Not meeting protein requirements or calories?!

Im tryingggg to eat more and be vegan (not so strict on the vegan thing at the moment some of my diet still contains dairy eg protein whey) however i havent eaten meat or fish for 3 years. Did another post about struggling with gains currently at 51.2kg 1.62m weight training 4 times a week with very little cardio. I do look slim but most of my body fat seems to be on my stomach rather than on the booty where id prefer it to be! Helpppp!


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Im tryingggg to eat more and be vegan (not so strict on the vegan thing at the moment some of my diet still contains dairy eg protein whey) however i havent eaten meat or fish for 3 years. Did another post about struggling with gains currently at 51.2kg 1.62m weight training 4 times a week with very little cardio. I do look slim but most of my body fat seems to be on my stomach rather than on the booty where id prefer it to be! Helpppp!

    First, I would probably recommend that you say you eat mostly plant based instead of vegan. Vegan is more of a cultural/belief system. Second, if you are struggle with calories, below is a good place to start.

    Calorie sources and strategies:

    Protein sources:

    IRT the bold, go thank your parents for that one. Genetics is a beotch, and I know first hand. If you dat booty, then make sure you are following a good lifting program that has some focus on lower body. Or modify your program to add a few for sets of lower body.
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    Train 3 times a week.
    Limit cardio.
    Eat clean.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    hamshor wrote: »
    Train 3 times a week.
    Limit cardio.
    Eat clean.

    I would disagree with the last bullet.
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    So you recommend eating junk food? It's unhealthy
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    So you recommend eating junk food? It's unhealthy

    OP is having problems gaining weight. Sometimes a little fun food with a balanced diet is just what she needs.
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    She can eat a cheat meal once or twice a week, but not every day.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    She can eat a cheat meal once or twice a week, but not every day.

    What's the difference? What if I have a little cheat everyday in lieu of a cheat meal? Why is that bad
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    Do you care about your health? or do you care only about your physique? IIFYM is not good for health in general.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    Do you care about your health? or do you care only about your physique? IIFYM is not good for health in general.

    What is your definition of IIFYM. Protein powder and poptarts all day er day. That's not what it is.

    I have a serving of ice cream every night. It is around 10-15% of my daily calories. The rest of my calories are pretty nutrient dense foods. I really don't see the issue. Nor do I see the difference between having a dessert everyday vs what you consider cheat meals several times a week.
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2017
    you think that one serving of ice cream every night is good for you?
    1. simple sugar before bed is not recommended because can cause fat gain.
    2. too much ice cream can cause health issues.
    3. google it.
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    ice cream*
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    you think that one serving of ice cream every night is good for you?
    1. simple sugar before bed is not recommended because can cause fat gain.
    2. too much ice cream can cause health issues.
    3. google it.

    Seriously. Ok well you can tell the fat gain fairy to come visit me. I would love to have her.

    Too much ice cream.. c'mon the majority of my diet isn't ice cream.. I eat about 3300 calories a day so if 300 calories of ice cream helps me hit my goals I consider that a win.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    OP, listen to Sardelsa. She knows her stuff.

    After you meet your requirements for your macro and micronutrients, you don't get extra credit for eating extra broccoli. If you want to gain weight, you need to hit your calories. That's the most important thing. So eat your varied diet, get in all your nutrients, but at the end of the day eat whatever sounds good in order for you to hit your calories. Ice cream, peanut butter, whatever. If you don't do that, you won't gain.

    There's a difference between something being healthy (nutrient-dense) and it being unhealthy (in the sense that it's detrimental to your health). Ice cream may not be the most nutrient-dense food you can choose, but it won't damage your health if you eat it in moderation. Plus, you get calcium, a little Vitamin D and some fat, so if you need those things, it's an okay choice.

    Also, why aren't you getting enough protein? What plant-based protein sources do you gravitate toward (other than whey, which you mention in your OP). I'm plant-based but eat eggs and dairy, so I can recommend plenty of ovo/lacto protein sources (greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, kefir, etc.). If you're looking for more pure vegan sources, start looking into tofu, tempeh, seitan, beans, etc.

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    you think that one serving of ice cream every night is good for you?
    1. simple sugar before bed is not recommended because can cause fat gain.
    2. too much ice cream can cause health issues.
    3. google it.

    1. Got some scientific evidence to back up that broscience? Dr. Oz or Women's World don't count.

    2. Google is not a reliable research source. I can find "proof" that the earth is flat and Elvis is alive and having a love affair with Bigfoot in Atlantis.

    Do some legit research on the concepts of context and dosage. And read up on the physiology behind nutrient timing as well.
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    I'm curious to know what do you eat during the day.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    you think that one serving of ice cream every night is good for you?
    1. simple sugar before bed is not recommended because can cause fat gain.
    2. too much ice cream can cause health issues.
    3. google it.

    wow I guess I didnt lose fat then it just must have shifted,just to where I dont know.if you are in a deficit sugar before bed is not going to cause fat gain(nor is anything else). your metabolism works 24/7 so you still burn calories while sleeping. heck,I have a metabolic disorder and still lose fat eating stuff including simple sugars before bed.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    I'm curious to know what do you eat during the day.

    A typical day is two-three slices of wholegrain toast with peanut butter and jam, coffee. I also have a smoothie (bananas, berries, spinach, almond butter, 4% Greek yogurt), then lunch is usually leftovers - today it was homemade baked chicken, broccoli and roasted potatoes. Then I have a snack, it can be anything from cheese and crackers to popcorn. Then my dinner tonight was turkey tacos and veg... on whole wheat torillas with salsa, full fat sour cream and homemade quac.
    Then dessert will be ice cream.
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2017
    So, seems to be so hard for you people to eat natural and healthy foods. Anyway OP, always try to eat healthy, not only for your physique but for your health in general. Sure you can eat junk food occasionally, but not everyday. Bye
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    So, seems to be so hard for you people to eat natural and healthy foods. Anyway OP, always try te eat healthy, not only for your phisyque but for your health in general. Sure you can eat junk food occasionally, but not everyday. Bye

    I'm sorry, please tell me what is wrong with my day?

    I would LOVE to see your diary
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2017
    sardelsa wrote: »
    hamshor wrote: »
    So, seems to be so hard for you people to eat natural and healthy foods. Anyway OP, always try te eat healthy, not only for your phisyque but for your health in general. Sure you can eat junk food occasionally, but not everyday. Bye

    I'm sorry, please tell me what is wrong with my day?

    I would LOVE to see your diary

    Your omega 3: omega 6 ratio is not good at all. Replace some omega 6 fats with omega 3 fats like : walnuts , fish etc.