Bad weekend

Feeling crappy. Been super good for nearly 3 weeks and ate everything i shouldnt of fri-mon am. So once again fighting cravings and neesing to restore my will power. :(


  • BonnieDundee78
    BonnieDundee78 Posts: 158 Member
    Channel Ms Swift and "Shake It Off". Don't beat yourself up. :)
  • Lynn5707
    Lynn5707 Posts: 23 Member
    I did the same thing. Getting back on track today. I feel so much better when I'm. It eating junk - so am going to try and remove no myself of that. Keep up good work!
    CMNVA Posts: 733 Member
    It's very depressing when you do that, I know. Just make up your mind that today, you start again with discipline. It will be a little harder as you come off your "high", but hang in there. This is an important step in the long-term success--learning to get back on the horse again and again.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    breaking this idea of good and bad food is something that helped me - there is no food that is inherently bad, but its the proportions that can be - I factor fun stuff into my daily eating plan (including donut, ice cream, chocolate) and my go crazy weekends have reduced to almost zero
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I agree with Deanna about stopping the "good" and "bad" food ideas. I allow myself to eat what I want, within my calorie goals. I limit fried foods and extra sweets, but I haven't eliminated them. This weekend? Ate fried chicken, movie popcorn, candy, crescent rolls with sausage and cheese.. I logged it all, kept within my calorie goals and still lost a pound since Friday morning.

    If I tried to eliminate the yummy stuff just because it has more calories, I'd never make it long term. I'd end up binging.
  • xxharleyquinnxx
    xxharleyquinnxx Posts: 166 Member
    It's just been my birthday so pretty much from Wed-Sunday I ate way more than normal and allowed myself chocolate and booze (only allowed on special occasions) and have felt so bad about this but last night I prepped my breakfast, Overnight Quinoa, and just thought 'whats done is done, today is a new day' I already feel much better about myself despite my waist being an inch bigger, but you deserve a treat :) honestly you can find your fit self again :)
  • dpg2503
    dpg2503 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank u. When I lost two stone before years ago, I allowed myself a small treat each day. I have started that again after posting the above. I am extremely strict in logging my foods, I sometimes don't understand how supermarkets can say a low fat tuna sandwich is 300cals..... Mine would be more like 200! Either that or my fitness is being very kind to me lol :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited January 2017
    dpg2503 wrote: »
    Thank u. When I lost two stone before years ago, I allowed myself a small treat each day. I have started that again after posting the above. I am extremely strict in logging my foods, I sometimes don't understand how supermarkets can say a low fat tuna sandwich is 300cals..... Mine would be more like 200! Either that or my fitness is being very kind to me lol :)

    Bread alone can be a couple hundred calories...I'd say 300 calories for a sandwich is pretty good.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    dpg2503 wrote: »
    Feeling crappy. Been super good for nearly 3 weeks and ate everything i shouldnt of fri-mon am. So once again fighting cravings and neesing to restore my will power. :(

    If you think 'will power' is going to get the extra stone off, you will be disappointed. We humans do have this amazing "will power", but it is a diminishing resource. It works strongly, then it breaks. When the breaking of it coincides with a food binge, it prevents you being able to lose weight.

    If you make a deliberate plan to have foods you like and want within your calorie limits, you can do so without using will power. If you never use your will power, you don't have the unplanned binges. I recognize that is easier said than done, but several have already said that you can allow yourself to have the things you like and lose weight.
  • dpg2503
    dpg2503 Posts: 20 Member
    I train in one way or another 6 days a week, so I burn calories, and build muscle to burn more. I have no problem including foods I like, but my reference to will power is my actions to not eat 10 biscuits, or 3 Mars bars, 2 doughnuts etc. I comfort eat, never used to, but I've noticed the pattern. I have four kids 4-16 yrs...Stress is almost guaranteed.
    My weekend was bad, I ate a Chinese, pizza, KFC, sodas and 4 bars of chocolate in around 36 hrs. I wouldn't say it was a binge, more a ' couldn't be bothered to cook,and the super stressful Fri had me buying not 1 but 3 bars of chocolate'
    Will power may dimish, but often when a person has moved into a better frame of mind eg eating habits, exercise etc.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    dpg2503 wrote: »
    I train in one way or another 6 days a week, so I burn calories, and build muscle to burn more. I have no problem including foods I like, but my reference to will power is my actions to not eat 10 biscuits, or 3 Mars bars, 2 doughnuts etc. I comfort eat, never used to, but I've noticed the pattern. I have four kids 4-16 yrs...Stress is almost guaranteed.
    My weekend was bad, I ate a Chinese, pizza, KFC, sodas and 4 bars of chocolate in around 36 hrs. I wouldn't say it was a binge, more a ' couldn't be bothered to cook,and the super stressful Fri had me buying not 1 but 3 bars of chocolate'
    Will power may dimish, but often when a person has moved into a better frame of mind eg eating habits, exercise etc.

    Other than the 4 bars of chocolate, that sounds almost like my previous weekend.. but I kept it within my calorie allowance for the week. -- Note: "For the week" -- I eat a bit lower during the week so I can eat those yummy things when I want them on the weekend and don't feel like cooking. Rather than trying to hit goal every single day, I average it out and it's worked very well for me.