Sad Hungry



  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    edited January 2017
    I suffer with depression issues. It was worse in my 20's. it would make me so angry that my emotions were not my own. I had no reason to be sad.. (other than a cheating husband but who cares about that? I'm not the first to be go through that and I won't be the last).. especially looking at those who had much more severe issues in life.

    I finally got so pissed one day I started yelling at my self for being an idiot. I did this every every time I felt the depression about to hit or even having taken hold and bullied myself into counting my blessings. (Yeah so, on a craziness scale I should probably be committed and drawing happy faces with my drool on a padded wall somewhere, heavily medicated).. But.. it worked. It took a few months but it actually worked. I trained myself to instantly work out my issues and look for the positive in life. And for about 6 years I was unstoppable. Got into college, volunteered my time, was looking GOOD..

    4 years ago something horrible happened to my then 10 yo daughter that put our entire family through hell. I have been suffering with ptsd ever since. I gained over 100 lbs. Its only recently I have been able to step out of my slump and start working on me again. My daughter is a strong little girl but she still has random nightmares and crawls onto my lap in the middle of the night. Life goes on and we both are doing this together. Neither of us want therapy or pills to solve our problems. I tried sending my daughter .. but the therapist said it was doing more harm than good and let her decide when she wants it. She is a lot like me. We find comfort in overcoming our own obstacles.

    But that isn't to say it wouldn't benefit you! These people are in this field for a reason. Because they have been there and know what it's like and can help others going through the same thing. They want to help others. Anyone who wants to ease the suffering of others deserve medals. You can try it for a while and see if they can help you. But also do your own soul searching. It can help.
  • ActionAnnieJXN
    ActionAnnieJXN Posts: 116 Member
    edited January 2017
    OP, I understand where you are coming from. I go through periods of sadness too, where it's hard to stay focused and motivated. Do you by any chance ever watch My 600 lb Life? This may seem silly, but that show helps me get myself back on track if I start to falter or wallow in self-pity or sadness. Those people are fighting such a tremendous battle against obesity that it makes me kind of get a grip and think, "C'mon, Annie, pull it together, we're gonna do this, we aren't gonna go down that path and throw away life for food, get up and go make that salad and ride that bike." Life is worth it. Every moment; every breath is precious. Hang in there. Don't give up.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited January 2017
    TmacMMM wrote: »
    I had to euthanize my 14yo cat yesterday, so I'm on the sad train too. I'm an emotional eater and I tend to just lie in bed when depressed, so I needed a plan for when sad stuff inevitably happens.

    1) I always have some calories saved back so I can be more relaxed about my intake occasionally without blowing my progress. And I try to figure what is just enough to enjoy. I had pizza last night, but a veggie one, not my usual meatlovers.

    2) I got dressed straight into my workout clothes in the morning, and just wore them until I was ready to actually do it. I know I always feel better during exercise, because it's distracting, and after, because endorphins and a feeling of accomplishment. It worked. All that depth breathing. I still cried later, but at least I knew my day wasn't all bad.

    Lastly, don't let the *kittens* get you down. Feel your feelings, cope as you can, and work on climbing out of it a little at a time. *Hugs*

    Thank you for this post, especially the bold part. It helps to appreciate the good. Best to you, OP.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Watch fern gully and indulge within my calories

    Or have a cheat meal

    Or cry to my mom

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I want to eat something. I want to smoke a cigarette. How do you resist the urge to be unhealthy when you're sad?

    Long walks in nature are my # 1 go to but any activity that gets the happy hormones flowing.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    This video always makes me smile

    When i'm feeling sad I'll hire one of my favourite movies, or binge watch my fave tv series.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    I just took a hot bath and am now practicing some self-care by watching old Star Treks. Don't judge. :)