HELP! I need motivation & HELP. I'm begging!



  • estherjellybabe
    estherjellybabe Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2017
    Guys I think she is gone- she hasn't replied even once in this post and her last login to myfitnesspal was January 7th the day after creating this post.

    I often wonder what happens with users like this. They literally beg for support and advice, they receive it, and then... nothing.

    I was really rooting for her. Someone else had asked how I did it, and at the time I described exactly what I did and it worked so well for them! So I hoped it would work for Summer. But I guess everyone is different... Hope I didn't scare her off, it was not my intention for sure.
  • kevygirl
    kevygirl Posts: 9 Member
    I hope she hangs in there....You can do it Summer!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Weight loss is about having a calorie deficit. You can create a deficit by eating less than you need to maintain your current weight, burning more calories by increasing exercise or a combination of both.
    It will take time to lose weight. Accept that it will take a few years to lose a couple hundred pounds. But just 1 lb a week is 52 lbs less a year. It adds up.
    You can probably set your goal to lose 2 lbs a week but if that is a struggle try 1.5 or 1 lb to get you started.
    You should start with just logging what you normally eat and sticking to your calorie goal. You want to eat in a way you can sustain long term so don't eliminate all the food you like. You don't need to follow a bunch of rules or do weird things.
    You can alter your diet in small steps from there like getting more protein or having more vegetables on your plate.
    Weight loss is about calories not a particular diet. Protein, fats and fiber can help you feel satisfied.

    Motivation: you deserve to be healthy and have a good quality of life... those things will improve at a healthier weight

    Read some success stories:
  • Dee_D33
    Dee_D33 Posts: 106 Member


    Under the list of things NOT to eat:
    - Chocolate, chocolate spread
    - Cakes, cookies, sweets, candy bars
    - puddings, custard, pastries,
    - Biscuits, crackers, cereal-bars
    - Almost all commercially prepared breakfast cereals have lots of sugar added to them. (plain rolled oats are a natural tasty alternative especially when taken with fruit).
    - Do not add sugar to any food and drink.
    - Ice-cream, full-fat yoghurt, most yoghurts have added sugar in them.
    - fruit-juices have high amounts of added sugar (even when they say no added sugar, its bull), and no fibre to keep you full
    - Sodas/fizzy drinks/energy drinks; they have insane amounts of sugar and salt. Also avoid the ones with artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose etc) since they may have a cancer-causing effect in the long term, so it's best to avoid them as much as possible).
    - Alcohol: any type, any volume, ALWAYS has a lot of sugar and always has a lot of empty calories (1 glass wine = 200 calories!)
    - Deep-fried foods, fries, oven-baked wedges, roux-based sauces, white creamy sauces, ketchup

    Learning to read food labels is extremely important, you will quickly be surprised by how much oil, fat and sugar lurks in commerically prepared foods.

    Notice that most of the things in the list of what not to eat are things that have been processed, refined and very modified from their original natural state. Remember to eat foods as close as possible to their natural form.

    There is nothing wrong with eating any of those things. Are they the healthiest thing for you? Not quite, but if you can enjoy them while staying at or under your calorie goal then why not? As long as they are keeping track of everything correctly there is no reason to make things so complicated. Do/do not eat lists are the downfall of so many diets.

    P.S. - What kind of wine are you drinking?! (Or not drinking, I should ask). Cabernet Sauvignon has 125 calories a glass and Pinot Grigio rings in at 115. I can't imagine any other type of wine straying too far from that.