I'm addicted to soft drink.



  • cardiacmommy
    cardiacmommy Posts: 52 Member
    I quit it 2 years ago. Cut out all sugary foods 1 yr ago. Had a young friend who had cleaned up his life. He used to smoke weed and quit. He challenged me and said jokingly..ok you have soda and I'll have some weed. It worked! I installed an app that is to show days 'clean' from an addiction and treated it as such. I figured if he can abstain from drugs then surely I can abstain from soda! Abs trust me..I was not a casual drinker of soda and I lived for sweets! It can be done but takes the right mindset. For me abstinence works. Moderation may work for others but I need to avoid cravings all together.
  • catzpyjamaz
    catzpyjamaz Posts: 47 Member
    I am not afraid to call it like it is. I am totally addicted. I drink 2-3 litres of Pepsi Max a day. I do need to stop. I also drink lots of water and black tea. However. First I will get my eating and fitness under control. Then I will take control of the Pepsi max. One thing at a time.