What are good exercises/foods to reduce cellulite?

I eat really well and I have been losing some weight but also gaining some back in muscle, which wouldn't be bad except for the fact that my cellulite has actually increased. It seems to happen the more I work out (I usually just run or even do the Brazilian butt lift video work outs) and it really bugs me. I don't think it would help it if I stopped exercising, and even if it would I'm not willing to give those up, so I was wondering if any of you knew of any exercises that help reduce or prevent cellulite formation. I know swimming helps because I did water polo for a season in school last year, but I don't have time to swim every day like I was doing then.
*the cellulite is mild on the back of my legs and inner thighs & it shows when the sun is shining on it or if pressure is added to that area*


  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I read once that high impact sports (such as running) may damage the connective tissues that hold subcutaneous fat - which makes cellulite worse. Whether that's true or not - I'll keep running. The best thing you can do is lower your body fat % and it should reduce itself.
    Plenty of water, maybe some massage, etc etc pp are the usual tips.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Don't over complicate it. You can't spot reduce fat or cellulite, it's genetic. Lower your body fat percentage by eating at a deficit, and do the exercise you like and will continue doing.

    ETA: you're 18, I'll bet you it isn't even noticeable to anyone else
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
  • cmfaris8
    cmfaris8 Posts: 39
    I had a friend how was completely raw and she swore by grapefruit. She would go on these 3-day grapefruit cleanses to reduce cellulite. I don't know how safe that is, but maybe incorporating grapefruit into your diet. I think you can also use grapefruit oil on it too.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I had a friend how was completely raw and she swore by grapefruit. She would go on these 3-day grapefruit cleanses to reduce cellulite. I don't know how safe that is, but maybe incorporating grapefruit into your diet. I think you can also use grapefruit oil on it too.

    Baloney, you cannot spot reduce fat or cellulite. All you can do is reduce body fat. Or I suppose liposuction, but I wouldn't recommend that at all.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    There is no magical food that reduces cellulite. Sorry.

    How do you know you have gained muscle? It is nearly impossible to gain muscle on a deficit with just running and an exercise video.

    Are you logging all your foods? What is your calories goal and overall goal?
  • lucygoosyyy
    Do you think it'd be better to run on an elliptical to reduce impact? I wouldn't mind that, but do you have any tips to reduce body fat percentage without having too great of a deficit? I already have trouble reaching the minimum daily calorie intake. I'm only trying to lose a few pounds as it is and then just maintain that weight. MFP says you're not supposed to have under 1200 net calories per day but how am I supposed to create a deficit, just make sure I'm burning at least 300 extra a day but stay at or above 1200?
  • lucygoosyyy
    Thank you, I'll try the grapefruit! I heard it was really good I just need to start purchasing them at the grocery store
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    What have you set your goal weight loss as? With only 6lbs to lose you should be aiming for a very small deficit and trying to lose 1/2lb per week.


    Is an excellent thread about setting your calorie goal.

    Don't stop running if you enjoy it, but maybe look into lifting weights as a supplement, it will help you maintain your lbm which means you'll look even better and avoid being skinny fat :bigsmile:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Thank you, I'll try the grapefruit! I heard it was really good I just need to start purchasing them at the grocery store

    Grapefruit juice is nice but won't do squat to help cellulite. I'll repeat. There is no magic food that helps cellulite.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've read that cellulite is also linked to lack of water.
    I used to have some, but them squats and gallons of water seem to have taken care of the nasty thing XD
  • lucygoosyyy
    What have you set your goal weight loss as? With only 6lbs to lose you should be aiming for a very small deficit and trying to lose 1/2lb per week.


    Is an excellent thread about setting your calorie goal.

    Don't stop running if you enjoy it, but maybe look into lifting weights as a supplement, it will help you maintain your lbm which means you'll look even better and avoid being skinny fat :bigsmile:

    I'll definitely read that when I get home, thank you for the advice it's actually really helpful. I'm trying to avoid the skinny fat thing because I hate it when I see it on others. I know I've gained muscle though because it's in my genetics to gain muscle quickly (and it usually comes in as bulky and not lean~I don't even do intense workouts that would provoke that)
    I range from 112-115 lbs but I'm trying to get from 105-108 because that's more suited for my height. Although my weight is in the healthy range already I'd just be happier if I was a bit slimmer. I'm 5' btw, I haven't checked if it shows that on my profile
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Only cream derived from rainbow unicorn poo collected from palm fronds in the lost city of Reolillorin will do.
  • lucygoosyyy
    I've read that cellulite is also linked to lack of water.
    I used to have some, but them squats and gallons of water seem to have taken care of the nasty thing XD

    I drink about 5-6 bottles a day on average, what do you recommend? I could probably also cut down even more on my processed sugars, although I don't have much in the first place.
  • lucygoosyyy
    Only cream derived from rainbow unicorn poo collected from palm fronds in the lost city of Reolillorin will do.

    Hahahah sarcasm for impossible? Lol it was worth a shot, but I guess I'll just have to try these methods and hope for the best..or just accept myself for the way I am. As it was mentioned earlier I'm probably the only one that notices ????
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    Only cream derived from rainbow unicorn poo collected from palm fronds in the lost city of Reolillorin will do.

    HA! Lucy, if you like grapefruit, by all means eat it.

    I'm sorry you were dealt the cellulite hand in life, but we all have something. Or multiple things that we don't like or want.

    It's genetic, grapefruit wont to a thing for it.

    You're young and beautiful. Enjoy that.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Only cream derived from rainbow unicorn poo collected from palm fronds in the lost city of Reolillorin will do.

    Hahahah sarcasm for impossible? Lol it was worth a shot, but I guess I'll just have to try these methods and hope for the best..or just accept myself for the way I am. As it was mentioned earlier I'm probably the only one that notices ????

    My other response was gonna be "HA, wait until you're 50!" ;) But I thought the unicorn was cuter.
  • Chokis
    Chokis Posts: 131
    Have you tried massaging those areas? Have you heard of dry brushing? Basically, you get a special brush (pretty rough bristle) and massage your problem areas in circular motion BEFORE you hit the shower on dry skin. It will help with blood circulation and overall skin appearance.

    I've also heard that you can do wet massages with coffee grinds and sea salt when you're in the shower. Something about caffeine that helps improve skin appearance and again improve blood circulation.
    I've also read about the use of coconut oil for the to reduce cellulite (as a massage oil).
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Sleep with honey on the problem areas. It will reduce it after about a week.
  • theepervette
    theepervette Posts: 638 Member
    if you get the suction part of a vacuum and put it on your cellulite it will suck it away. true story.