How much cardio do YOU do?



  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I love the outdoors, so walking, hiking, and running are my main cardio. I walk the dog 2-3 miles a day, with a longer hike once or twice a week. I run 5 days a week, for a total of 5-9 hours, depending on where I am in training. On running rest days, I'll sometimes do another hour, usually on a stationary bike.
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    I do minimum of 3 days of cardio 30-40 mins. I also add 3 days of weightlifting that has gone from 45 mins now to 90. I like to use the elliptical, take spinning class and arc trainer. When the weather gets nice my daughter and I run the local state park steps to the top of the gorge. There are over 800...we run the steps walk the flats, great workout!
  • mwickerh
    mwickerh Posts: 19 Member
    Except for short walks, I don't do cardio; just strength & yoga. I have weak lungs from a childhood disease and have a hard time breathing outside when it's cold or windy. Strength such as squats and lunges build muscle mass, while the yoga keeps from bulking up too much.
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    Almost zero lately. I focus on lifting (which I love) and walk/stroll on the dreadmill once or twice a week. The whole time I'm thinking "I wonder if a rack is open yet??"

    Although, I do a pretty fast lifting circuit of skullcrusher's, kettlebell swings, landmines, and goblet squats on most non-compound lift days. Does that count as cardio? If so, then Heck Yeah!! I do cardio about 3-4 times a week; if not....See afore mentioned treadmill response.
  • ajwcyclist2016
    ajwcyclist2016 Posts: 161 Member
    Generally I do 2 days strength of about 1 hour and 3 cycling of about 8-10 hours at the moment
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    My track record says I typically lift on two days, and do at least 20-30 minutes of something aerobic 3x a week, sometimes on the same days. There exists no exercise that I actually enjoy, so I tend to keep it short.
  • Lxftcoastenvy
    Lxftcoastenvy Posts: 11 Member
    I think it depends on what is fun for you. I used to do an hour of cardio every single day when was younger but now I only do it as a warm-up. High intensity on the stairmaster no slouching walk as if your on real stairs as fast and best you can and if my legs need a stretch interval inclines on treadmill at very fast walk but I never run. I literally only do about 10 minutes to warm up my body and I found I had much better results lifting heavy after my warm-up and Counting macros (adequate protein changed everything) then doing tons of cardio for weight loss. But like I said I now find lifting fun and I spend much less time in sessions with better results. To each their own.
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    brittcody wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    Purposeful cardio (Leslie Sansone videos) is 45 minutes - hour, 3/4 times a week. Of all the cardio I do, it's about 73 hours a week.

    Wait, 73 HOURS a week?!

    I walk while watching movies instead of sitting on my butt watching movies. I'd rather be sitting, but I like food.

    I walk while I'm reading. My husband thinks it's hilarious, but the calories really do add up (and there are studies to support the idea that sitting for long periods isn't that great for us).

    Are you listening to audio books? I usually read 100-200 books a year but I can't do audio books (can't focus). If I could figure out how to physically read though and walk at the same time I may be more open to this whole cardio thing :D

    Audio books are the ONLY way I can get through cardio! Now that I'm back to cutting calories I'm doing 3-4 cardio sessions/week. If it's a lifting day, no more than 30 minutes. If it's just a cardio day (only 1 of those/week) I may do up to 45 minutes. The majority of the cardio I do is intervals on the Stairmaster. I'll throw in a Jillian Michaels or Insanity video on a day I can't make it to the gym.
  • WhitneyDurham777
    WhitneyDurham777 Posts: 71 Member
    I normally do about 12 hours of cardio a week 90% indoors, but every once in a while.uueyfeka8jlr.jpg
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    @WhitneyDurham777 more pics please!!
  • WhitneyDurham777
    WhitneyDurham777 Posts: 71 Member
    So here are a few more pics of my neck of the woods. Two are of the last outdoor runs for me of the season. The rest are just playing in the snow.nbrsea52rlki.jpg
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    5-7 days. Between 4 and 20 hours per week.

    And cause we are doing photos:
    Last couple years, I worked close to this trail. I'd ski it at lunch during the winter, and run it year round (not when snow covered, I stick to roads then)

    Other cardio:

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Currently 10-12hrs of cardio per week. In a marathon training block until March, so 5 runs, 2 bikes, 2 swims, plus 1 strength session weekly. Starting in April, the training mix shifts to build more bike and swim fitness for triathlons.