Psychologically handling the new me



  • jagodfrey08
    jagodfrey08 Posts: 425 Member
    I know how you feel. I was just telling my husband the same thing today. I have lost almost 45 lbs, and it is really hard for me not to see the 203 lb me in the mirror. Just take it a day at a time. Body dysmorphia is hard to overcome, and sometimes talking to a professional can help. You have made a significant change in your life, and sometimes it's hard for our psyche to catch up. :) You look amazing!!
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Oh boy...I know what you mean!

    My loss has been pretty gradual, taking me nearly 3 yrs. But it's the last 40 pounds that really have everyone noticing my changed body.

    I'm finally starting to FEEL thinner too. But in my mind's eye..I still see myself as nearly 300 pounds. When clothes shopping it's still weird to see these tiny looking clothes, knowing that YES, they ARE going to fit my new smaller body. When folding clean laundry I sometimes chuckle when I see how small my clothes now look in comparison to what they used to,lol!

    But something you said is interesting...that "the mirror lied to you" even when you WERE your heaviest- so perhaps you really do have a dysmorphic view of yourself?

    I too never thought I looked morbidly obese when I saw my mirror reflection...but oh man, when I saw myself in photographs I was mortified! WHO IS THAT my mind asked? Now when I see pictures I'm seeing myself as OTHERS are seeing me too.

    Just give it some more time...really look at your new smaller self. I've heard it can take several years until our brains catch up with our new body's look.

    As for maintenance...don't fear it! I was so worried about it approaching and that somehow it was the 'end' of something and that from then on it was all about fighting regaining. I gave this a lot of thought and realized I am a different person now. I am a thinner person who will just continue on with what I've learned to do these last three years; monitor what I'm eating, make certain I'm getting daily activity, and ENJOY being fitter and healthier!

    Congratulations on your incredible weight loss. And, you look FABULOUS! Believe it!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    You, I, and many others have lost a lot of weight. Those who went before me say that it takes time for the brain to catch up to the body, but it will. I wait.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    You really do look incredible! Well done.
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    edited January 2017
    Oh and for the record the woman in the after photo does NOT look fat. You just look like an average sized person, not especially big or small.
  • Laurie6578
    Laurie6578 Posts: 154 Member
    You lo.ok fabulous! Wow!
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    edited February 2017
    I'm sorry that I can't say much to the psychological aspect, but I will say that your before and after definitely show a different you, and you look awesome! :smiley:

    ETA: I will add that, like another poster above, I've had a little bit of the opposite feeling. I've been fairly thin my whole life, but had let things go in the past 10 years or so. I got up to about 30 pounds above my lowest adult weight, but somehow had told myself that I wasn't really that heavy. Now that I've lost about 18 pounds, I look back at those "heavy" pictures and can't believe I didn't realize how bad I looked.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Congrats on your success. As far as your feelings, we've all gone through and at some point your new reality is going to hit you and you're going to realize you're not the person that you think you were.

    I started January 1st 2016 at 288 pounds by mid September 2016 I was down to 208. I've had numerous people I don't know compliments me on the way I look during conversations in grocery stores where they've called me skinny or when looking for clothes they said what are you doing here you need an athletic cut.

    When I looked in the mirror I always saw the fat man looking back at me even though the mirror showed something totally different. I remember one time walking into the bathroom and of the big box stores and I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I said what the hell is wrong with that mirror and then it hit me that's the new me.

    You'll eventually get to the point when you can look in the mirror and go I am skinny and they are right

  • nurseangelamomof5boys
    You look great congrats on your success
  • jadevalentine
    jadevalentine Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2017
    I loved this thread. I completely have felt both ways, I don't know why I can't fit in a 10, I'm not fat to oh, how can I fit in a 10 now when I'm still so fat. Our brains really do a number on us in both scenarios. You look amazing in both photos actually. I can tell that your true beauty is on the inside. :smiley:16839606.png