The Mom Bod

Any fellow moms notice their fat distribution has changed since having kids?
I'm finally trying to lose the baby weight and it's in all these weird places it never was when I was heavier as a teen. (I got thinner right before getting pregnant.) In particular, my lower abdomen and hips seem to be storing a lot more than they used to. It used to accumulate more in my upper/middle abdominal region, and that seems to be where I'm losing it first. I'm hoping it's just going to take time get the "mom pouch" to go away, but I'm worried that it will be the last thing to go. If I could only alter ONE thing about my body that would be it. I hate it so much.


  • jenhitt
    jenhitt Posts: 107 Member
    Yes. So much yes. To the pouch, and the weird weight distribution.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Yes. Not to mention the saggy boobs. Thankfully they're at least a bit perkier now 7 years later.
  • Momlife415
    Momlife415 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! And I'm super worried that the damage is irreparable
  • Jules_farmgirl
    Jules_farmgirl Posts: 225 Member
    Yep! Definitely happens! 3kids and 2 were C-section. I have more in my hips and losing fast in my waist (actually I usually have a 10-12" difference from my natural waist to my hip)

    The tummy pooch at the bottom for me will never fully disappear. I have made my peace with that! lol!
  • cphillpot
    cphillpot Posts: 19 Member
    I had twins and the second one had to be delivered by emergency C-section. I feel like that has a lot to do with it. The area that I hate the most is right above that scar. And it's not a pretty scar either. Since it was an emergency they literally went hip to hip on me.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Only in that my stomach skin is very stretched and holds a good deal of subcutaneous fat. Not curvy in the hips at all.
  • ispinwool
    ispinwool Posts: 2 Member
    I've had 5 children. My stomach is the bane of my existence!
    Everything I've read says it's the last to go...which makes me very unhappy!
  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
    4 kids, 4 csections here. I hit my goal weight and still have that pooch. I don't think it will ever leave. :(
  • cphillpot
    cphillpot Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2017
    So I did a little internet digging to see what I could find about this phenomena. This video could explain why a lot of us are having so much trouble.

    This video was linked on an article I was reading about exercises to help lessen the "mom pooch". I'll link that here as well.

    It seems like these women are doing these things pretty much immediately after the birth of their babies, but I bet it could make a difference for some of us who's little ones are little older as well. (My twins will be 2 in March.) I'm going to start trying the ones that aren't already a part of my regular workout to see if they help!
  • emilysusana
    emilysusana Posts: 416 Member
    Yes! After 3 kid and 3 C-Sections my body has take on a whole different shape than before. Definitely the lower tummy pooch. And there is something going on with my belly button, lol. It looks sad now.

    Same exact story here. 3 kids, 3 c-sections. I now weigh exactly the same as when I got pregnant with my first, but my body fat percentage is lower. And yet, My tummy sticks out. I guess surgery would be the only remedy.
  • clyn90
    clyn90 Posts: 45 Member
    3 kids, 3 c sections! The struggle is real. After my second c section I had an indent at my scar but no hanging pooch. Now I do and I hate it. I don't mind the stretch marks but the hanging skin/pooch thing really bothers me
  • karleeggarner
    karleeggarner Posts: 37 Member
    3 kids in less then 4 yrs & natural deliveries...Hate the tummy and hips! As it turns out, my physical therapist says my hips are really weak. I never thought about hips being "strong" or "weak". It's not a typical area you see posted in strength training routines ya know? So my PT is focused on strengthening my hips and almost a month into it I have already lost an inch off my hips! I'll be! Running and cycling really didn't do anything for me in that regard. Just thought I would share that in case anyone else needs to be pointed to the light!

    Now my hips are still bigger then I want but I can only hope that they will continue to get stronger and tone up, burning that fat away. Now if anyone comes up with something good to help with the tummy please share!!
  • MagneticGanymede
    MagneticGanymede Posts: 180 Member
    @cphillpot Thanks for posting that video! I've never heard of diastasis recti, but I've been wondering about what's going on with my abs for a while. I'm too creeped out to check though. I don't like the idea of pushing on muscle separation. Eek. (I'll calm down and check.) Too bad I've been doing so many crunches and planks which can make it worse apparently!
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    3 kids in less then 4 yrs & natural deliveries...Hate the tummy and hips! As it turns out, my physical therapist says my hips are really weak. I never thought about hips being "strong" or "weak". It's not a typical area you see posted in strength training routines ya know? So my PT is focused on strengthening my hips and almost a month into it I have already lost an inch off my hips! I'll be! Running and cycling really didn't do anything for me in that regard. Just thought I would share that in case anyone else needs to be pointed to the light!

    Now my hips are still bigger then I want but I can only hope that they will continue to get stronger and tone up, burning that fat away. Now if anyone comes up with something good to help with the tummy please share!!

    @karleeggarner Can you share what you've been doing? Because my hips have always been the bane of my existence!
  • LillysMomma09
    LillysMomma09 Posts: 272 Member
    Yes. Not to mention the saggy boobs. Thankfully they're at least a bit perkier now 7 years later.

    This! Minus the getting perkier part.. :neutral: cause that ain't happening for me.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    edited January 2017
    Yes! After having 4 kids and 3 body just looks weird. I'm pretty sure once I get to my happy weight I'll need a tummy tuck to be completely happy in my skin without clothes on.