and bagged snacks. It's always around. Currently, I'm having no issues saying no but the time will come when I just start eating it all again.
  • lftabbaa
    lftabbaa Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2017
    Sunday afternoon w/family dining out , I couldn't help it..had a plate of shish kabab w/rice :( ....I'm just hoping l don't gain too much of what I've lost...this's really tough :s
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    lftabbaa wrote: »
    Sunday afternoon w/family dining out , I couldn't help it..had a plate of shish kabab w/rice :( ....I'm just hoping l don't gain too much of what I've lost...this's really tough :s

    Drink lots of water to help counter the sodium. And don't beat yourself up! Some people have whole cheat days. The important thing is to get right back on track and move forward. ♥
  • lmcowley
    lmcowley Posts: 1 Member
    I am 51 years old, 5'8 and 180 pounds. I would love to get down to 140 pounds, but don't know if this is realistic. I was at this weight around 10 years ago and felt great. I am starting to exercise again and tracking my food daily. I am in peri-menopause--does this really slow down weight loss? Would love to add some friends to help motivate each other to attain our goals.