Butter vs. Margarine



  • costahobo
    costahobo Posts: 20 Member
    Why do people care so much about what I eat (or do not eat)?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I did not say natural saturated fats are bad for us.
    Fair enough, which saturated fats are you referring too, if not naturally occurring.

    I never said saturated fats are bad for us. I said you'd be hard pressed to find a nutrition or medical professional that would call them healthy. The medical recommendation is to limit saturated fats (eat more unsat than sat). But that doesn't mean they are "bad" or can't be part of a healthy diet.
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking. I've seen lots of speculation but of course that is primarily based on the SAD diet where sugar, refined carbs and trans fats which are unsaturated fats are part/included in these studies, which hopefully everyone is aware that when consumed in abundance influences health markers deleteriously for CVD........I also said there's hundreds if not thousands of health professionals around the world that would say that saturated fat is not unhealthy. You said that trans fats are generally worse than saturated fat, which infers that saturated fat is no healthy.......I know you like to play with wording, but I really would like to hear you own opinion on the mechanisms in saturated fat that make it the boogie man.

    You seem to have switched subjects. You asked why, in my own words, I said you'd be hard pressed to find a nutrition or medical expert that would say butter is "healthy". I answered that. Because of the medical recommendation to limit saturated fat from dairy and beef.

    I limit butter because of the medical recommendation. I don't think butter is "bad" or a "boogie man" or "unhealthy". Those are your words. But not being "unhealthy" doesn't necessarily make something "healthy" in my book. Nutrition is not that black and white.

    Those are my own words and thoughts.. If you want to paraphrase with your own little catchphrases, go ahead. It's the internet. I can't stop you.
  • Blizaine
    Blizaine Posts: 32 Member
    Butter has cholesterol (LDL) as do all animal products. Margarine does not (unless it is added, check the label.) Both are pure fat. Cholesterol (LDL) clogs the arteries. Your heart doesn't like that. It is harder to exercise, you slow down. When you slow down you burn fewer calories.

    Just my humble opinion.

    Oh sweetie... You have it all wrong I'm afraid

    It's sad that people still think this is true. :/
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    I did not say natural saturated fats are bad for us.
    Fair enough, which saturated fats are you referring too, if not naturally occurring.

    I never said saturated fats are bad for us. I said you'd be hard pressed to find a nutrition or medical professional that would call them healthy. The medical recommendation is to limit saturated fats (eat more unsat than sat). But that doesn't mean they are "bad" or can't be part of a healthy diet.
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking. I've seen lots of speculation but of course that is primarily based on the SAD diet where sugar, refined carbs and trans fats which are unsaturated fats are part/included in these studies, which hopefully everyone is aware that when consumed in abundance influences health markers deleteriously for CVD........I also said there's hundreds if not thousands of health professionals around the world that would say that saturated fat is not unhealthy. You said that trans fats are generally worse than saturated fat, which infers that saturated fat is no healthy.......I know you like to play with wording, but I really would like to hear you own opinion on the mechanisms in saturated fat that make it the boogie man.

    You seem to have switched subjects. You asked why, in my own words, I said you'd be hard pressed to find a nutrition or medical expert that would say butter is "healthy". I answered that. Because of the medical recommendation to limit saturated fat from dairy and beef.

    I limit butter because of the medical recommendation. I don't think butter is "bad" or a "boogie man" or "unhealthy". Those are your words. But not being "unhealthy" doesn't necessarily make something "healthy" in my book. Nutrition is not that black and white.

    Those are my own words and thoughts.. If you want to paraphrase with your own little catchphrases, go ahead. It's the internet. I can't stop you.
    lol. So basically you have no idea why they say to limit saturated fat, gotcha!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thanks everybody! So now another question... The reason I don't like butter is because it is so hard to spread! What can I do to help with this? Leave it out for a bit before using it?

    You can get it out beforehead, nuke it for about 5-10 seconds, or you could get a butter spread that mixes olive oil into the butter.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I did not say natural saturated fats are bad for us.
    Fair enough, which saturated fats are you referring too, if not naturally occurring.

    I never said saturated fats are bad for us. I said you'd be hard pressed to find a nutrition or medical professional that would call them healthy. The medical recommendation is to limit saturated fats (eat more unsat than sat). But that doesn't mean they are "bad" or can't be part of a healthy diet.
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking. I've seen lots of speculation but of course that is primarily based on the SAD diet where sugar, refined carbs and trans fats which are unsaturated fats are part/included in these studies, which hopefully everyone is aware that when consumed in abundance influences health markers deleteriously for CVD........I also said there's hundreds if not thousands of health professionals around the world that would say that saturated fat is not unhealthy. You said that trans fats are generally worse than saturated fat, which infers that saturated fat is no healthy.......I know you like to play with wording, but I really would like to hear you own opinion on the mechanisms in saturated fat that make it the boogie man.

    You seem to have switched subjects. You asked why, in my own words, I said you'd be hard pressed to find a nutrition or medical expert that would say butter is "healthy". I answered that. Because of the medical recommendation to limit saturated fat from dairy and beef.

