To Glove Or Not to Glove during lifts?



  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    The rule of gloves in the gym is; "only if they match your handbag".

    My gym isn't so judgemental. Wear them, don't wear, who cares?! "only if they match your handbag"? I assume the "gym" is trying to be sexist, insinuating only weak girls wear gloves - I have skin allergies and Raynaud's. I wear them. I'm a girl. Dare your "gym" to come and say I'm somehow weak and pathetic to my face because I wear gloves... >:):D

    Guessing humour doesn't travel across this internet well.
  • GuineaKitty
    GuineaKitty Posts: 97 Member
    I wear them the bar tear up my skin.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I use gloves except when I do leadlifts, for that I use pole wax.