Fit Bit Steps, to eat or not to eat...



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I have a FitBit and have always eaten back the calorie adjustment it and MFP work out, both while losing and now maintaining. It has always been accurate for me but OP if you feel like yours is too high then maybe start eating back half the adjustments and go from there.

    Some specific numbers might help: What are your stats and goal? And what calorie target does MFP have you at and what kind of adjustments are you getting? Is your activity pretty consistent day to day? How many steps do you usually take?
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I have a FitBit and have always eaten back the calorie adjustment it and MFP work out, both while losing and now maintaining. It has always been accurate for me but OP if you feel like yours is too high then maybe start eating back half the adjustments and go from there.

    Some specific numbers might help: What are your stats and goal? And what calorie target does MFP have you at and what kind of adjustments are you getting? Is your activity pretty consistent day to day? How many steps do you usually take?

    I'm 5ft 3, currently 61.4kg but looking to be 55-57kg. MFP has me at 1,360, pretty much, except weekends I walk less. Anywhere between 6,000 - 12,000 depending on the day.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2017
    Nevermind. I see my question was answered upthread. :)
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited January 2017
    I think it depends on the type of Fitbit and type of activity.

    What I mean... If your Fitbit is wrist based then it can add or miss activity/calories. Such as if you move your hands alot while you talk, or use your arms/hands in movement during the day a good bit: it may overinflate your steps and thus your daily burn. On the other hand if you do a lot of walking while pushing a stroller/cart or carrying things in your arms so that your hands don't swing naturally, it might not give you full credit. If you think your Fitbit is giving you too much credit, then don't eat all of them. Leave 100, 200, etc. uneaten. Give it a few weeks and check to see how its going.

    Keep in mind this assumes accuracy in your food logging.

    Personally I love my Fitbit One. Its the type that can be worn clipped to your pocket or bra. It does not depend on my arm movement, but my body movement. So its less likely to add extra. I know there are certain situations where it is inaccurate. I've tested this by comparing the Fitbit burn w/ a Heart Rate monitor. Such as if I walk on the treadmill at an incline, Fitbit does not know. So whether I walk 4.0 mph flat or incline of 2.5, it gives me the same burn. But truly walking at an incline (same speed) is more work, more calories burned. And jogging in place, I know burns about the same calories as walking at a brisk pace for the same amount of time. (Compared w/ HR monitor.) But Fitbit overcredits me, due the high # of steps per minute I think, and gives me a calorie burn as if I were running. SO if I have a day where its lousy weather and I jog in place during lunch, I get on the treadmill at home that night at an incline. I figure it evens out this way!

    TrishSeren wrote: »
    I've used MFP multiple times over the years to get rid of extra weight but this is the first time I've been doing it with a Fit Bit.

    I've noticed that this time my weight isn't really moving and I'm wondering if it's because now I'm eating back the calories I've earned from walking (calories burned according to FitBit).

    Previously I'd walk and not "earn calories" as I wasn't measuring them, so I'd never eat them back.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I might try not counting for a month and see if it works.

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited January 2017
    reading thru the replies, I see you have a One or Zip so you should not have the problem of it picking up hand movement. Have you checked to make sure your stats are correct in Fitbit's profile? Such as if it thinks you are heavier, taller or younger than you are: it will assume a higher BMR and a higher base for your burn rate.

    Also looking at your diary, I see serving sizes like .5 muffin, 4 crackers, 2 slices. These things can be weighed also to improve accuracy. Such as the package may say 2 slices, 75g and then the scale shows 2 slices is actually 85g. In the US I understand labels can be off by 20% and still meet USDA guidelines.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Going back further in your food log, it looks like you just got back to using the Fitbit & food logging. You may need to give it more time to actually have enough data to judge by. A current uptick in your weight over last week could be TOM/hormones, sodium, etc.
  • hellobaconplease
    hellobaconplease Posts: 108 Member
    Sorry, I'm no help with the fitbit, the day I got mine I seemed to start eating more and more and more! I lost 40kg before I got one and stalled from then on.

    Are you from NZ? I saw the anchor milk in your diary. I am too :-).
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    Going back further in your food log, it looks like you just got back to using the Fitbit & food logging. You may need to give it more time to actually have enough data to judge by. A current uptick in your weight over last week could be TOM/hormones, sodium, etc.