    I limit butter because of the medical recommendation. I don't think butter is "bad" or a "boogie man" or "unhealthy". Those are your words. But not being "unhealthy" doesn't necessarily make something "healthy" in my book. Nutrition is not that black and white.

    Those are my own words and thoughts.. If you want to paraphrase with your own little catchphrases, go ahead. It's the internet. I can't stop you.
    lol. So basically you have no idea why they say to limit saturated fat, gotcha!

  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking.

    Wow. Really? What research did you do? There's like a good 50 years of research including level 1 evidence that shows this.

    A famous dietitian in Australia recently said that despite the strong evidence against saturated fat, we shouldn't be asking whether butter or margarine is better but rather trying to reduce our intake in general and opting for truly better choices such as avocado.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking.

    Wow. Really? What research did you do? There's like a good 50 years of research including level 1 evidence that shows this.

    A famous dietitian in Australia recently said that despite the strong evidence against saturated fat, we shouldn't be asking whether butter or margarine is better but rather trying to reduce our intake in general and opting for truly better choices such as avocado.
    Level 1.......ok, show us the studies that show causation, thanks. Also an avocado has more saturated fat (twice as much) than an equal amount of pork tenderloin. Does that mean I should replace avocado with pork tenderloin?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking.

    Wow. Really? What research did you do? There's like a good 50 years of research including level 1 evidence that shows this.

    A famous dietitian in Australia recently said that despite the strong evidence against saturated fat, we shouldn't be asking whether butter or margarine is better but rather trying to reduce our intake in general and opting for truly better choices such as avocado.
    Level 1.......ok, show us the studies that show causation, thanks. Also an avocado has more saturated fat than an equal amount of pork tenderloin. Does that mean I should replace avocado with pork tenderloin?

    Plenty of studies suggest causation. None that I know of prove it. But show me studies that prove it is not a cause of disease.

    If 100,000 people walk into a cave and 77% of them die. Later 50,000 walk in and 62% die. Over time, more people that walk in this cave die than do not. We know that walking into that cave doesn't cause death, because a lot of people that went in did not die. We may not know exactly why the people died, but that cave has an association with death. I'm not crossing walking in and hoping I'm in the minority that live.

    Eating a diet high in saturated fat from dairy and beef (which includes butter) has an assiciation with disease and limited lifespan. I'm not eating a lot of it.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    I did not say natural saturated fats are bad for us.
    Fair enough, which saturated fats are you referring too, if not naturally occurring.

    I never said saturated fats are bad for us. I said you'd be hard pressed to find a nutrition or medical professional that would call them healthy. The medical recommendation is to limit saturated fats (eat more unsat than sat). But that doesn't mean they are "bad" or can't be part of a healthy diet.
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking. I've seen lots of speculation but of course that is primarily based on the SAD diet where sugar, refined carbs and trans fats which are unsaturated fats are part/included in these studies, which hopefully everyone is aware that when consumed in abundance influences health markers deleteriously for CVD........I also said there's hundreds if not thousands of health professionals around the world that would say that saturated fat is not unhealthy. You said that trans fats are generally worse than saturated fat, which infers that saturated fat is no healthy.......I know you like to play with wording, but I really would like to hear you own opinion on the mechanisms in saturated fat that make it the boogie man.

    You seem to have switched subjects. You asked why, in my own words, I said you'd be hard pressed to find a nutrition or medical expert that would say butter is "healthy". I answered that. Because of the medical recommendation to limit saturated fat from dairy and beef.

    I limit butter because of the medical recommendation. I don't think butter is "bad" or a "boogie man" or "unhealthy". Those are your words. But not being "unhealthy" doesn't necessarily make something "healthy" in my book. Nutrition is not that black and white.

    Those are my own words and thoughts.. If you want to paraphrase with your own little catchphrases, go ahead. It's the internet. I can't stop you.
    lol. So basically you have no idea why they say to limit saturated fat, gotcha!

    That's just an opinion and you obvious don't need evidence and appeal to their authority blindly. I like that part where they say to ditch trans fats and then recommend consuming canola oil which have has trans fats from the refining process........unbelievable really. But you said that trans fats aren't so bad but worse than saturated fat.....nice assessment.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking.

    Wow. Really? What research did you do? There's like a good 50 years of research including level 1 evidence that shows this.

    A famous dietitian in Australia recently said that despite the strong evidence against saturated fat, we shouldn't be asking whether butter or margarine is better but rather trying to reduce our intake in general and opting for truly better choices such as avocado.
    Level 1.......ok, show us the studies that show causation, thanks. Also an avocado has more saturated fat than an equal amount of pork tenderloin. Does that mean I should replace avocado with pork tenderloin?

    Plenty of studies suggest causation. None that I know of prove it. But show me studies that prove it is not a cause of disease.

    If 100,000 people walk into a cave and 77% of them die. Later 50,000 walk in and 62% die. Over time, more people that walk in this cave die than do not. We know that walking into that cave doesn't cause death, because a lot of people that went in did not die. We may not know exactly why the people died, but that cave has an association with death. I'm not crossing walking in and hoping I'm in the minority that live.