    I was losing weight easily in October, then I got the FitBit and from then on it slowly crept back up. I can't always weigh my food (if I'm out etc) but I weight everything I can control. Previously (like 3-4 years ago) I didn't even weigh any food and I still lost weight!

    The FitBit is literally the only change I have made. I'm going to stop using it for a month and see if that makes a difference.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    Sorry, I'm no help with the fitbit, the day I got mine I seemed to start eating more and more and more! I lost 40kg before I got one and stalled from then on.

    Are you from NZ? I saw the anchor milk in your diary. I am too :-).

    Yes I am :) Interesting to see someone else also put on weight!
  • KWlosingit
    KWlosingit Posts: 122 Member
    I have a fitbit one and I have found it pretty spot on.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Eating more = gain weight...
    TrishSeren wrote: »
    Sorry, I'm no help with the fitbit, the day I got mine I seemed to start eating more and more and more! I lost 40kg before I got one and stalled from then on.

    Are you from NZ? I saw the anchor milk in your diary. I am too :-).

    Yes I am :) Interesting to see someone else also put on weight!

  • starfruit132
    starfruit132 Posts: 291 Member
    I too have stalled weight loss with the Fitbit use. Was losing .5-1/lb a week, using MFP activities at 50%. The fact that Fitbit adds all the steps and activities gives me too many calories the way I choose to log (loose). Would be great for maintenance, but I'm not in maintenance at this point. I think I will need to unsynch until then. If not, I have settings at sedentary and losing 1 lb/week via MFP, maybe I should use 1.5 lbs/week.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm wearing both a fitbit zip and my new charge2, both are logging identical steps so I feel they are pretty accurate. I wear the charge on my left wrist since I am right handed.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    Eating more = gain weight...
    TrishSeren wrote: »
    Sorry, I'm no help with the fitbit, the day I got mine I seemed to start eating more and more and more! I lost 40kg before I got one and stalled from then on.

    Are you from NZ? I saw the anchor milk in your diary. I am too :-).

    Yes I am :) Interesting to see someone else also put on weight!

    I'm eating more because I thought I had more calories to eat based on my FitBit steps, which, it seems are not correct.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    Ming1951 wrote: »
    I'm wearing both a fitbit zip and my new charge2, both are logging identical steps so I feel they are pretty accurate. I wear the charge on my left wrist since I am right handed.

    Mine sits on my hip.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    I too have stalled weight loss with the Fitbit use. Was losing .5-1/lb a week, using MFP activities at 50%. The fact that Fitbit adds all the steps and activities gives me too many calories the way I choose to log (loose). Would be great for maintenance, but I'm not in maintenance at this point. I think I will need to unsynch until then. If not, I have settings at sedentary and losing 1 lb/week via MFP, maybe I should use 1.5 lbs/week.

    Yeah, I feel like I've been lulled into a false sense of security, with all the extra calories! I can't help but eat them, and now it seems it's set me back :(
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    rban1000 wrote: »
    I never eat any calories way! Those calories are how I can lose/maintain my weight! I mean...I screw up and overeat and binge many times but not on purpose! I LOVE if I can burn more calories then I eat

    And you understand that your many binges are because you're undereating? That they happen *because* you don't eat exercise calories back?
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    mlinci wrote: »
    Of course I eat them back (about 80%-100% of my Fitbit calories). I walk about 12k steps a day, which is quite active, so I need to eat more than if I was sedentary. Makes sense, and I don't want to undereat, because funnily enough, that's what makes me overeat.

    If you eat back 80-100% of your FitBit calories, I assume you are trying to maintain? FitBit displays your TDEE I believe.

    You can set fitbit to maintain or lose just like MFP. I have fitbit set to lose and it is working perfectly for me.
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    edited January 2017
    TrishSeren wrote: »
    Ming1951 wrote: »
    I'm wearing both a fitbit zip and my new charge2, both are logging identical steps so I feel they are pretty accurate. I wear the charge on my left wrist since I am right handed.

    Mine sits on my hip.

    My charge is on my non dominant wrist and my zip is on my bra strap, but I don't eat back calories, don't feel the need too.