    Eating a diet high in saturated fat from dairy and beef (which includes butter) has an assiciation with disease and limited lifespan. I'm not eating a lot of it.
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    I use both but have been using margarine less and less and will probably not buy more once the small tub I have is gone. I guess I will join Team Butter then. LOL. :laugh:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking.

    Wow. Really? What research did you do? There's like a good 50 years of research including level 1 evidence that shows this.

    A famous dietitian in Australia recently said that despite the strong evidence against saturated fat, we shouldn't be asking whether butter or margarine is better but rather trying to reduce our intake in general and opting for truly better choices such as avocado.
    Level 1.......ok, show us the studies that show causation, thanks. Also an avocado has more saturated fat than an equal amount of pork tenderloin. Does that mean I should replace avocado with pork tenderloin?

    Plenty of studies suggest causation. None that I know of prove it. But show me studies that prove it is not a cause of disease.

    If 100,000 people walk into a cave and 77% of them die. Later 50,000 walk in and 62% die. Over time, more people that walk in this cave die than do not. We know that walking into that cave doesn't cause death, because a lot of people that went in did not die. We may not know exactly why the people died, but that cave has an association with death. I'm not crossing walking in and hoping I'm in the minority that live.

    Eating a diet high in saturated fat from dairy and beef (which includes butter) has an assiciation with disease and limited lifespan. I'm not eating a lot of it.

    Good comeback, man.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That's just an opinion and you obvious don't need evidence and appeal to their authority blindly. I like that part where they say to ditch trans fats and then recommend consuming canola oil which have has trans fats from the refining process........unbelievable really. But you said that trans fats aren't so bad but worse than saturated fat.....nice assessment.

    Don't have to follow anything "blindly" when resources are provided.
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    butter. /thread
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    A bit off topic, but some of you guys should look up the difference between molecules and atoms. I know chemistry was a long time ago for some of you, but no need to continue embarrassing yourselves and your chemistry teacher.


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    May I suggest you sell your stock in margarine and invest in life insurance instead.

    Yea, yea, I know. But I'm sick of these posts and don't feel like being nice or playing along anymore. :tongue:

    Always best to just throw a snide remark and move on when you have nothing else useful to say.

    An ad hominem or strawman attack is the person's way of saying, "I have no evidence to support my claims."
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    Margarine is a frankenfood. Butter is a real food. Enough said.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I understand, but why the limit on saturated fat.............obviously there must be studies that show deleterious effects on health when too much is consumed and therefore these recommendations are in place for that reason. I've never seen a study that shows that effect and it's why I'm asking.

    Wow. Really? What research did you do? There's like a good 50 years of research including level 1 evidence that shows this.

    A famous dietitian in Australia recently said that despite the strong evidence against saturated fat, we shouldn't be asking whether butter or margarine is better but rather trying to reduce our intake in general and opting for truly better choices such as avocado.
    Level 1.......ok, show us the studies that show causation, thanks. Also an avocado has more saturated fat than an equal amount of pork tenderloin. Does that mean I should replace avocado with pork tenderloin?

    Plenty of studies suggest causation. None that I know of prove it. But show me studies that prove it is not a cause of disease.

    If 100,000 people walk into a cave and 77% of them die. Later 50,000 walk in and 62% die. Over time, more people that walk in this cave die than do not. We know that walking into that cave doesn't cause death, because a lot of people that went in did not die. We may not know exactly why the people died, but that cave has an association with death. I'm not crossing walking in and hoping I'm in the minority that live.

    Eating a diet high in saturated fat from dairy and beef (which includes butter) has an assiciation with disease and limited lifespan. I'm not eating a lot of it.

    Oh my. For someone who enjoys arguing as much as you do, bcattoes, you really are not very good at logic. It is possible to prove causation in a scientific study--intervention studies do that. They would have to be pretty tightly controlled to prove causation, which is rather expensive; nobody is going to fund a study of butter. That kind of grant money goes to study pharmaceuticals, usually.

    It is impossible, however, to prove that X does *not* cause Y. If you apply treatment X and find no change in Y, you have failed to disconfirm the null hypothesis. In other words, your experiment did not work, which could be for a variety of reasons--such as your set-up was bad, you did not have a sufficient number of participants, or they varied more within groups than between groups.

    Your cave example is pretty hilarious, though. I'll give you props for that one. Perhaps those 100,000 people should try not entering a cave all at once. How's that for a hypothesis? "Walking 100,000 people into a cave causes death because they trample and suffocate."
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That's just an opinion and you obvious don't need evidence and appeal to their authority blindly. I like that part where they say to ditch trans fats and then recommend consuming canola oil which have has trans fats from the refining process........unbelievable really. But you said that trans fats aren't so bad but worse than saturated fat.....nice assessment.

    Don't have to follow anything "blindly" when resources are provided.

    Here's another interesting one from Harvard:

    (And again, the references are at the bottom for those who may have trouble scrolling or using hyperlinks.)